[Cryptech-Commits] [core/math/modexp] 01/02: Updated residue module to use generic operand size.

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Tue Jun 23 08:01:08 UTC 2015

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joachim at secworks.se pushed a commit to branch perfopt
in repository core/math/modexp.

commit d2a905581104410251f2e1efadb59249e8e97df4
Author: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim at secworks.se>
Date:   Tue Jun 23 09:50:45 2015 +0200

    Updated residue module to use generic operand size.
 src/rtl/residue.v | 369 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 183 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtl/residue.v b/src/rtl/residue.v
index ccfaeda..f3d114c 100644
--- a/src/rtl/residue.v
+++ b/src/rtl/residue.v
@@ -47,97 +47,88 @@
 module residue #(parameter OPW = 32, parameter ADW = 8)
-               input wire clk,
-               input wire reset_n,
+               input wire                  clk,
+               input wire                  reset_n,
-               input wire  calculate,
-               output wire ready,
+               input wire                  calculate,
+               output wire                 ready,
-               input wire  [14 : 0] nn, //MAX(2*N)=8192*2 (14 bit)
-               input wire  [07 : 0] length,
+               input wire  [14 : 0]        nn, //MAX(2*N)=8192*2 (14 bit)
+               input wire  [(ADW - 1) : 0] length,
-               output wire [07 : 0] opa_rd_addr,
-               input wire  [31 : 0] opa_rd_data,
-               output wire [07 : 0] opa_wr_addr,
-               output wire [31 : 0] opa_wr_data,
-               output wire          opa_wr_we,
+               output wire [(ADW - 1) : 0] opa_rd_addr,
+               input wire  [(OPW - 1) : 0] opa_rd_data,
+               output wire [(ADW - 1) : 0] opa_wr_addr,
+               output wire [(OPW - 1) : 0] opa_wr_data,
+               output wire                 opa_wr_we,
-               output wire [07 : 0] opm_addr,
-               input wire  [31 : 0] opm_data
+               output wire [(ADW - 1) : 0] opm_addr,
+               input wire  [(OPW - 1) : 0] opm_data
-// Internal constant and parameter definitions.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Internal constant and parameter definitions.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  localparam CTRL_IDLE          = 4'h0;
+  localparam CTRL_INIT          = 4'h1;
+  localparam CTRL_INIT_STALL    = 4'h2;
+  localparam CTRL_SHL           = 4'h3;
+  localparam CTRL_SHL_STALL     = 4'h4;
+  localparam CTRL_COMPARE       = 4'h5;
+  localparam CTRL_COMPARE_STALL = 4'h6;
+  localparam CTRL_SUB           = 4'h7;
+  localparam CTRL_SUB_STALL     = 4'h8;
+  localparam CTRL_LOOP          = 4'h9;
-// m_residue_2_2N_array( N, M, Nr)
-//   Nr = 00...01 ; Nr = 1 == 2**(2N-2N)
-//   for (int i = 0; i < 2 * N; i++)
-//     Nr = Nr shift left 1
-//     if (Nr less than M) continue;
-//     Nr = Nr - M
-// return Nr
-localparam CTRL_IDLE          = 4'h0;
-localparam CTRL_INIT          = 4'h1; // Nr = 00...01 ; Nr = 1 == 2**(2N-2N)
-localparam CTRL_INIT_STALL    = 4'h2;
-localparam CTRL_SHL           = 4'h3; // Nr = Nr shift left 1
-localparam CTRL_SHL_STALL     = 4'h4;
-localparam CTRL_COMPARE       = 4'h5; //if (Nr less than M) continue;
-localparam CTRL_COMPARE_STALL = 4'h6;
-localparam CTRL_SUB           = 4'h7; //Nr = Nr - M
-localparam CTRL_SUB_STALL     = 4'h8;
-localparam CTRL_LOOP          = 4'h9; //for (int i = 0; i < 2 * N; i++)
-// Registers including update variables and write enable.
-reg [07 : 0] opa_rd_addr_reg;
-reg [07 : 0] opa_wr_addr_reg;
-reg [31 : 0] opa_wr_data_reg;
-reg          opa_wr_we_reg;
-reg [07 : 0] opm_addr_reg;
-reg          ready_reg;
-reg          ready_new;
-reg          ready_we;
-reg [03 : 0] residue_ctrl_reg;
-reg [03 : 0] residue_ctrl_new;
-reg          residue_ctrl_we;
-reg          reset_word_index;
-reg          reset_n_counter;
-reg [14 : 0] loop_counter_1_to_nn_reg; //for i = 1 to nn (2*N)
-reg [14 : 0] loop_counter_1_to_nn_new;
-reg          loop_counter_1_to_nn_we;
-reg [14 : 0] nn_reg;
-reg          nn_we;
-reg [07 : 0] length_m1_reg;
-reg [07 : 0] length_m1_new;
-reg          length_m1_we;
-reg [07 : 0] word_index_reg;
-reg [07 : 0] word_index_new;
-reg          word_index_we;
-reg  [31 : 0] one_data;
-wire [31 : 0] sub_data;
-wire [31 : 0] shl_data;
-reg           sub_carry_in_new;
-reg           sub_carry_in_reg;
-wire          sub_carry_out;
-reg           shl_carry_in_new;
-reg           shl_carry_in_reg;
-wire          shl_carry_out;
-// Concurrent connectivity for ports etc.
-assign opa_rd_addr = opa_rd_addr_reg;
-assign opa_wr_addr = opa_wr_addr_reg;
-assign opa_wr_data = opa_wr_data_reg;
-assign opa_wr_we   = opa_wr_we_reg;
-assign opm_addr    = opm_addr_reg;
-assign ready       = ready_reg;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Registers including update variables and write enable.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  opa_rd_addr_reg;
+  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  opa_wr_addr_reg;
+  reg [(OPW - 1) : 0]  opa_wr_data_reg;
+  reg                  opa_wr_we_reg;
+  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  opm_addr_reg;
+  reg                  ready_reg;
+  reg                  ready_new;
+  reg                  ready_we;
+  reg [03 : 0]         residue_ctrl_reg;
+  reg [03 : 0]         residue_ctrl_new;
+  reg                  residue_ctrl_we;
+  reg                  reset_word_index;
+  reg                  reset_n_counter;
+  reg [14 : 0]         loop_counter_1_to_nn_reg; //for i = 1 to nn (2*N)
+  reg [14 : 0]         loop_counter_1_to_nn_new;
+  reg                  loop_counter_1_to_nn_we;
+  reg [14 : 0]         nn_reg;
+  reg                  nn_we;
+  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  length_m1_reg;
+  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  length_m1_new;
+  reg                  length_m1_we;
+  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  word_index_reg;
+  reg [(ADW - 1) : 0]  word_index_new;
+  reg                  word_index_we;
+  reg  [(OPW - 1) : 0] one_data;
+  wire [(OPW - 1) : 0] sub_data;
+  wire [(OPW - 1) : 0] shl_data;
+  reg                  sub_carry_in_new;
+  reg                  sub_carry_in_reg;
+  wire                 sub_carry_out;
+  reg                  shl_carry_in_new;
+  reg                  shl_carry_in_reg;
+  wire                 shl_carry_out;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Concurrent connectivity for ports etc.
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  assign opa_rd_addr = opa_rd_addr_reg;
+  assign opa_wr_addr = opa_wr_addr_reg;
+  assign opa_wr_data = opa_wr_data_reg;
+  assign opa_wr_we   = opa_wr_we_reg;
+  assign opm_addr    = opm_addr_reg;
+  assign ready       = ready_reg;
@@ -166,14 +157,14 @@ assign ready       = ready_reg;
       if (!reset_n)
-          residue_ctrl_reg <= CTRL_IDLE;
-          word_index_reg   <= 8'h0;
-          length_m1_reg    <= 8'h0;
-          nn_reg           <= 15'h0;
+          residue_ctrl_reg         <= CTRL_IDLE;
+          word_index_reg           <= {ADW{1'b1}};
+          length_m1_reg            <= {ADW{1'b1}};
+          nn_reg                   <= 15'h0;
           loop_counter_1_to_nn_reg <= 15'h0;
-          ready_reg        <= 1'b1;
-          sub_carry_in_reg <= 1'b0;
-          shl_carry_in_reg <= 1'b0;
+          ready_reg                <= 1'b1;
+          sub_carry_in_reg         <= 1'b0;
+          shl_carry_in_reg         <= 1'b0;
@@ -228,22 +219,24 @@ assign ready       = ready_reg;
         loop_counter_1_to_nn_we  = 1'b1;
   // implements looping over words in a multiword operation
   always @*
     begin : word_index_process
-      word_index_new = word_index_reg - 8'h1;
+      word_index_new = word_index_reg - 1'b1;
       word_index_we  = 1'b1;
       if (reset_word_index)
         word_index_new = length_m1_reg;
       if (residue_ctrl_reg == CTRL_IDLE)
-        word_index_new = length_m1_new; //reduce a pipeline stage with early read
+        //reduce a pipeline stage with early read
+        word_index_new = length_m1_new;
   // writer process. implements:
   //   Nr = 00...01 ; Nr = 1 == 2**(2N-2N)
@@ -298,6 +291,7 @@ assign ready       = ready_reg;
       opm_addr_reg    = word_index_new;
   // carry process. "Ripple carry awesomeness!"
@@ -320,6 +314,7 @@ assign ready       = ready_reg;
   // Nr = 00...01 ; Nr = 1 == 2**(2N-2N)
@@ -328,128 +323,130 @@ assign ready       = ready_reg;
       one_data = 32'h0;
       if (residue_ctrl_reg == CTRL_INIT)
         if (word_index_reg == length_m1_reg)
-          one_data = 32'h1;
+          one_data = {{(OPW - 1){1'b0}}, 1'b1};
-// residue_ctrl
-// Control FSM for residue
-always @*
-  begin : residue_ctrl
-    ready_new = 1'b0;
-    ready_we  = 1'b0;
-    residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE;
-    residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b0;
-    reset_word_index = 1'b0;
-    reset_n_counter  = 1'b0;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  // residue_ctrl
+  //
+  // Control FSM for residue
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------
+  always @*
+    begin : residue_ctrl
+      ready_new        = 1'b0;
+      ready_we         = 1'b0;
+      reset_word_index = 1'b0;
+      reset_n_counter  = 1'b0;
+      length_m1_new    = length - 1'b1;
+      length_m1_we     = 1'b0;
+      nn_we            = 1'b0;
+      residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE;
+      residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b0;
-    length_m1_new  = length - 8'h1;
-    length_m1_we   = 1'b0;
+      case (residue_ctrl_reg)
+        CTRL_IDLE:
+          if (calculate)
+            begin
+              ready_new        = 1'b0;
+              ready_we         = 1'b1;
+              reset_word_index = 1'b1;
+              length_m1_we     = 1'b1;
+              nn_we            = 1'b1;
+              residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_INIT;
+              residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
+            end
-    nn_we = 1'b0;
+        // Nr = 00...01 ; Nr = 1 == 2**(2N-2N)
+        CTRL_INIT:
+          if (word_index_reg == 0)
+            begin
+              residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_INIT_STALL;
+              residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
+            end
-    case (residue_ctrl_reg)
-      CTRL_IDLE:
-        if (calculate)
-            ready_new = 1'b0;
-            ready_we  = 1'b1;
-            residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_INIT;
-            residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
             reset_word_index = 1'b1;
-            length_m1_we     = 1'b1;
-            nn_we            = 1'b1;
+            reset_n_counter  = 1'b1;
+            residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_SHL;
+            residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
-      CTRL_INIT:
-        if (word_index_reg == 8'h0)
+        // Nr = Nr shift left 1
+        CTRL_SHL:
-            residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_INIT_STALL;
-            residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
+            if (word_index_reg == 0)
+              begin
+                residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_SHL_STALL;
+                residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
+              end
-        begin
-          reset_word_index = 1'b1;
-          reset_n_counter  = 1'b1;
-          residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_SHL;
-          residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
-        end
-      CTRL_SHL:
-        begin
-        if (word_index_reg == 8'h0)
+        CTRL_SHL_STALL:
-            residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_SHL_STALL;
+            reset_word_index = 1'b1;
+            residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_COMPARE;
             residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
-        end
-        begin
-          reset_word_index = 1'b1;
-          residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_COMPARE;
-          residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
-        end
+        //if (Nr less than M) continue
+        CTRL_COMPARE:
+          if (word_index_reg == 0)
+            begin
+              residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_COMPARE_STALL;
+              residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
+            end
-        if (word_index_reg == 8'h0)
-            residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_COMPARE_STALL;
+            reset_word_index = 1'b1;
             residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
+            if (sub_carry_in_reg == 1'b1)
+              //TODO: Bug! detect CF to detect less than, but no detect ZF to detect equal to.
+              residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_SUB;
+            else
+              residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_LOOP;
-        begin
-          reset_word_index = 1'b1;
-          residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
-          if (sub_carry_in_reg == 1'b1)
-            //TODO: Bug! detect CF to detect less than, but no detect ZF to detect equal to.
-            residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_SUB;
-          else
-            residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_LOOP;
-        end
+        //Nr = Nr - M
+        CTRL_SUB:
+          if (word_index_reg == 0)
+            begin
+              residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_SUB_STALL;
+              residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
+            end
-      CTRL_SUB:
-        if (word_index_reg == 8'h0)
+        CTRL_SUB_STALL:
-            residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_SUB_STALL;
+            residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_LOOP;
             residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
-        begin
-          residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_LOOP;
-          residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
-        end
-      CTRL_LOOP:
-        begin
-          if (loop_counter_1_to_nn_reg == nn_reg)
-            begin
-              ready_new = 1'b1;
-              ready_we  = 1'b1;
-              residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE;
-              residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
-            end
-          else
-            begin
-              reset_word_index = 1'b1;
-              residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_SHL;
-              residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
-            end
-        end
+        //for (int i = 0; i < 2 * N; i++)
+        CTRL_LOOP:
+          begin
+            if (loop_counter_1_to_nn_reg == nn_reg)
+              begin
+                ready_new = 1'b1;
+                ready_we  = 1'b1;
+                residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_IDLE;
+                residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
+              end
+            else
+              begin
+                reset_word_index = 1'b1;
+                residue_ctrl_new = CTRL_SHL;
+                residue_ctrl_we  = 1'b1;
+              end
+          end
-      default:
-        begin
-        end
+        default:
+          begin
+          end
-    endcase
-  end
+      endcase
+    end
 endmodule // residue

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