[Cryptech Core] porn

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Sat Jul 11 22:38:29 UTC 2015

i am trying to develop a slide set with a deeper dive than previously.
the ietf audiences will be
  o workshop
  o saag (think ekr)
  o cfrg (interested in algs)

i figure it comes in pieces such as
  1 the usual layer cake and top down
  2 implementation layer cake
  3 details of each pices, probably bottom up
  4 where to go for more
  5 and russ/leif/... will want a donations page

looking at 2, i have a starting sketch, with the idea of putting up
something wrong so y'all will fix it.  see appended.

any ideas on 3?  i think we need to describe each alg and the
implementation alg choices.

i will meet with heather in the next couple of days and try to get some
better organization of the wiki or whatever.  this should help with 4.

other ideas or details much appreciated.


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