[Cryptech Core] nit: reset low or high

Paul Selkirk paul at psgd.org
Thu Mar 12 04:23:44 UTC 2015

On 03/11/2015 03:51 AM, Павел Шатов wrote:
> As Peter has already pointed out, external reset signals coming to an
> FPGA are in virtually all cases active-low. On the other hand all Xilinx
> IP cores and primitives have active-high reset inputs, so it makes sense
> to make all internal reset inputs and outputs active-high for
> consistency. This strategy leads to a very simple rule: the only
> active-low reset (if there is one) should be in the top-level module,
> where external ports are declared, all the other resets should be
> active-high.

Thank you, you correctly interpreted my question. If we're using macros
or IP that expect active-high reset, that's a technical reason to prefer
active-high within the cores.

On 03/11/2015 05:04 AM, Joachim Strömbergson wrote:
> We had this discussion before and decided on active low reset.
> The cores used to also have asynch reset, but since the cores are
> primarily for FPGAs having synch reset is ok.

I don't recall the conversation about reset levels, so I apologize for
rehashing it. I do vaguely recall a conversation about synch vs asynch
reset, but I didn't have an informed opinion then (nor do I now).

> We can change all other cores, but I'd rather keep the cores active
> low and if needed (as in Xilinx) just invert the reset signal before
> feeding the CT sub system.

So we have one vote for active-high, and one for active-low. I'm not an
FPGA guy, so I don't have a strong opinion, but I know inconsistency
when I see it, so I do have a strong opinion that it should be one or
the other.


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