[Cryptech Core] Fwd: novena dev kits for praha

Fredrik Thulin fredrik at thulin.net
Tue Jun 9 18:17:22 UTC 2015

On Tuesday, June 09, 2015 11:06:34 AM Randy Bush wrote:
> users will also need a tiny "noise board" (diode entropy source) that
> fredrik makes.  we can ship those from s'holm for those anxious to get
> going.  or, as they are tiny, we can bring to praha.  but detailed
> instructions for loading code/bitstream/... may not be ready until
> praha.

I am on-track for bringing Novena + USB-R-Pi noise boards to Prague.

I'm setting up relations with a company Jakob S told me about that does small-
series manufacturing.

The sales guy is a bit slow with this e-mail thing - will call him again 


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