[Cryptech-Commits] [core/util/keywrap] 43/95: Fixed memory word order. Fixed a number of bugs. First block encrypted correctly. A state is wrong and memory is read too far.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Wed Mar 25 17:18:42 UTC 2020

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

paul at psgd.org pushed a commit to branch master
in repository core/util/keywrap.

commit 6b15816bff4c0c3ab22bf6d8185da48a263f7727
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
AuthorDate: Thu Jul 5 09:58:39 2018 +0200

    Fixed memory word order. Fixed a number of bugs. First block encrypted correctly. A state is wrong and memory is read too far.
 src/rtl/keywrap.v      |  4 ++--
 src/rtl/keywrap_core.v | 18 ++++++------------
 src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v  |  2 +-
 src/tb/tb_keywrap.v    | 22 +++++++++++++++-------
 4 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/keywrap.v b/src/rtl/keywrap.v
index 3117f61..69295ed 100644
--- a/src/rtl/keywrap.v
+++ b/src/rtl/keywrap.v
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ module keywrap(
               if ((address >= ADDR_KEY0) && (address <= ADDR_KEY7))
                 key_we = 1'h1;
-              if (address <= ADDR_R_DATA0 && address <= ADDR_R_DATA127)
+              if (address >= ADDR_R_DATA0 && address <= ADDR_R_DATA127)
                 core_api_we = 1'h1;
             end // if (we)
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ module keywrap(
               if (address == ADDR_A1)
                 tmp_read_data = core_a_result[31 : 0];
-              if (address <= ADDR_R_DATA0 && address <= ADDR_R_DATA127)
+              if (address >= ADDR_R_DATA0 && address <= ADDR_R_DATA127)
                 tmp_read_data = core_api_rd_data;
diff --git a/src/rtl/keywrap_core.v b/src/rtl/keywrap_core.v
index e7b7749..07a079b 100644
--- a/src/rtl/keywrap_core.v
+++ b/src/rtl/keywrap_core.v
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ module keywrap_core (
   reg            aes_init;
   reg            aes_next;
   wire           aes_ready;
+  wire           aes_valid;
   reg  [127 : 0] aes_block;
   wire [127 : 0] aes_result;
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ module keywrap_core (
-               .result_valid()
+               .result_valid(aes_valid)
@@ -351,7 +352,10 @@ module keywrap_core (
                 ready_we              = 1'h1;
                 valid_new             = 1'h0;
                 valid_we              = 1'h1;
-                keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_NEXT_START;
+                init_a                = 1'h1;
+                block_ctr_rst         = 1'h1;
+                iteration_ctr_rst     = 1'h1;
+                keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_NEXT_LOOP;
                 keywrap_core_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
@@ -376,16 +380,6 @@ module keywrap_core (
-          begin
-            init_a                = 1'h1;
-            block_ctr_rst         = 1'h1;
-            iteration_ctr_rst     = 1'h1;
-            keywrap_core_ctrl_new = CTRL_NEXT_LOOP;
-            keywrap_core_ctrl_we  = 1'h1;
-          end
             aes_next              = 1'h1;
diff --git a/src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v b/src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v
index d31c76c..dc08bab 100644
--- a/src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v
+++ b/src/rtl/keywrap_mem.v
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ module keywrap_mem (
   // Assignments for ports.
   assign api_rd_data    = muxed_api_rd_data;
-  assign core_rd_data   = {core_rd_data1, core_rd_data0};
+  assign core_rd_data   = {core_rd_data0, core_rd_data1};
diff --git a/src/tb/tb_keywrap.v b/src/tb/tb_keywrap.v
index 6b553ab..2cabca3 100644
--- a/src/tb/tb_keywrap.v
+++ b/src/tb/tb_keywrap.v
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ module tb_keywrap();
   task dump_mem(integer n);
     begin : dump_mem
       integer i;
-      for (i  = 0 ; i < n ; i = i + 2)
+      for (i  = 0 ; i < n ; i = i + 1)
         $display("mem0[0x%06x] = 0x%08x  mem1[0x%06x] = 0x%08x",
                  i, dut.core.mem.mem0[i], i, dut.core.mem.mem1[i]);
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ module tb_keywrap();
           $display("top level state:");
           $display("init_reg  = 0x%x next_reg   = 0x%x", dut.init_reg, dut.next_reg);
           $display("endec_reg = 0x%x keylen_reg = 0x%x", dut.encdec_reg, dut.keylen_reg);
-          $display("rlen_reg  = 0x%06x", dut.rlen_reg);
+          $display("rlen_reg  = 0x%06x  r_bank_reg  = 0x%06x", dut.rlen_reg, dut.r_bank_reg);
           $display("a0_reg    = 0x%08x  a1_reg  = 0x%08x", dut.a0_reg, dut.a1_reg);
@@ -257,22 +257,33 @@ module tb_keywrap();
           $display("core level state:");
           $display("init   = 0x%0x  next = 0x%0x  ready = 0x%0x  valid = 0x%0x",
                    dut.core.init, dut.core.next, dut.core.ready, dut.core.valid);
+          $display("api_we = 0x%0x  api_addr = 0x%0x  api_wr_data = 0x%0x  api_rd_data = 0x%0x",
+                   dut.core.api_we, dut.core.api_addr, dut.core.api_wr_data, dut.core.api_rd_data);
           $display("rlen   = 0x%0x", dut.core.rlen);
           $display("key    = 0x%0x", dut.core.key);
           $display("a_init = 0x%0x  a_result = 0x%0x", dut.core.a_init, dut.core.a_result);
           $display("update_state = 0x%0x", dut.core.update_state);
           $display("a_reg  = 0x%0x  a_new = 0x%0x  a_we = 0x%0x",
                    dut.core.a_reg, dut.core.a_new, dut.core.a_we);
-          $display("aes_block = 0x%0x  aes_result = 0x%0x",
-                   dut.core.aes_block, dut.core.aes_result);
           $display("core_we = 0x%0x  core_addr = 0x%0x",
                    dut.core.core_we, dut.core.block_ctr_reg);
           $display("core_rd_data = 0x%0x  core_wr_data = 0x%0x ",
                    dut.core.core_rd_data, dut.core.core_wr_data);
+          $display("aes_ready = 0x%0x  aes_valid = 0x%0x",
+                   dut.core.aes_ready, dut.core.aes_valid);
+          $display("aes_init = 0x%0x  aes_next = 0x%0x",
+                   dut.core.aes_init, dut.core.aes_next);
+          $display("aes_block = 0x%0x  aes_result = 0x%0x",
+                   dut.core.aes_block, dut.core.aes_result);
+          $display("");
           $display("block_ctr_reg = 0x%0x  iteration_ctr_reg = 0x%0x",
                    dut.core.block_ctr_reg, dut.core.iteration_ctr_reg);
           $display("keywrap_core_ctrl_reg = 0x%0x", dut.core.keywrap_core_ctrl_reg);
@@ -363,9 +374,6 @@ module tb_keywrap();
       write_word(ADDR_KEY3,   32'ha8d77e3d);
       write_word(ADDR_CONFIG, 32'h00000001);
-      $display("* State after key has been set:");
-      dump_dut_state();
       // Initialize the AES engine (to expand the key).
       // Wait for init to complete.

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