[Cryptech Core] info about commons conservancy

Peter Stuge peter at stuge.se
Thu Sep 20 12:54:25 UTC 2018

Stephen Farrell wrote:
> As I said above we plan to discuss this and hopefully
> make a decision at the f2f meeting

I'd like to already now propose the option to start a gGmbH in Germany.

gGmbH is short for "gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung" -
ie. a group of people working in the public interest.

Founding a regular GmbH (which I *don't* propose, but I expect to be
procedurally similar) merely requires shareholders to meet and sign
the shareholder agreement before a German notary.

That shareholder agreement establishes what's possible and not, among
other things if and how shares can be transfered.

Anyone can be a shareholder and anyone can be an executive officer,
I have no preference about who within the core group has what role(s),
as long as the group continues to work the way it has so far.

The killer feature of a gGmbH is that CrypTech remains independent,
enabling the project to focus on its goals, without ties to
organizations and individuals with a possibly different focus.

Overhead costs are probably on the order of 2k EUR per year, so not
very significant, but I still want to speak with an accountant about that.

It is hopefully obvious to everyone how utterly bad it makes both you
and the project as a whole look, if you in fact support moving the legal
home of this security-related project to an organization with staff in
favor of electronic voting systems.

That goes directly against the values of both open source and security,
and quite frankly disqualify CrypTech outright in its mission. That would
be a really unneccessary mistake.

Kind regards


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