[Cryptech Tech] coretest_hashes now with much higher performance

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Fri May 9 14:05:40 UTC 2014

>> fwiw, i have arranged (for real) to borrow a vt100 for the
>> ietf/toronto terminal room, so the damned terminal room has an actual
>> terminal.  i had planned to hook it up to a pi with a guest account
>> and net access. i could instead kludge it up to my terasic cyclone.
>> is there something we can demo to the curious to promote cryptech?
> The big issue is being able to send and receive coretest commands.

i guess we could put the pi between the vt100 and the cyclone.  getting

> One could probably build a variant of the RNG when it starts working
> to have it automatically generate a continiuos stream of data on a
> serial port.  Then you could hook it up to a terminal and get nice,
> randomness directly. Would that be useful?

i would hate to push the dev of the rng for a dog or a pony.  we are
talking a bit over two monts away.

> I think the question is important though. I suggest that we try and
> come up with some Dog & Pony shows that are easy to start up and able
> to demostrate what we do.

it may pretty obscure stuff until we get the stack up to the red layer.
takes a very educated palate.


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