[Cryptech Core] Berlin slides on software and packaging

Rob Austein sra at hactrn.net
Thu Jul 14 13:14:04 UTC 2016

At Thu, 14 Jul 2016 12:13:52 +0200, Fredrik Thulin wrote:
> On torsdag 14 juli 2016 kl. 12:09:32 CEST Rob Austein wrote:
> > APT itself gets very grumpy if one attempts to use HTTPS.
> I think you just need to install apt-transport-https first - at least on 
> Ubuntu.

Think I tried that and it failed.  Will retry at some point.

> > Seriously, that was part of the point of cryptech_miniterm.  But I
> > guess I can add a note warning that if one is going to use something
> > else that something else had better support 921600 baud.
> Linus Debian Jessie had too old python-serial for that cryptech_miniterm thing 
> to work. Haven't tried it myself - I'm happy enough with picocom.

Hmm.  I backported python-serial 3.1 for Jessie, it's in the same
repository.  Guess apt-get didn't pick up on that (possibly because I
didn't specify a minimum required version number for python-serial in

picocom works on Linux, but, sadly, not on OSX, not at 921600.

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