[Cryptech Core] Alpha documentation

Peter Stuge peter at stuge.se
Wed May 25 15:39:23 UTC 2016

Fredrik Thulin wrote:
> > > * All the hardware on the Alpha board
> > 
> > Other topic, but is part of that to write software for validating the
> > hardware in depth? Things like exercising the power supplies by
> > switching things on and off (quickly) with some test patterns.
> It is a good idea for someone to do, but perhaps it is beyond the
> scope of the guys making the reference design?  Maybe that is a
> work item left for the ones that want to make a product out of the
> reference design?

That's very optimistic - many product people just copy and paste.

More importantly, if the board fails under some switching load then
it may fail completely randomly once used for the actual

It will be more difficult to debug that later if it's a hardware issue.

> What I do know is that we can't spend time on in-depth validation
> before Berlin =).

I think it would be about a day or two worth of effort.

Is it better to know whether the hardware works reliably if stressed
ASAP, or later during the demo in Berlin? ;)


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