[Cryptech Core] meeting 28th and 29th

Basil Dolmatov dol at reedcat.net
Tue Jul 22 20:31:01 UTC 2014


@mobile iPad

> 22 июля 2014 г., в 23:46, Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se> написал(а):
> Hash: SHA256
> Aloha!
> Leif Johansson wrote:
>>> My plan is to adapt xobs's novena-ws2312b-fpga project to talk
>>> directly to the SHA-1 core (and later the SHA-256 and SHA-512
>>> cores) over the I2C interface. Briefly, I2C is a 2-wire serial bus
>>> with its own device addressing scheme, so this would replace the
>>> uart and coretest bits of the coretest_hashes project.
>> Is that how the fpga is connected then? Interesting...
> No. The main application interface between the ARM CPU and the FPGA is
> the EBM interface. It is a wide, low latency memory like interface
> suitable for adding application specific coprocessors to the CPU. It is
> the interface Bunnie and xobs intend to use to do useful stuff with the
> FPGA on Novena. We should support the development of the necessary SW
> and HW design to allow easy implementation of custom application HW for
> Novena.
> Building a Cryptech HSM with the upper layers in SW on the CPU and HW in
> the FPGA connected via I2C will not be useful for many of the use cases.
> The latency just to get data back and forth between the CPU and FPGA
> will make any performance requirements basically impossible to meet.
> But starting with I2C is not wrong at all. It will allow us to start
> testing Cryptech HW and SW interaction on Novena. But I really think
> that we should focus on the EBM interface quite soon.
> - -- 
> Med vänlig hälsning, Yours
> Joachim Strömbergson - Alltid i harmonisk svängning.
> ========================================================================
> Joachim Strömbergson          Secworks AB          joachim at secworks.se
> ========================================================================
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> =OGiC
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