[Cryptech-Commits] [core/math/modexpa7] branch systolic updated: Trying to fix the bug during calculation of SN in systolic multiplier.

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Mon Jul 24 22:22:32 UTC 2017

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meisterpaul1 at yandex.ru pushed a commit to branch systolic
in repository core/math/modexpa7.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/systolic by this push:
     new bd6c4a9  Trying to fix the bug during calculation of SN in systolic multiplier.
bd6c4a9 is described below

commit bd6c4a9b916cd36890ebec72fae50555dfe6e7ba
Author: Pavel V. Shatov (Meister) <meisterpaul1 at yandex.ru>
AuthorDate: Tue Jul 25 01:21:28 2017 +0300

    Trying to fix the bug during calculation of SN in systolic multiplier.
 src/rtl/modexpa7_simple_fifo.v         | 141 +--------------------------------
 src/rtl/modexpa7_systolic_multiplier.v |  51 +++---------
 src/rtl/modexpa7_wrapper.v             |  73 ++++++++++++++---
 src/rtl/pe/modexpa7_primitive_switch.v |   2 +-
 src/tb/tb_exponentiator.v              |   2 +-
 src/tb/tb_systolic_multiplier.v        |   6 +-
 src/tb/tb_wrapper.v                    |  44 ++++++++++
 7 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 195 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/modexpa7_simple_fifo.v b/src/rtl/modexpa7_simple_fifo.v
index 1580e38..5f61d13 100644
--- a/src/rtl/modexpa7_simple_fifo.v
+++ b/src/rtl/modexpa7_simple_fifo.v
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ module modexpa7_simple_fifo #
 	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (rst)				ptr_wr <= PTR_ZERO;
-		else if (wr_en)	ptr_wr <= ptr_wr + 1'b1;
+		if (wr_en)		ptr_wr <= ptr_wr + 1'b1;	
+		else if (rst)	ptr_wr <= PTR_ZERO;
 		// Read Pointer
@@ -69,142 +69,7 @@ module modexpa7_simple_fifo #
 	always @(posedge clk)
-		if (!rst && wr_en)	fifo[ptr_wr] <= d_in;
+		if (wr_en)	fifo[ptr_wr] <= d_in;
-generic_dpram  #(aw,dw) u0(
-	.rclk(		clk		),
-	.rrst(		!rst		),
-	.rce(		1'b1		),
-	.oe(		1'b1		),
-	.raddr(		rp		),
-	.do(		dout		),
-	.wclk(		clk		),
-	.wrst(		!rst		),
-	.wce(		1'b1		),
-	.we(		we		),
-	.waddr(		wp		),
-	.di(		din		)
-	);
-// Misc Logic
-always @(posedge clk `SC_FIFO_ASYNC_RESET)
-	if(!rst)	wp <= #1 {aw{1'b0}};
-	else
-	if(clr)		wp <= #1 {aw{1'b0}};
-	else
-	if(we)		wp <= #1 wp_pl1;
-assign wp_pl1 = wp + { {aw-1{1'b0}}, 1'b1};
-assign wp_pl2 = wp + { {aw-2{1'b0}}, 2'b10};
-always @(posedge clk `SC_FIFO_ASYNC_RESET)
-	if(!rst)	rp <= #1 {aw{1'b0}};
-	else
-	if(clr)		rp <= #1 {aw{1'b0}};
-	else
-	if(re)		rp <= #1 rp_pl1;
-assign rp_pl1 = rp + { {aw-1{1'b0}}, 1'b1};
-// Combinatorial Full & Empty Flags
-assign empty = ((wp == rp) & !gb);
-assign full  = ((wp == rp) &  gb);
-// Guard Bit ...
-always @(posedge clk `SC_FIFO_ASYNC_RESET)
-	if(!rst)			gb <= #1 1'b0;
-	else
-	if(clr)				gb <= #1 1'b0;
-	else
-	if((wp_pl1 == rp) & we)		gb <= #1 1'b1;
-	else
-	if(re)				gb <= #1 1'b0;
-// Registered Full & Empty Flags
-// Guard Bit ...
-always @(posedge clk `SC_FIFO_ASYNC_RESET)
-	if(!rst)			gb2 <= #1 1'b0;
-	else
-	if(clr)				gb2 <= #1 1'b0;
-	else
-	if((wp_pl2 == rp) & we)		gb2 <= #1 1'b1;
-	else
-	if((wp != rp) & re)		gb2 <= #1 1'b0;
-always @(posedge clk `SC_FIFO_ASYNC_RESET)
-	if(!rst)				full_r <= #1 1'b0;
-	else
-	if(clr)					full_r <= #1 1'b0;
-	else
-	if(we & ((wp_pl1 == rp) & gb2) & !re)	full_r <= #1 1'b1;
-	else
-	if(re & ((wp_pl1 != rp) | !gb2) & !we)	full_r <= #1 1'b0;
-always @(posedge clk `SC_FIFO_ASYNC_RESET)
-	if(!rst)				empty_r <= #1 1'b1;
-	else
-	if(clr)					empty_r <= #1 1'b1;
-	else
-	if(we & ((wp != rp_pl1) | gb2) & !re)	empty_r <= #1 1'b0;
-	else
-	if(re & ((wp == rp_pl1) & !gb2) & !we)	empty_r <= #1 1'b1;
-// Combinatorial Full_n & Empty_n Flags
-assign empty_n = cnt < n;
-assign full_n  = !(cnt < (max_size-n+1));
-assign level = {2{cnt[aw]}} | cnt[aw-1:aw-2];
-// N entries status
-always @(posedge clk `SC_FIFO_ASYNC_RESET)
-	if(!rst)	cnt <= #1 {aw+1{1'b0}};
-	else
-	if(clr)		cnt <= #1 {aw+1{1'b0}};
-	else
-	if( re & !we)	cnt <= #1 cnt + { {aw{1'b1}}, 1'b1};
-	else
-	if(!re &  we)	cnt <= #1 cnt + { {aw{1'b0}}, 1'b1};
-// Registered Full_n & Empty_n Flags
-always @(posedge clk `SC_FIFO_ASYNC_RESET)
-	if(!rst)				empty_n_r <= #1 1'b1;
-	else
-	if(clr)					empty_n_r <= #1 1'b1;
-	else
-	if(we & (cnt >= (n-1) ) & !re)		empty_n_r <= #1 1'b0;
-	else
-	if(re & (cnt <= n ) & !we)		empty_n_r <= #1 1'b1;
-always @(posedge clk `SC_FIFO_ASYNC_RESET)
-	if(!rst)				full_n_r <= #1 1'b0;
-	else
-	if(clr)					full_n_r <= #1 1'b0;
-	else
-	if(we & (cnt >= (max_size-n) ) & !re)	full_n_r <= #1 1'b1;
-	else
-	if(re & (cnt <= (max_size-n+1)) & !we)	full_n_r <= #1 1'b0;
diff --git a/src/rtl/modexpa7_systolic_multiplier.v b/src/rtl/modexpa7_systolic_multiplier.v
index 378dc63..f53354e 100644
--- a/src/rtl/modexpa7_systolic_multiplier.v
+++ b/src/rtl/modexpa7_systolic_multiplier.v
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module modexpa7_systolic_multiplier #
 			// Explain.
-		parameter	SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_POWER		= 2
+		parameter	SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_POWER		= 1
 		input											clk,
@@ -597,12 +597,13 @@ module modexpa7_systolic_multiplier #
 		// Systolic Array of Processing Elements
-	reg	[31: 0]	pe_a    [0:SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH-1];
-	reg	[31: 0]	pe_b    [0:SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH-1];
-	wire	[31: 0]	pe_t    [0:SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH-1];
-	wire	[31: 0]	pe_c_in [0:SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH-1];
-	wire	[31: 0]	pe_p    [0:SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH-1];
-	wire	[31: 0]	pe_c_out[0:SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH-1];
+	reg	[31: 0]	pe_a        [0:SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH-1];
+	reg	[31: 0]	pe_b        [0:SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH-1];
+	wire	[31: 0]	pe_t        [0:SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH-1];
+	wire	[31: 0]	pe_c_in     [0:SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH-1];
+	wire	[31: 0]	pe_p        [0:SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH-1];
+	wire	[31: 0]	pe_c_out    [0:SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH-1];
+	reg	[31: 0]	pe_c_out_dly[0:SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH-1];
@@ -657,34 +658,6 @@ module modexpa7_systolic_multiplier #
 		.d_out		(fifo_t_dout)
-	/*
-	ip_fifo_t fifo_t
-	(
-		.clk		(clk),
-		.srst		(fifo_t_rst),
-		.wr_en	(fifo_t_wren),
-		.din		(fifo_t_din),
-		.rd_en	(fifo_t_rden),
-		.dout		(fifo_t_dout),
-		.full		(),
-		.empty	()
-	);
-	*/
-	/**/
-	/*
-	ip_fifo_c fifo_c
-	(
-		.clk		(clk),
-		.srst		(fifo_c_rst),
-		.wr_en	(fifo_c_wren),
-		.din		(fifo_c_din),
-		.rd_en	(fifo_c_rden),
-		.dout		(fifo_c_dout),
-		.full		(debug_fifo_full),
-		.empty	(debug_fifo_empty)
-	);*/
 	generate for (i=0; i<SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_LENGTH; i=i+1)
 		begin : modexpa7_systolic_pe_multiplier		
 			modexpa7_systolic_pe systolic_pe_inst
@@ -699,7 +672,8 @@ module modexpa7_systolic_multiplier #
 			assign pe_c_in[i] = fifo_c_dout[32 * (i + 1) - 1 -: 32];
 			assign pe_t[i] = fifo_t_dout[32 * (i + 1) - 1 -: 32];
-			assign fifo_c_din[32 * (i + 1) - 1 -: 32] = pe_c_out[i];
+			assign fifo_c_din[32 * (i + 1) - 1 -: 32] = pe_c_out_dly[i];
+			always @(posedge clk) pe_c_out_dly[i] <= pe_c_out[i];
@@ -814,11 +788,10 @@ module modexpa7_systolic_multiplier #
 	always @(posedge clk)
 		shreg_now_unloading_dly <= shreg_now_unloading;
-	assign fifo_c_wren = shreg_now_unloading;
+	assign fifo_c_wren = shreg_now_unloading_dly;
 	assign fifo_c_rden = shreg_now_loading;
-	assign fifo_t_wren = shreg_now_unloading_dly;
+	assign fifo_t_wren = shreg_now_unloading_dly;	
 	assign fifo_t_rden = shreg_now_loading;
diff --git a/src/rtl/modexpa7_wrapper.v b/src/rtl/modexpa7_wrapper.v
index 35be61e..3b749be 100644
--- a/src/rtl/modexpa7_wrapper.v
+++ b/src/rtl/modexpa7_wrapper.v
@@ -76,9 +76,10 @@ module modexpa7_wrapper #
 	localparam	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+1:0]	ADDR_CONTROL			= 'h08;	// {next, init}
 	localparam	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+1:0]	ADDR_STATUS				= 'h09;	// {valid, ready}
-	localparam	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+1:0]	ADDR_MODULUS_BITS		= 'h11;	//
-	localparam	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+1:0]	ADDR_EXPONENT_BITS	= 'h12;	//
-	localparam	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+1:0]	ADDR_OPERAND_BITS		= 'h13;	//
+	localparam	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+1:0]	ADDR_MODULUS_BITS		= 'h11;	// number of bits in modulus
+	localparam	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+1:0]	ADDR_EXPONENT_BITS	= 'h12;	// number of bits in exponent
+	localparam	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+1:0]	ADDR_BUFFER_BITS		= 'h13;	// largest supported number of bits
+	localparam	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+1:0]	ADDR_ARRAY_BITS		= 'h15;	// number of bits in systolic array
 	localparam	CONTROL_INIT_BIT	= 0;
 	localparam	CONTROL_NEXT_BIT	= 1;
@@ -153,21 +154,64 @@ module modexpa7_wrapper #
 		 * Write Checker
 		 // largest supported operand width
-	localparam	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]	MAX_BITS = {1'b1, {OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+4{1'b0}}};
+	localparam	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]	BUFFER_BITS	= {1'b1, {OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+4{1'b0}}};
-		 // limit operand width to max supported
-	function	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]	write_check_bits;
+		 // check_modulus_bits
+	function	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]	check_modulus_bits;
 		input	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]	num_bits;
+			//
+			//t = num_bits[]
+			//if (num_bits > MAX_BITS)	write_check_bits = MAX_BITS;
+			//else								write_check_bits = num_bits;
-			if (num_bits > MAX_BITS)	write_check_bits = MAX_BITS;
-			else								write_check_bits = num_bits;
+		end
+	endfunction
+	function	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]	check_exponent_bits;
+		input	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]	num_bits;
+		begin
+				// store input value
+			check_exponent_bits = num_bits;
+				// too large?
+			if (num_bits > BUFFER_BITS)
+				check_exponent_bits = BUFFER_BITS;
+				// too small?
+			if (num_bits == {OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5{1'b0}})
+				num_bits = {{OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+4{1'b0}}, 1'b1};
+		/*
+		 * Internal Quantities Generator
+		 */
+	function	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]	modulus_num_words_core;
+		input	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]	num_bits;
+		begin
+		end
+	endfunction
+	function	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+4:0]	get_exponent_num_bits_core;
+		input	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]	num_bits;
+		reg	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]	num_bits_checked;
+		begin
+				// check number of bits (not too large, not too small)
+			num_bits_checked = check_exponent_bits(num_bits);
+				// de
+		end
+	endfunction
 		 * Write Interface (External Registers)
@@ -186,8 +230,8 @@ module modexpa7_wrapper #
 			case (address_lsb)
 				ADDR_CONTROL:			reg_control				<= write_data[ 1: 0];
-				ADDR_MODULUS_BITS:	reg_modulus_bits		<= write_check_bits(write_data[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]);
-				ADDR_EXPONENT_BITS:	reg_exponent_bits		<= write_check_bits(write_data[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]);
+				ADDR_MODULUS_BITS:	reg_modulus_bits		<= check_modulus_bits(write_data[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]);
+				ADDR_EXPONENT_BITS:	reg_exponent_bits		<= check_exponent_bits(write_data[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]);
@@ -202,8 +246,11 @@ module modexpa7_wrapper #
 			case (address_lsb)
-				ADDR_MODULUS_BITS:	modulus_num_words_core	<= //modulus_num_words_int;
-				ADDR_EXPONENT_BITS:	exponent_num_bits_core	<= //exponent_num_bits_int;
+				ADDR_MODULUS_BITS:	modulus_num_words_core <= 
+												get_modulus_num_words_core(write_data[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]);
+				ADDR_EXPONENT_BITS:	exponent_num_bits_core	<=
+												get_exponent_num_bits_core(write_data[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH+5:0]);
diff --git a/src/rtl/pe/modexpa7_primitive_switch.v b/src/rtl/pe/modexpa7_primitive_switch.v
index 3551d7a..d38069b 100644
--- a/src/rtl/pe/modexpa7_primitive_switch.v
+++ b/src/rtl/pe/modexpa7_primitive_switch.v
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/src/tb/tb_exponentiator.v b/src/tb/tb_exponentiator.v
index c854e65..c9a9f7e 100644
--- a/src/tb/tb_exponentiator.v
+++ b/src/tb/tb_exponentiator.v
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ module tb_exponentiator;
 		rst_n = 1'b1;
-		test_exponent_384(M_384, D_384, FACTOR_384, N_384, N_COEFF_384, S_384);
+		//test_exponent_384(M_384, D_384, FACTOR_384, N_384, N_COEFF_384, S_384);
 		test_exponent_512(M_512, D_512, FACTOR_512, N_512, N_COEFF_512, S_512);
diff --git a/src/tb/tb_systolic_multiplier.v b/src/tb/tb_systolic_multiplier.v
index 33d1e01..61dc6f3 100644
--- a/src/tb/tb_systolic_multiplier.v
+++ b/src/tb/tb_systolic_multiplier.v
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ module tb_systolic_multiplier;
 		// Model Settings
-	localparam NUM_ROUNDS = 10;
+	localparam NUM_ROUNDS = 43;
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ module tb_systolic_multiplier;
 	modexpa7_systolic_multiplier #
 		.OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH		(4),	// 32 * (2**4) = 512-bit operands
-		.SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_POWER	(2)	// 2 ** 2 = 4-tap array
+		.SYSTOLIC_ARRAY_POWER	(3)	// 2 ** 2 = 4-tap array
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ module tb_systolic_multiplier;
 		test_systolic_multiplier_384(M_384, N_384, N_COEFF_384, FACTOR_384, COEFF_384);
-		test_systolic_multiplier_512(M_512, N_512, N_COEFF_512, FACTOR_512, COEFF_512);
+		//test_systolic_multiplier_512(M_512, N_512, N_COEFF_512, FACTOR_512, COEFF_512);
diff --git a/src/tb/tb_wrapper.v b/src/tb/tb_wrapper.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd8dbf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tb/tb_wrapper.v
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module tb_wrapper;
+	// Inputs
+	reg clk;
+	reg rst_n;
+	reg cs;
+	reg we;
+	reg [7:0] address;
+	reg [31:0] write_data;
+	// Outputs
+	wire [31:0] read_data;
+	// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
+	modexpa7_wrapper uut (
+		.clk(clk), 
+		.rst_n(rst_n), 
+		.cs(cs), 
+		.we(we), 
+		.address(address), 
+		.write_data(write_data), 
+		.read_data(read_data)
+	);
+	initial begin
+		// Initialize Inputs
+		clk = 0;
+		rst_n = 0;
+		cs = 0;
+		we = 0;
+		address = 0;
+		write_data = 0;
+		// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
+		#100;
+		// Add stimulus here
+	end

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