[Cryptech Core] saturday agenda

Leif Johansson leifj at sunet.se
Sat Jun 27 13:20:51 UTC 2015

very good work!

27 jun 2015 kl. 11:29 skrev Jakob Schlyter <jakob at kirei.se>:

>>> - memory cards (SD?) if they want to bring their results back home?
>> can't just send over the intertubes?
> If they've borrowed a novena and set it up, why not just pop their own SD card out, bring home and pop into their own shiny novana once they got one?
>>> - logic analyzer?
>>> - JTAG interface?
>> extreme
> we like extrem. still optional.
>> - cookies for the team?
>> yes!
> not optional. or at least a SHOULD or RECOMMENDED.
>    jakob
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