[Cryptech Core] modexp optimization plans (was: Re: teleconf?)

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Fri Jun 19 20:20:59 UTC 2015

>> We've created enough buzz now around the project and if we can show
>> something tangible and sufficiently exciting at IETF we have a chance
>> to take this further.
> and joachim is scaring me to death

apologies to joachim.

to be clear.  i do not mean to dis joachim.  but having a critical core
engineer go off for two months two weeks before the big (delayed)
delivery is a recipe for project disaster.  yes, i realize you swedes do
this 'holiday' thing, the project is at a do-or-die point.

[ and i am in wobbly shape myself, just out of hospital and waiting for
  a kidney stone to pass ]


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