[Cryptech-Commits] [core/math/modexpa7] 01/01: Adding CRT support...

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Mon Aug 7 09:58:33 UTC 2017

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meisterpaul1 at yandex.ru pushed a commit to branch systolic_crt
in repository core/math/modexpa7.

commit c61d70d0fdda23d4a1b5332ef821272eace62f47
Author: Pavel V. Shatov (Meister) <meisterpaul1 at yandex.ru>
AuthorDate: Mon Aug 7 12:57:18 2017 +0300

    Adding CRT support...
 src/rtl/modexpa7_systolic_multiplier.v |  2 +
 src/tb/tb_systolic_multiplier.v        | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/modexpa7_systolic_multiplier.v b/src/rtl/modexpa7_systolic_multiplier.v
index 7293998..851f7d5 100644
--- a/src/rtl/modexpa7_systolic_multiplier.v
+++ b/src/rtl/modexpa7_systolic_multiplier.v
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ module modexpa7_systolic_multiplier #
 		input											ena,
 		output										rdy,
+		input											reduce_only,
 		output	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]	a_bram_addr,
 		output	[OPERAND_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]	b_bram_addr,
diff --git a/src/tb/tb_systolic_multiplier.v b/src/tb/tb_systolic_multiplier.v
index 96e76d5..493a81d 100644
--- a/src/tb/tb_systolic_multiplier.v
+++ b/src/tb/tb_systolic_multiplier.v
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ module tb_systolic_multiplier;
 	reg				rst_n;
 	reg				ena;
+	reg				reduce;
 	reg	[ 3: 0]	n_num_words;
@@ -192,8 +194,11 @@ module tb_systolic_multiplier;
 		rst_n = 1'b1;
-		test_systolic_multiplier_384(M_384, N_384, N_COEFF_384, FACTOR_384, COEFF_384);
-		test_systolic_multiplier_512(M_512, N_512, N_COEFF_512, FACTOR_512, COEFF_512);
+		//test_systolic_multiplier_384(M_384, N_384, N_COEFF_384, FACTOR_384, COEFF_384);
+		//test_systolic_multiplier_512(M_512, N_512, N_COEFF_512, FACTOR_512, COEFF_512);
+		test_systolic_multiplier_reduce_192(M_384, P_192, P_COEFF_192, COEFF_192_P);
+		test_systolic_multiplier_reduce_192(M_384, Q_192, Q_COEFF_192, COEFF_192_Q);
@@ -236,6 +241,8 @@ module tb_systolic_multiplier;
 			n_num_words = 4'd11;								// set number of words
+			reduce = 0;											// normal mode
 			num_passed = 0;									// nothing tested so far
 			num_failed = 0;									//
@@ -323,6 +330,8 @@ module tb_systolic_multiplier;
 			b = m_factor_modulo;								// ... and b = m_factor
 			n_num_words = 4'd15;								// set number of words
+			reduce = 0;											// normal mode
 			num_passed = 0;									// nothing tested so far
 			num_failed = 0;									//
@@ -373,6 +382,91 @@ module tb_systolic_multiplier;
+	task test_systolic_multiplier_reduce_192;
+		input	[383:0] m;
+		input	[191:0] n;
+		input	[191:0] n_coeff;
+		input [191:0] coeff;
+		reg	[575:0] m_coeff_full;
+		reg	[191:0] m_coeff_modulo;
+		//reg	[383:0] a;
+		//reg	[383:0] b;
+		//reg	[383:0] r;
+		//reg	[767:0] ab_full;
+		//reg	[383:0] ab_modulo;
+		//integer			round;
+		//integer			num_passed;
+		//integer			num_failed;
+		begin
+			m_coeff_full   = m * coeff;				// m * coeff
+			m_coeff_modulo = m_coeff_full % n;		// (m * factor) % n
+			/*
+			a = m_factor_modulo;								// start with a = m_factor...
+			b = m_factor_modulo;								// ... and b = m_factor
+			n_num_words = 4'd11;								// set number of words
+			reduce = 0;											// normal mode
+			num_passed = 0;									// nothing tested so far
+			num_failed = 0;									//
+			for (round=0; round<NUM_ROUNDS; round=round+1) begin
+					// obtain reference value of product
+				ab_full  			= a * b;						// calculate product
+				ab_modulo			= ab_full % n;				// reduce
+				ab_full				= ab_modulo * coeff;		// take extra coefficient into account
+				ab_modulo			= ab_full % n;				// reduce again
+				write_memories_384(a, b, n, n_coeff);		// fill memories
+				ena = 1;												// start operation
+				#10;													//
+				ena = 0;												// clear flag
+				while (!rdy) #10;									// wait for operation to complete
+				read_memory_384(r);								// get result from memory
+				$display("test_systolic_multiplier_384(): round #%0d of %0d", round+1, NUM_ROUNDS);
+				$display("    calculated: %x", r);
+				$display("    expected:   %x", ab_modulo);
+					// check calculated value
+				if (r === ab_modulo) begin
+					$display("        OK");
+					num_passed = num_passed + 1;
+				end else begin
+					$display("        ERROR");
+					num_failed = num_failed + 1;
+				end
+				b = ab_modulo;										// prepare for next round
+			end		
+				// final step, display results
+			if (num_passed == NUM_ROUNDS)
+				$display("SUCCESS: All tests passed.");
+			else
+				$display("FAILURE: %0d test(s) not passed.", num_failed);
+			*/
+		end
+	endtask
 		// BRAM Writer

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