[Cryptech Tech] Alpha Platform Upgrade

Paul Selkirk paul at psgd.org
Wed Feb 26 05:44:51 UTC 2020

Well, try as I might, I can't get the design to build with ModExpNG at
180MHz. It consistently fails with 2 timing errors on
TS_clkmgr_mmcm_inst_mmcm_clkout2 (the 180MHz clock line). I sent Pavel
the timing report last week, but I've attached it here in case anyone
else has some other insight.

OTOH, cutting ModExpNG back to 90MHz, I was able to build and test.
Overall it ran faster than the previous test, because cores were clocked
at 90MHz vs 60MHz.

The only place it ran slower was in hal_ks_fetch, because the FMC bus is
now clocked at 45MHz vs. 60MHz previously, and hal_aes_keyunwrap spends
most of its time sending data back and forth over the FMC bus. This may
be a good time to integrate Joachim's keywrap core into the mainline.

                                        modexpa7        modexpng
hal_rpc_pkey_sign                       104.947          79.515
  hal_ks_fetch                           19.089          19.089
  pkey_local_sign_rsa                    85.778          60.344
    hal_rsa_decrypt                      85.078          59.641
      rsa_crt                            81.328          55.897
        modexp2/ng                       55.007          44.409
          hal_modexp2/ng                 44.497          17.557

I don't understand why the FMC bus can't be clocked at 90MHz, since
that's its documented max.

Alternately, is it possible to clock the cores at 120MHz, and FMC at
60MHz? I remember we did some work on the cores at some point, but I'm
really not the FPGA guy.

-------------- next part --------------
Release 14.7 Trace  (lin64)
Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.

/opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/unwrapped/trce -e 10
alpha_fmc_hsm_ng_par.ncd alpha_fmc_hsm_ng.pcf -o alpha_fmc_hsm_ng_err.twr

Design file:              alpha_fmc_hsm_ng_par.ncd
Physical constraint file: alpha_fmc_hsm_ng.pcf
Device,package,speed:     xc7a200t,fbg484,C,-1 (PRODUCTION 1.10 2013-10-13)
Report level:             error report, limited to 10 items per constraint

Environment Variable      Effect 
--------------------      ------ 
NONE                      No environment variables were set

INFO:Timing:3386 - Intersecting Constraints found and resolved.  For more 
   information, see the TSI report.  Please consult the Xilinx Command Line 
   Tools User Guide for information on generating a TSI report.
INFO:Timing:3412 - To improve timing, see the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).
INFO:Timing:2752 - To get complete path coverage, use the unconstrained paths 
   option. All paths that are not constrained will be reported in the 
   unconstrained paths section(s) of the report.
INFO:Timing:3339 - The clock-to-out numbers in this timing report are based on 
   a 50 Ohm transmission line loading model.  For the details of this model, 
   and for more information on accounting for different loading conditions, 
   please see the device datasheet.
32 logic loops found and disabled.

 ! Warning: The following connections close logic loops, and some paths !
 !          through these connections may not be analyzed. To better    !
 !          understand the logic associated with these loops, run a     !
 !          Analyze Against User-Defined End-Point Analysis inside      !
 !          Timing Analyzer (timingan) with the listed signal as a      !
 !          source NET (*signal_name). The Timing Report will display   !
 !          all the paths associated with this signal and the logic     !
 !          loop will be reported.                                      !
 !                                                                      !
 ! Signal                            Driver            Load             !
 ! --------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X134Y84.BMUX  SLICE_X134Y84.B2 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X134Y84.B   SLICE_X134Y84.B4 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X134Y84.DMUX  SLICE_X134Y84.D2 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X134Y84.D   SLICE_X134Y84.D5 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X137Y84.CMUX  SLICE_X137Y84.C1 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X137Y84.C   SLICE_X137Y84.C4 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X137Y85.BMUX  SLICE_X137Y85.B1 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X137Y85.B   SLICE_X137Y85.B4 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X137Y85.DMUX  SLICE_X137Y85.D3 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X137Y85.D   SLICE_X137Y85.D5 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X137Y88.BMUX  SLICE_X137Y88.B5 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X137Y88.B   SLICE_X137Y88.B4 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X137Y88.DMUX  SLICE_X137Y88.D3 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X137Y88.D   SLICE_X137Y88.D1 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X137Y90.BMUX  SLICE_X137Y90.B1 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X137Y90.B   SLICE_X137Y90.B4 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X136Y84.BMUX  SLICE_X136Y84.B3 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X136Y84.B   SLICE_X136Y84.B4 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X136Y84.DMUX  SLICE_X136Y84.D2 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X136Y84.D   SLICE_X136Y84.D5 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X136Y87.BMUX  SLICE_X136Y87.B3 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X136Y87.B   SLICE_X136Y87.B4 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X136Y89.BMUX  SLICE_X136Y89.B1 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X136Y89.B   SLICE_X136Y89.B4 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X139Y87.BMUX  SLICE_X139Y87.B5 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X139Y87.B   SLICE_X139Y87.B4 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X139Y89.BMUX  SLICE_X139Y89.B1 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X139Y89.B   SLICE_X139Y89.B4 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X140Y87.BMUX  SLICE_X140Y87.B2 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X140Y87.B   SLICE_X140Y87.B1 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  ICE_X141Y85.BMUX  SLICE_X141Y85.B5 !
 ! ay/Madd_adder_osc.sum_Madd_cy<0>  SLICE_X141Y85.B   SLICE_X141Y85.B4 !

Timing constraint: TS_fmc_clk = PERIOD TIMEGRP "TNM_fmc_clk" 22.222 ns HIGH 
For more information, see Period Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).

 0 paths analyzed, 0 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
 0 timing errors detected. (0 component switching limit errors)
 Minimum period is  10.000ns.

Timing constraint: TS_clkmgr_mmcm_inst_mmcm_clkout0 = PERIOD TIMEGRP         
"clkmgr_mmcm_inst_mmcm_clkout0" TS_fmc_clk / 2 PHASE -2.77775 ns HIGH         
For more information, see Period Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).

 17285700 paths analyzed, 200966 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
 0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors, 0 component switching limit errors)
 Minimum period is  11.098ns.

Timing constraint: TS_core_selector = MAXDELAY FROM TIMEGRP 
TS_clkmgr_mmcm_inst_mmcm_clkout0 *         2;
For more information, see From:To (Multicycle) Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).

 4158 paths analyzed, 224 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
 0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors)
 Maximum delay is   7.935ns.

Timing constraint: TS_clkmgr_mmcm_inst_mmcm_clkout1 = PERIOD TIMEGRP         
"clkmgr_mmcm_inst_mmcm_clkout1" TS_fmc_clk PHASE -2.77775 ns HIGH 50%;
For more information, see Period Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).

 188 paths analyzed, 124 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
 0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors, 0 component switching limit errors)
 Minimum period is  13.218ns.

Timing constraint: TS_clkmgr_mmcm_inst_mmcm_clkout2 = PERIOD TIMEGRP         
"clkmgr_mmcm_inst_mmcm_clkout2" TS_fmc_clk / 4 PHASE -2.77775 ns HIGH         
For more information, see Period Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).

 81931 paths analyzed, 32114 endpoints analyzed, 2 failing endpoints
 2 timing errors detected. (2 setup errors, 0 hold errors, 0 component switching limit errors)
 Minimum period is   5.588ns.
Slack:                  -0.033ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd24 (FF)
  Destination:          cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_6 (FF)
  Requirement:          5.555ns
  Data Path Delay:      5.456ns (Levels of Logic = 6)
  Clock Path Skew:      -0.090ns (1.389 - 1.479)
  Source Clock:         core_clk rising at -2.777ns
  Destination Clock:    core_clk rising at 2.778ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.042ns

  Clock Uncertainty:          0.042ns  ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
    Total System Jitter (TSJ):  0.070ns
    Discrete Jitter (DJ):       0.045ns
    Phase Error (PE):           0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd24 to cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_6
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X82Y192.DQ     Tcko                  0.456   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd24
    SLICE_X82Y192.A5     net (fanout=7)        0.646   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd24
    SLICE_X82Y192.A      Tilo                  0.124   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd24
    SLICE_X87Y189.B3     net (fanout=4)        0.871   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_next[5]_GND_117_o_equal_19_o
    SLICE_X87Y189.B      Tilo                  0.124   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y189.A4     net (fanout=1)        0.433   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y189.A      Tilo                  0.124   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y188.B2     net (fanout=6)        0.829   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_next[1]
    SLICE_X87Y188.B      Tilo                  0.124   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_reduce_or_108_o
    SLICE_X91Y187.A4     net (fanout=3)        0.850   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_reduce_or_108_o
    SLICE_X91Y187.A      Tilo                  0.124   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_valid_lsb_adv_6
    SLICE_X90Y187.D3     net (fanout=5)        0.706   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_GND_123_o_Select_114_o1
    SLICE_X90Y187.CLK    Tas                   0.045   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_6
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      5.456ns (1.121ns logic, 4.335ns route)
                                                       (20.5% logic, 79.5% route)

Slack:                  -0.024ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd10 (FF)
  Destination:          cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_6 (FF)
  Requirement:          5.555ns
  Data Path Delay:      5.510ns (Levels of Logic = 6)
  Clock Path Skew:      -0.027ns (0.819 - 0.846)
  Source Clock:         core_clk rising at -2.777ns
  Destination Clock:    core_clk rising at 2.778ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.042ns

  Clock Uncertainty:          0.042ns  ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
    Total System Jitter (TSJ):  0.070ns
    Discrete Jitter (DJ):       0.045ns
    Phase Error (PE):           0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd10 to cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_6
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X87Y191.BQ     Tcko                  0.456   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd1
    SLICE_X87Y191.B2     net (fanout=9)        0.717   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd10
    SLICE_X87Y191.BMUX   Tilo                  0.360   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd1
    SLICE_X87Y189.B5     net (fanout=7)        0.618   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_next[5]_GND_117_o_equal_21_o
    SLICE_X87Y189.B      Tilo                  0.124   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y189.A4     net (fanout=1)        0.433   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y189.A      Tilo                  0.124   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y188.B2     net (fanout=6)        0.829   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_next[1]
    SLICE_X87Y188.B      Tilo                  0.124   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_reduce_or_108_o
    SLICE_X91Y187.A4     net (fanout=3)        0.850   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_reduce_or_108_o
    SLICE_X91Y187.A      Tilo                  0.124   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_valid_lsb_adv_6
    SLICE_X90Y187.D3     net (fanout=5)        0.706   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_GND_123_o_Select_114_o1
    SLICE_X90Y187.CLK    Tas                   0.045   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_6
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      5.510ns (1.357ns logic, 4.153ns route)
                                                       (24.6% logic, 75.4% route)

Slack:                  -0.020ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd24 (FF)
  Destination:          cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_7 (FF)
  Requirement:          5.555ns
  Data Path Delay:      5.443ns (Levels of Logic = 6)
  Clock Path Skew:      -0.090ns (1.389 - 1.479)
  Source Clock:         core_clk rising at -2.777ns
  Destination Clock:    core_clk rising at 2.778ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.042ns

  Clock Uncertainty:          0.042ns  ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
    Total System Jitter (TSJ):  0.070ns
    Discrete Jitter (DJ):       0.045ns
    Phase Error (PE):           0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd24 to cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_7
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X82Y192.DQ     Tcko                  0.456   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd24
    SLICE_X82Y192.A5     net (fanout=7)        0.646   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd24
    SLICE_X82Y192.A      Tilo                  0.124   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd24
    SLICE_X87Y189.B3     net (fanout=4)        0.871   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_next[5]_GND_117_o_equal_19_o
    SLICE_X87Y189.B      Tilo                  0.124   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y189.A4     net (fanout=1)        0.433   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y189.A      Tilo                  0.124   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y188.B2     net (fanout=6)        0.829   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_next[1]
    SLICE_X87Y188.B      Tilo                  0.124   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_reduce_or_108_o
    SLICE_X91Y187.A4     net (fanout=3)        0.850   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_reduce_or_108_o
    SLICE_X91Y187.A      Tilo                  0.124   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_valid_lsb_adv_6
    SLICE_X90Y187.D3     net (fanout=5)        0.706   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_GND_123_o_Select_114_o1
    SLICE_X90Y187.CLK    Tas                   0.032   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_6
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      5.443ns (1.108ns logic, 4.335ns route)
                                                       (20.4% logic, 79.6% route)

Slack:                  -0.011ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd10 (FF)
  Destination:          cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_7 (FF)
  Requirement:          5.555ns
  Data Path Delay:      5.497ns (Levels of Logic = 6)
  Clock Path Skew:      -0.027ns (0.819 - 0.846)
  Source Clock:         core_clk rising at -2.777ns
  Destination Clock:    core_clk rising at 2.778ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.042ns

  Clock Uncertainty:          0.042ns  ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
    Total System Jitter (TSJ):  0.070ns
    Discrete Jitter (DJ):       0.045ns
    Phase Error (PE):           0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd10 to cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_7
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X87Y191.BQ     Tcko                  0.456   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd1
    SLICE_X87Y191.B2     net (fanout=9)        0.717   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd10
    SLICE_X87Y191.BMUX   Tilo                  0.360   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd1
    SLICE_X87Y189.B5     net (fanout=7)        0.618   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_next[5]_GND_117_o_equal_21_o
    SLICE_X87Y189.B      Tilo                  0.124   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y189.A4     net (fanout=1)        0.433   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y189.A      Tilo                  0.124   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y188.B2     net (fanout=6)        0.829   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_next[1]
    SLICE_X87Y188.B      Tilo                  0.124   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_reduce_or_108_o
    SLICE_X91Y187.A4     net (fanout=3)        0.850   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_reduce_or_108_o
    SLICE_X91Y187.A      Tilo                  0.124   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_valid_lsb_adv_6
    SLICE_X90Y187.D3     net (fanout=5)        0.706   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_GND_123_o_Select_114_o1
    SLICE_X90Y187.CLK    Tas                   0.032   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_6
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      5.497ns (1.344ns logic, 4.153ns route)
                                                       (24.4% logic, 75.6% route)

Slack:                  -0.010ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/uop_engine/mmm_ena_y_r (FF)
  Destination:          cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_6 (FF)
  Requirement:          5.555ns
  Data Path Delay:      5.433ns (Levels of Logic = 6)
  Clock Path Skew:      -0.090ns (1.389 - 1.479)
  Source Clock:         core_clk rising at -2.777ns
  Destination Clock:    core_clk rising at 2.778ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.042ns

  Clock Uncertainty:          0.042ns  ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
    Total System Jitter (TSJ):  0.070ns
    Discrete Jitter (DJ):       0.045ns
    Phase Error (PE):           0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/uop_engine/mmm_ena_y_r to cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_6
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X83Y191.DMUX   Tshcko                0.594   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/reductor_y/busy_now_shreg<4>
    SLICE_X82Y192.A6     net (fanout=7)        0.485   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/uop_engine/mmm_ena_y_r
    SLICE_X82Y192.A      Tilo                  0.124   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_FSM_FFd24
    SLICE_X87Y189.B3     net (fanout=4)        0.871   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_next[5]_GND_117_o_equal_19_o
    SLICE_X87Y189.B      Tilo                  0.124   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y189.A4     net (fanout=1)        0.433   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y189.A      Tilo                  0.124   cores/N2556
    SLICE_X87Y188.B2     net (fanout=6)        0.829   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/fsm_state_next[1]
    SLICE_X87Y188.B      Tilo                  0.124   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_reduce_or_108_o
    SLICE_X91Y187.A4     net (fanout=3)        0.850   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_reduce_or_108_o
    SLICE_X91Y187.A      Tilo                  0.124   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_valid_lsb_adv_6
    SLICE_X90Y187.D3     net (fanout=5)        0.706   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/fsm_state_next[5]_GND_123_o_Select_114_o1
    SLICE_X90Y187.CLK    Tas                   0.045   cores/modexpng_inst/modexpng/mmm_y/recombinator_block/xy_bitmap_lsb_adv<6>_6
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      5.433ns (1.259ns logic, 4.174ns route)
                                                       (23.2% logic, 76.8% route)


Timing constraint: TIMEGRP "TNM_FMC_IN_DATA" OFFSET = IN 7.5 ns VALID 17.5 ns 
BEFORE COMP         "fmc_clk" "RISING";
For more information, see Offset In Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).

 32 paths analyzed, 32 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
 0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors)
 Minimum allowable offset is   6.042ns.

Timing constraint: TIMEGRP "TNM_FMC_IN_ADDR" OFFSET = IN 10 ns VALID 9 ns 
BEFORE COMP "fmc_clk"         "RISING";
For more information, see Offset In Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).

 24 paths analyzed, 24 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
 0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors)
 Minimum allowable offset is   9.454ns.

Timing constraint: TIMEGRP "TNM_FMC_IN_CONTROL" OFFSET = IN 9.5 ns VALID 13.5 
ns BEFORE COMP         "fmc_clk" "RISING";
For more information, see Offset In Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).

 3 paths analyzed, 3 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
 0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors)
 Minimum allowable offset is   7.459ns.

"fmc_clk" "FALLING";
For more information, see Offset Out Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).

 32 paths analyzed, 32 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
 0 timing errors detected.
 Maximum allowable offset is  21.951ns.

Derived Constraint Report
Derived Constraints for TS_fmc_clk
|                               |   Period    |       Actual Period       |      Timing Errors        |      Paths Analyzed       |
|           Constraint          | Requirement |-------------+-------------|-------------+-------------|-------------+-------------|
|                               |             |   Direct    | Derivative  |   Direct    | Derivative  |   Direct    | Derivative  |
|TS_fmc_clk                     |     22.222ns|     10.000ns|     22.352ns|            0|            2|            0|     17371977|
| TS_clkmgr_mmcm_inst_mmcm_clkou|     11.111ns|     11.098ns|      3.968ns|            0|            0|     17285700|         4158|
| t0                            |             |             |             |             |             |             |             |
|  TS_core_selector             |     22.222ns|      7.935ns|          N/A|            0|            0|         4158|            0|
| TS_clkmgr_mmcm_inst_mmcm_clkou|     22.222ns|     13.218ns|          N/A|            0|            0|          188|            0|
| t1                            |             |             |             |             |             |             |             |
| TS_clkmgr_mmcm_inst_mmcm_clkou|      5.556ns|      5.588ns|          N/A|            2|            0|        81931|            0|
| t2                            |             |             |             |             |             |             |             |

1 constraint not met.

Data Sheet report:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)

Setup/Hold to clock fmc_clk
            |Max Setup to|  Process   |Max Hold to |  Process   |                  | Clock  |
Source      | clk (edge) |   Corner   | clk (edge) |   Corner   |Internal Clock(s) | Phase  |
fmc_a<0>    |    7.252(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.231(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<1>    |    7.417(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.285(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<2>    |    7.374(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.273(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<3>    |    7.258(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.226(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<4>    |    7.250(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.247(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<5>    |    7.402(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.323(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<6>    |    7.309(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.292(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<7>    |    7.419(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.317(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<8>    |    7.290(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.272(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<9>    |    7.298(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.289(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<10>   |    7.420(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.318(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<11>   |    7.464(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.366(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<12>   |    8.781(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.817(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<13>   |    8.700(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.806(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<14>   |    8.854(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.891(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<15>   |    9.121(R)|      SLOW  |   -5.093(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<16>   |    9.276(R)|      SLOW  |   -5.165(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<17>   |    9.212(R)|      SLOW  |   -5.104(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<18>   |    8.806(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.897(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<19>   |    9.454(R)|      SLOW  |   -5.236(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<20>   |    7.501(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.404(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<21>   |    7.467(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.368(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<22>   |    7.538(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.421(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_a<23>   |    7.768(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.485(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<0>    |    6.017(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.731(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<1>    |    6.010(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.723(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<2>    |    6.004(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.717(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<3>    |    6.003(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.717(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<4>    |    5.849(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.669(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<5>    |    5.851(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.669(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<6>    |    5.844(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.662(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<7>    |    5.841(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.658(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<8>    |    6.012(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.734(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<9>    |    6.013(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.738(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<10>   |    6.000(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.723(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<11>   |    5.923(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.650(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<12>   |    5.996(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.719(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<13>   |    6.032(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.744(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<14>   |    6.042(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.754(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<15>   |    6.041(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.752(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<16>   |    6.033(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.745(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<17>   |    6.024(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.735(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<18>   |    6.028(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.739(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<19>   |    6.032(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.742(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<20>   |    6.040(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.749(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<21>   |    6.024(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.735(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<22>   |    6.027(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.738(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<23>   |    6.017(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.726(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<24>   |    5.861(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.677(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<25>   |    5.998(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.708(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<26>   |    5.841(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.658(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<27>   |    5.829(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.649(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<28>   |    5.997(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.720(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<29>   |    5.993(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.717(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<30>   |    5.974(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.701(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<31>   |    5.964(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.691(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_ne1     |    7.272(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.256(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_nl      |    7.459(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.329(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_nwe     |    7.229(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.239(R)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|

Clock fmc_clk to Pad
            |Max (slowest) clk|  Process   |Min (fastest) clk|  Process   |                  | Clock  |
Destination |  (edge) to PAD  |   Corner   |  (edge) to PAD  |   Corner   |Internal Clock(s) | Phase  |
fmc_d<0>    |         0.066(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.930(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<1>    |         0.059(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.938(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<2>    |         0.058(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.940(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<3>    |         0.055(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.942(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<4>    |         0.271(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.844(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<5>    |         0.267(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.846(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<6>    |         0.249(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.861(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<7>    |         0.245(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.864(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<8>    |         0.074(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.928(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<9>    |         0.094(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.913(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<10>   |         0.062(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.939(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<11>   |         0.017(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.992(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<12>   |         0.062(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.941(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<13>   |         0.074(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.921(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<14>   |         0.085(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.911(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<15>   |         0.082(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.913(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<16>   |         0.074(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.921(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<17>   |         0.061(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.933(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<18>   |         0.064(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.929(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<19>   |         0.060(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.930(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<20>   |         0.067(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.923(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<21>   |         0.050(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.941(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<22>   |         0.053(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.938(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<23>   |         0.039(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.951(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<24>   |         0.267(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.842(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<25>   |         0.020(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.970(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<26>   |         0.242(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.867(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<27>   |         0.256(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.859(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<28>   |         0.063(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.940(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<29>   |         0.059(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.943(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<30>   |         0.066(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.944(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|
fmc_d<31>   |         0.056(F)|      SLOW  |        -1.953(F)|      FAST  |io_clk            |  -2.777|

Clock to Setup on destination clock fmc_clk
               | Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|
Source Clock   |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|
fmc_clk        |   11.098|         |    6.609|         |

TIMEGRP "TNM_FMC_IN_DATA" OFFSET = IN 7.5 ns VALID 17.5 ns BEFORE COMP         "fmc_clk" "RISING";
Worst Case Data Window 2.393; Ideal Clock Offset To Actual Clock 6.095; 
                  |            |  Process   |            |  Process   |  Setup  |  Hold   |Source Offset|
Source            |   Setup    |   Corner   |    Hold    |   Corner   |  Slack  |  Slack  |  To Center  |
fmc_d<0>          |    6.017(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.731(R)|      FAST  |    1.483|   13.731|       -6.124|
fmc_d<1>          |    6.010(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.723(R)|      FAST  |    1.490|   13.723|       -6.117|
fmc_d<2>          |    6.004(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.717(R)|      FAST  |    1.496|   13.717|       -6.111|
fmc_d<3>          |    6.003(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.717(R)|      FAST  |    1.497|   13.717|       -6.110|
fmc_d<4>          |    5.849(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.669(R)|      FAST  |    1.651|   13.669|       -6.009|
fmc_d<5>          |    5.851(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.669(R)|      FAST  |    1.649|   13.669|       -6.010|
fmc_d<6>          |    5.844(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.662(R)|      FAST  |    1.656|   13.662|       -6.003|
fmc_d<7>          |    5.841(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.658(R)|      FAST  |    1.659|   13.658|       -5.999|
fmc_d<8>          |    6.012(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.734(R)|      FAST  |    1.488|   13.734|       -6.123|
fmc_d<9>          |    6.013(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.738(R)|      FAST  |    1.487|   13.738|       -6.126|
fmc_d<10>         |    6.000(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.723(R)|      FAST  |    1.500|   13.723|       -6.112|
fmc_d<11>         |    5.923(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.650(R)|      FAST  |    1.577|   13.650|       -6.037|
fmc_d<12>         |    5.996(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.719(R)|      FAST  |    1.504|   13.719|       -6.108|
fmc_d<13>         |    6.032(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.744(R)|      FAST  |    1.468|   13.744|       -6.138|
fmc_d<14>         |    6.042(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.754(R)|      FAST  |    1.458|   13.754|       -6.148|
fmc_d<15>         |    6.041(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.752(R)|      FAST  |    1.459|   13.752|       -6.147|
fmc_d<16>         |    6.033(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.745(R)|      FAST  |    1.467|   13.745|       -6.139|
fmc_d<17>         |    6.024(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.735(R)|      FAST  |    1.476|   13.735|       -6.130|
fmc_d<18>         |    6.028(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.739(R)|      FAST  |    1.472|   13.739|       -6.134|
fmc_d<19>         |    6.032(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.742(R)|      FAST  |    1.468|   13.742|       -6.137|
fmc_d<20>         |    6.040(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.749(R)|      FAST  |    1.460|   13.749|       -6.145|
fmc_d<21>         |    6.024(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.735(R)|      FAST  |    1.476|   13.735|       -6.130|
fmc_d<22>         |    6.027(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.738(R)|      FAST  |    1.473|   13.738|       -6.132|
fmc_d<23>         |    6.017(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.726(R)|      FAST  |    1.483|   13.726|       -6.122|
fmc_d<24>         |    5.861(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.677(R)|      FAST  |    1.639|   13.677|       -6.019|
fmc_d<25>         |    5.998(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.708(R)|      FAST  |    1.502|   13.708|       -6.103|
fmc_d<26>         |    5.841(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.658(R)|      FAST  |    1.659|   13.658|       -5.999|
fmc_d<27>         |    5.829(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.649(R)|      FAST  |    1.671|   13.649|       -5.989|
fmc_d<28>         |    5.997(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.720(R)|      FAST  |    1.503|   13.720|       -6.109|
fmc_d<29>         |    5.993(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.717(R)|      FAST  |    1.507|   13.717|       -6.105|
fmc_d<30>         |    5.974(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.701(R)|      FAST  |    1.526|   13.701|       -6.088|
fmc_d<31>         |    5.964(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.691(R)|      FAST  |    1.536|   13.691|       -6.078|
Worst Case Summary|       6.042|         -  |      -3.649|         -  |    1.458|   13.649|             |

Worst Case Data Window 5.228; Ideal Clock Offset To Actual Clock 1.340; 
                  |            |  Process   |            |  Process   |  Setup  |  Hold   |Source Offset|
Source            |   Setup    |   Corner   |    Hold    |   Corner   |  Slack  |  Slack  |  To Center  |
fmc_a<0>          |    7.252(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.231(R)|      FAST  |    2.748|    3.231|       -0.241|
fmc_a<1>          |    7.417(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.285(R)|      FAST  |    2.583|    3.285|       -0.351|
fmc_a<2>          |    7.374(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.273(R)|      FAST  |    2.626|    3.273|       -0.324|
fmc_a<3>          |    7.258(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.226(R)|      FAST  |    2.742|    3.226|       -0.242|
fmc_a<4>          |    7.250(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.247(R)|      FAST  |    2.750|    3.247|       -0.248|
fmc_a<5>          |    7.402(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.323(R)|      FAST  |    2.598|    3.323|       -0.363|
fmc_a<6>          |    7.309(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.292(R)|      FAST  |    2.691|    3.292|       -0.301|
fmc_a<7>          |    7.419(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.317(R)|      FAST  |    2.581|    3.317|       -0.368|
fmc_a<8>          |    7.290(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.272(R)|      FAST  |    2.710|    3.272|       -0.281|
fmc_a<9>          |    7.298(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.289(R)|      FAST  |    2.702|    3.289|       -0.294|
fmc_a<10>         |    7.420(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.318(R)|      FAST  |    2.580|    3.318|       -0.369|
fmc_a<11>         |    7.464(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.366(R)|      FAST  |    2.536|    3.366|       -0.415|
fmc_a<12>         |    8.781(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.817(R)|      FAST  |    1.219|    3.817|       -1.299|
fmc_a<13>         |    8.700(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.806(R)|      FAST  |    1.300|    3.806|       -1.253|
fmc_a<14>         |    8.854(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.891(R)|      FAST  |    1.146|    3.891|       -1.373|
fmc_a<15>         |    9.121(R)|      SLOW  |   -5.093(R)|      FAST  |    0.879|    4.093|       -1.607|
fmc_a<16>         |    9.276(R)|      SLOW  |   -5.165(R)|      FAST  |    0.724|    4.165|       -1.721|
fmc_a<17>         |    9.212(R)|      SLOW  |   -5.104(R)|      FAST  |    0.788|    4.104|       -1.658|
fmc_a<18>         |    8.806(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.897(R)|      FAST  |    1.194|    3.897|       -1.352|
fmc_a<19>         |    9.454(R)|      SLOW  |   -5.236(R)|      FAST  |    0.546|    4.236|       -1.845|
fmc_a<20>         |    7.501(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.404(R)|      FAST  |    2.499|    3.404|       -0.452|
fmc_a<21>         |    7.467(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.368(R)|      FAST  |    2.533|    3.368|       -0.418|
fmc_a<22>         |    7.538(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.421(R)|      FAST  |    2.462|    3.421|       -0.479|
fmc_a<23>         |    7.768(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.485(R)|      FAST  |    2.232|    3.485|       -0.626|
Worst Case Summary|       9.454|         -  |      -4.226|         -  |    0.546|    3.226|             |

Worst Case Data Window 3.220; Ideal Clock Offset To Actual Clock 3.099; 
                  |            |  Process   |            |  Process   |  Setup  |  Hold   |Source Offset|
Source            |   Setup    |   Corner   |    Hold    |   Corner   |  Slack  |  Slack  |  To Center  |
fmc_ne1           |    7.272(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.256(R)|      FAST  |    2.228|    8.256|       -3.014|
fmc_nl            |    7.459(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.329(R)|      FAST  |    2.041|    8.329|       -3.144|
fmc_nwe           |    7.229(R)|      SLOW  |   -4.239(R)|      FAST  |    2.271|    8.239|       -2.984|
Worst Case Summary|       7.459|         -  |      -4.239|         -  |    2.041|    8.239|             |

Bus Skew: 0.254 ns; 
                                               |Max (slowest)|  Process   |Min (fastest)|  Process   |              |
PAD                                            | Delay (ns)  |   Corner   | Delay (ns)  |   Corner   |Edge Skew (ns)|
fmc_d<0>                                       |        0.066|      SLOW  |       -1.930|      FAST  |         0.049|
fmc_d<1>                                       |        0.059|      SLOW  |       -1.938|      FAST  |         0.042|
fmc_d<2>                                       |        0.058|      SLOW  |       -1.940|      FAST  |         0.041|
fmc_d<3>                                       |        0.055|      SLOW  |       -1.942|      FAST  |         0.038|
fmc_d<4>                                       |        0.271|      SLOW  |       -1.844|      FAST  |         0.254|
fmc_d<5>                                       |        0.267|      SLOW  |       -1.846|      FAST  |         0.250|
fmc_d<6>                                       |        0.249|      SLOW  |       -1.861|      FAST  |         0.232|
fmc_d<7>                                       |        0.245|      SLOW  |       -1.864|      FAST  |         0.228|
fmc_d<8>                                       |        0.074|      SLOW  |       -1.928|      FAST  |         0.057|
fmc_d<9>                                       |        0.094|      SLOW  |       -1.913|      FAST  |         0.077|
fmc_d<10>                                      |        0.062|      SLOW  |       -1.939|      FAST  |         0.045|
fmc_d<11>                                      |        0.017|      SLOW  |       -1.992|      FAST  |         0.000|
fmc_d<12>                                      |        0.062|      SLOW  |       -1.941|      FAST  |         0.045|
fmc_d<13>                                      |        0.074|      SLOW  |       -1.921|      FAST  |         0.057|
fmc_d<14>                                      |        0.085|      SLOW  |       -1.911|      FAST  |         0.068|
fmc_d<15>                                      |        0.082|      SLOW  |       -1.913|      FAST  |         0.065|
fmc_d<16>                                      |        0.074|      SLOW  |       -1.921|      FAST  |         0.057|
fmc_d<17>                                      |        0.061|      SLOW  |       -1.933|      FAST  |         0.044|
fmc_d<18>                                      |        0.064|      SLOW  |       -1.929|      FAST  |         0.047|
fmc_d<19>                                      |        0.060|      SLOW  |       -1.930|      FAST  |         0.043|
fmc_d<20>                                      |        0.067|      SLOW  |       -1.923|      FAST  |         0.050|
fmc_d<21>                                      |        0.050|      SLOW  |       -1.941|      FAST  |         0.033|
fmc_d<22>                                      |        0.053|      SLOW  |       -1.938|      FAST  |         0.036|
fmc_d<23>                                      |        0.039|      SLOW  |       -1.951|      FAST  |         0.022|
fmc_d<24>                                      |        0.267|      SLOW  |       -1.842|      FAST  |         0.250|
fmc_d<25>                                      |        0.020|      SLOW  |       -1.970|      FAST  |         0.003|
fmc_d<26>                                      |        0.242|      SLOW  |       -1.867|      FAST  |         0.225|
fmc_d<27>                                      |        0.256|      SLOW  |       -1.859|      FAST  |         0.239|
fmc_d<28>                                      |        0.063|      SLOW  |       -1.940|      FAST  |         0.046|
fmc_d<29>                                      |        0.059|      SLOW  |       -1.943|      FAST  |         0.042|
fmc_d<30>                                      |        0.066|      SLOW  |       -1.944|      FAST  |         0.049|
fmc_d<31>                                      |        0.056|      SLOW  |       -1.953|      FAST  |         0.039|

Timing summary:

Timing errors: 2  Score: 53  (Setup/Max: 53, Hold: 0)

Constraints cover 17372068 paths, 0 nets, and 261411 connections

Design statistics:
   Minimum period:  13.218ns   (Maximum frequency:  75.654MHz)
   Maximum path delay from/to any node:   7.935ns
   Minimum input required time before clock:   9.454ns
   Maximum output delay after clock:  21.951ns

Analysis completed Tue Feb 25 20:14:21 2020 

Trace Settings:
Trace Settings 

Peak Memory Usage: 2006 MB

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