[Cryptech Core] core@ vs. tech@ (was git, again)

Linus Nordberg linus at nordberg.se
Mon Feb 3 11:57:53 UTC 2014

Randy Bush <randy at psg.com> wrote
Mon, 03 Feb 2014 19:45:32 +0900:

| >>> (Should this be in core or tech btw, Linus?)
| >> openness
| > Yes, but @core or @tech?
| sorry.  tech is open, joining and archive.  core is not.  so i was
| suggesting tech.

For clarity, core@ has open archives too [0].

I don't understand the separation and don't know what kind of
discussions it would make sense to to have on core@ rather than tech at .

[0] https://cryptech.is/pipermail/core/

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