[Cryptech Core] invitations for Berlin workshop

Heather Flanagan hlf at sphericalcowconsulting.com
Thu Jun 2 19:29:55 UTC 2016

On 6/2/16 12:25 PM, Phil Roberts wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m tracking the folks who have agreed to be alpha testers and inviting
> them to the Berlin workshop.  I think there will be 10 of those folks
> there.  Leif suggested I ask here about who else to invite – people who
> are not alpha testers, but who have an interest in what is going on with
> the project.  I plan to tell them it is a hands-on work meeting, of
> course, but, are there others who we should invite who won’t be part of
> the alpha tester group?  I’m happy to reach out to those folks once I
> know who the group should include.

Perhaps send that list of 10 here so we know who is expected?


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