[Cryptech Core] 1st draft agenda for Berlin

Leif Johansson leifj at sunet.se
Wed Jun 8 14:19:22 UTC 2016

So assuming the demo-gods keep smiling at us... and with the wind
in our backs... I've taken the AI to start to put together an agenda
for Berlin:

Unlike last time I think we have to rely on the participants using
their laptops to run the "payload" that talks to the cryptech device.


- Introductions and setup
- Presentation of the cryptech alpha device
- Hands-on testing
  * client docker images/VMs on participants own laptops
  * we provide
    + documentation for initialization etc
    + a (set of?) possible scenarios, eg opendnssec to test
  * profit
- Joint dinner ?


- Hands-on testing continues
  * do we need backup goals for participants
- Wrap-up workshop by min-afternoon
- Next-steps-for-the-project meeting (Phil organizes)
  * mostly the core-team with the addition of a few addl folks

Phil is tracking folks who are designated alpha testers & who
will be sent home from Berlin with a box. Most likely those
boxes will be ordered from crowdsupply even if we do the
"shipping" by hand in Berlin.

What did I miss?

	Cheers Leif

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