[Cryptech-Commits] [core/pkey/ed25519] 03/04: Added support for add/subtract opcodes.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Mon Oct 15 13:18:10 UTC 2018

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meisterpaul1 at yandex.ru pushed a commit to branch master
in repository core/pkey/ed25519.

commit 7df34f4b491dac71b4301828bdda6a6f9d8eecd6
Author: Pavel V. Shatov (Meister) <meisterpaul1 at yandex.ru>
AuthorDate: Mon Oct 15 15:53:31 2018 +0300

    Added support for add/subtract opcodes.
 rtl/ed25519_settings.vh |   2 +
 rtl/ed25519_worker.v    | 276 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 265 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rtl/ed25519_settings.vh b/rtl/ed25519_settings.vh
index 08fe8af..1ab492f 100644
--- a/rtl/ed25519_settings.vh
+++ b/rtl/ed25519_settings.vh
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 `define ED25519_MAC16_PRIMITIVE     mac16_generic
 `define ED25519_ADD47_PRIMITIVE     adder47_generic
+`define ED25519_ADD32_PRIMITIVE     adder32_generic
+`define ED25519_SUB32_PRIMITIVE     subtractor32_generic
diff --git a/rtl/ed25519_worker.v b/rtl/ed25519_worker.v
index df99f61..be8152e 100644
--- a/rtl/ed25519_worker.v
+++ b/rtl/ed25519_worker.v
@@ -40,7 +40,20 @@ module ed25519_worker
     clk, rst_n,
     ena, rdy,
-    uop_offset
+    uop_offset,
+    final_reduce,
+    handle_sign,
+    output_now,
+    y_addr, y_dout, y_wren,
+    debug_dump_now,
+    debug_dump_addr1,
+    debug_dump_addr2,
+    debug_dump_addr3,
+    debug_dump_addr4,
+    debug_dump_addr5,
+    debug_dump_addr6,
+    debug_dump_addr7,
+    debug_dump_addr8
@@ -60,6 +73,24 @@ module ed25519_worker
     output  rdy;    // ready output
     input [UOP_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] uop_offset;  // starting offset
+    input   final_reduce;   // use regular (not double) modulus
+    input   handle_sign;    // handle sign of x
+    input   output_now;     // produce output    
+    output  [ 2: 0] y_addr;
+    output  [31: 0] y_dout;
+    output          y_wren;
+    input debug_dump_now;
+    input [6:0] debug_dump_addr1;
+    input [6:0] debug_dump_addr2;
+    input [6:0] debug_dump_addr3;
+    input [6:0] debug_dump_addr4;
+    input [6:0] debug_dump_addr5;
+    input [6:0] debug_dump_addr6;
+    input [6:0] debug_dump_addr7;
+    input [6:0] debug_dump_addr8;
@@ -94,6 +125,9 @@ module ed25519_worker
     wire [5:0] uop_data_operand_dst   = uop_data[0 + 0*6 +: 6];
     wire uop_data_opcode_is_stop = uop_data_opcode[4];
+    wire uop_data_opcode_is_mul  = uop_data_opcode[3];
+    wire uop_data_opcode_is_sub  = uop_data_opcode[2];
+    wire uop_data_opcode_is_add  = uop_data_opcode[1];
     wire uop_data_opcode_is_copy = uop_data_opcode[0];
     ed25519_microcode microcode
@@ -142,17 +176,144 @@ module ed25519_worker
         .x_din      (mw_mover_x_din),
         .y_dout     (mw_mover_y_dout)
+    //
+    // Modular Multiplier
+    //
+    reg  mod_mul_ena = 1'b0;
+    wire mod_mul_rdy;
+    wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0]   mod_mul_a_addr;
+    wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0]   mod_mul_b_addr;
+    wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0]   mod_mul_p_addr;
+    wire [                32-1:0]   mod_mul_a_din;
+    wire [                32-1:0]   mod_mul_b_din;
+    wire [                32-1:0]   mod_mul_p_dout;
+    wire                            mod_mul_p_wren;
+    ed25519_modular_multiplier mod_mul_inst
+    (
+        .clk        (clk),
+        .rst_n      (rst_n),
+        .ena        (mod_mul_ena),
+        .rdy        (mod_mul_rdy),
+        .a_addr     (mod_mul_a_addr),
+        .b_addr     (mod_mul_b_addr),
+        .p_addr     (mod_mul_p_addr),
+        .p_wren     (mod_mul_p_wren),
+        .a_din      (mod_mul_a_din),
+        .b_din      (mod_mul_b_din),
+        .p_dout     (mod_mul_p_dout)
+    );
+    //
+    // Modular Adder
+    //
+    reg  mod_add_ena = 1'b0;
+    wire mod_add_rdy;
+    wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0]   mod_add_ab_addr;
+    wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0]   mod_add_n_addr;
+    wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0]   mod_add_s_addr;
+    wire [                32-1:0]   mod_add_a_din;
+    wire [                32-1:0]   mod_add_b_din;
+    reg  [                32-1:0]   mod_add_n_din;
+    wire [                32-1:0]   mod_add_s_dout;
+    wire                            mod_add_s_wren;
+    mod_adder #
+    (
+    )
+    mod_add_inst
+    (
+        .clk        (clk),
+        .rst_n      (rst_n),
+        .ena        (mod_add_ena),
+        .rdy        (mod_add_rdy),
+        .ab_addr    (mod_add_ab_addr),
+        .n_addr     (mod_add_n_addr),
+        .s_addr     (mod_add_s_addr),
+        .s_wren     (mod_add_s_wren),
+        .a_din      (mod_add_a_din),
+        .b_din      (mod_add_b_din),
+        .n_din      (mod_add_n_din),
+        .s_dout     (mod_add_s_dout)
+    );
+    //
+    // Modular Subtractor
+    //
+    reg  mod_sub_ena = 1'b0;
+    wire mod_sub_rdy;
+    wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0]   mod_sub_ab_addr;
+    wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0]   mod_sub_n_addr;
+    wire [WORD_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0]   mod_sub_d_addr;
+    wire [                32-1:0]   mod_sub_a_din;
+    wire [                32-1:0]   mod_sub_b_din;
+    reg  [                32-1:0]   mod_sub_n_din;
+    wire [                32-1:0]   mod_sub_d_dout;
+    wire                            mod_sub_d_wren;
+    mod_subtractor #
+    (
+    )
+    mod_sub_inst
+    (
+        .clk        (clk),
+        .rst_n      (rst_n),
+        .ena        (mod_sub_ena),
+        .rdy        (mod_sub_rdy),
+        .ab_addr    (mod_sub_ab_addr),
+        .n_addr     (mod_sub_n_addr),
+        .d_addr     (mod_sub_d_addr),
+        .d_wren     (mod_sub_d_wren),
+        .a_din      (mod_sub_a_din),
+        .b_din      (mod_sub_b_din),
+        .n_din      (mod_sub_n_din),
+        .d_dout     (mod_sub_d_dout)
+    );
+    //
+    // Double Modulus
+    //
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        //
+        case (mod_add_n_addr)
+            3'd0:       mod_add_n_din <= !final_reduce ? 32'hFFFFFFDA : 32'hFFFFFFED;
+            3'd7:       mod_add_n_din <= !final_reduce ? 32'hFFFFFFFF : 32'h7FFFFFFF;
+            default:    mod_add_n_din <= 32'hFFFFFFFF;
+        endcase
+        //
+        if (mod_sub_n_addr == 3'd0) mod_sub_n_din <= 32'hFFFFFFDA;
+        else                        mod_sub_n_din <= 32'hFFFFFFFF;
+        //
+    end
     // uOP Trigger Logic
     always @(posedge clk)
         if (fsm_state == FSM_STATE_DECODE) begin
-            mw_mover_ena   <= uop_data_opcode_is_copy;
+            mw_mover_ena    <= uop_data_opcode_is_copy;
+            mod_mul_ena     <= uop_data_opcode_is_mul;
+            mod_add_ena     <= uop_data_opcode_is_add;
+            mod_sub_ena     <= uop_data_opcode_is_sub;
         end else begin
-            mw_mover_ena   <= 1'b0;
+            mw_mover_ena    <= 1'b0;
+            mod_mul_ena     <= 1'b0;
+            mod_add_ena     <= 1'b0;
+            mod_sub_ena     <= 1'b0;
@@ -166,6 +327,9 @@ module ed25519_worker
         fsm_exit_from_busy = 0;
         if (uop_data_opcode_is_copy)    fsm_exit_from_busy = ~mw_mover_ena & mw_mover_rdy;
+        if (uop_data_opcode_is_mul)     fsm_exit_from_busy = ~mod_mul_ena  & mod_mul_rdy;
+        if (uop_data_opcode_is_add)     fsm_exit_from_busy = ~mod_add_ena  & mod_add_rdy;
+        if (uop_data_opcode_is_sub)     fsm_exit_from_busy = ~mod_sub_ena  & mod_sub_rdy;
@@ -204,10 +368,26 @@ module ed25519_worker
         .src1_dout      (banks_src1_dout),
         .src2_dout      (banks_src2_dout),
-        .dst_din        (banks_dst_din)
+        .dst_din        (banks_dst_din),
+        .debug_dump_now(debug_dump_now),
+        .debug_dump_addr1(debug_dump_addr1),
+        .debug_dump_addr2(debug_dump_addr2),
+        .debug_dump_addr3(debug_dump_addr3),
+        .debug_dump_addr4(debug_dump_addr4),
+        .debug_dump_addr5(debug_dump_addr5),
+        .debug_dump_addr6(debug_dump_addr6),
+        .debug_dump_addr7(debug_dump_addr7),
+        .debug_dump_addr8(debug_dump_addr8)
-    assign mw_mover_x_din = banks_src1_dout;
+    assign mw_mover_x_din   = banks_src1_dout;
+    assign mod_mul_a_din    = banks_src1_dout;
+    assign mod_mul_b_din    = banks_src2_dout;
+    assign mod_add_a_din    = banks_src1_dout;
+    assign mod_add_b_din    = banks_src2_dout;
+    assign mod_sub_a_din    = banks_src1_dout;
+    assign mod_sub_b_din    = banks_src2_dout;
     always @*
@@ -226,9 +406,44 @@ module ed25519_worker
-            //UOP_OPCODE_ADD:     d
-            //UOP_OPCODE_SUB:     d
-            //UOP_OPCODE_MUL:     d
+            UOP_OPCODE_ADD: begin
+                //
+                banks_src1_addr = mod_add_ab_addr;
+                banks_src2_addr = mod_add_ab_addr;
+                //
+                banks_dst_addr  = mod_add_s_addr;
+                //
+                banks_dst_wren  = mod_add_s_wren;
+                //
+                banks_dst_din   = mod_add_s_dout;
+                //                
+            end
+            //
+            UOP_OPCODE_SUB: begin
+                //
+                banks_src1_addr = mod_sub_ab_addr;
+                banks_src2_addr = mod_sub_ab_addr;
+                //
+                banks_dst_addr  = mod_sub_d_addr;
+                //
+                banks_dst_wren  = mod_sub_d_wren;
+                //
+                banks_dst_din   = mod_sub_d_dout;
+                //                
+            end
+            //
+            UOP_OPCODE_MUL: begin
+                //
+                banks_src1_addr = mod_mul_a_addr;
+                banks_src2_addr = mod_mul_b_addr;
+                //
+                banks_dst_addr  = mod_mul_p_addr;
+                //
+                banks_dst_wren  = mod_mul_p_wren;
+                //
+                banks_dst_din   = mod_mul_p_dout;
+                //                
+            end
             default: begin
@@ -243,11 +458,20 @@ module ed25519_worker
-    //addr
-    //wren
-    //dout
-    //din
+    //
+    // Sign Handler
+    //
+    reg sign_x_int;
+    wire [31:0] mw_mover_y_dout_with_x_sign = {(mw_mover_y_addr == 3'd7) ?
+        sign_x_int : mw_mover_y_dout[31], mw_mover_y_dout[30:0]};
+    always @(posedge clk)
+        //
+        if (handle_sign && mw_mover_y_wren && (mw_mover_y_addr == 0))
+            sign_x_int <= mw_mover_y_dout[0];
@@ -291,6 +515,32 @@ module ed25519_worker
+    //
+    // Output Logic
+    //
+    reg [ 2: 0] y_addr_reg = 3'b000;
+    reg [31: 0] y_dout_reg = 32'h00000000;
+    reg         y_wren_reg = 1'b0;
+    assign y_addr = y_addr_reg;
+    assign y_dout = y_dout_reg;
+    assign y_wren = y_wren_reg;
+    always @(posedge clk)
+        //
+        if (output_now && mw_mover_y_wren) begin
+            //
+            y_addr_reg <= mw_mover_y_addr;
+            y_dout_reg <= mw_mover_y_dout_with_x_sign;
+            y_wren_reg <= 1'b1;
+            //
+        end else begin
+            y_addr_reg <= 3'b000;
+            y_dout_reg <= 32'h00000000;
+            y_wren_reg <= 1'b0;
+        end

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