[Cryptech Core] info about commons conservancy

Stephen Farrell stephen.farrell at cs.tcd.ie
Fri Oct 5 11:59:19 UTC 2018

On 04/10/18 20:37, Leif Johansson wrote:
>> On 2018-10-04 18:06, Peter Stuge wrote:
>> To me it makes no sense compared to a simple structure with which the
>> project is more flexible and more independent.
> I find that I have to remind you of the fact that our current host
> wants us gone this year. The combination Commons Conservancy and
> NLNet foundation provide a home for our money and a way to do
> contracts regardless of what other services they might provide.
> Having a company in germany means we have to contract for legal
> and admin services. Without the benefit of scale this would raise
> our overhead beyond where we can afford to keep paying developers.
> Unless you have other options this discussion is getting very
> repetitive..

I agree with Leif. Given that the people physically
present at the f2f agreed to go ahead with the CC
thing, it's time to move on and do that.

I hope and expect we'll all (incl. Peter) find it
suits us almost as well as having Nordunet mind and
account for project donations. If we do find issues
with being in CC-land then we'll handle those as
usual, based on the consensus of the project.

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