[Cryptech Tech] Seeking comments on a proposal for changes to the Cryptech RNG design.

Joachim Strömbergson joachim.strombergson at assured.se
Thu Mar 22 11:52:59 UTC 2018

Hash: SHA256


I'm considering changing part of the Cryptech RNG and would like
feedback on it. The note below tries to explain why, how etc.

Replacing the mixer in the Cryptech RNG
1. Intro:
This is a short note about a possible change of the mixer stage in the
Cryptech RNG. The note tries to describe the current solution, what we
want to change and why. The note contains three possible solutions and
then discuss the security implications.

2. Current architecture:
The random number generator in Cryptech [1] currently consists of a
chain comprising of three major stages:

1. A set of separate entropy sources. Currently one entropy source
   external to the FPGA and one internal entropy source.

2. A stateful entropy mixer that generates seeds.

3. A deterministic random bit generator (DRBG)

Between stage 2 and 3 there is also a FIFO capable of storing a few
output words from the mixer. There are three reasons for the mixer:

  1. Ensure that the entropy collected from the sources are mixed to
  block bias in one source to dominate, affect the generated seed.

  2. Ensure that an attack on the entropy sources at a given time does
  not propagate to the seeds generated. This is due to the fact that
  seeds generated does not only depend on entropy collected at a given
  time, but also on an internal state.

  3. Decouple the entropy collection and seed generation from the random
  number generation. This allows the seed generation to continue
  independently, updating the internal state. And when the random bit
  generator is to be reseeded the seeds needed are ready.

The last reason is both for security, but also for efficiency. The
decoupled mixer allows us to reseed with very little affect on the
random number generation performance. And compared to today, we probably
want to reseed more frequently than today [1].

The stateful entropy mixer consumes 32-bit words from the entropy
sources selected in round-robin order. The mixer treats the words as
being part of a continuous message. The words are combined into message
blocks and hashed using SHA-512 (NIST FIPS 180-4) one block at a
time. The output from the mixer is the updated message digest given by
the consumed block and the previous hash state. This means that the
output depends both on the consumed entropy words in a given block, but
also on the digest state from all previous message blocks.

The mixer message block size is 1024 bits. The internal state is 512
bits and the output is 512-bits.

The extracted 512-bit words are used in pairs to seed the DRBG. The DRBG
is the stream cipher ChaCha with 256 bit key, 64 bit IV, 64 bit counter
initial value and 256 bit input data block. In total 896 bits are used
to seed the DRBG to its initial state.

3. Problem definition:
There are two drivers for the change we want to do:

  1. Decrease the FPGA resources used by the RNG.
  2. Remove a major obstacle for running the Cryptech FPGA at 100 MHz.

SHA-512 is a big core. In Xilinx Artix-7 the core requires 1575 Slices
and 3918 registers. This is bigger than the ChaCha core that requires
1076 slices and 1949 registers.

The SHA-512 core can be clocked at 96 MHz in Artix-7. This is just below
a target frequency of 100 MHz. But to comfortably meet this clock, we
would need a margin. Getting that margin would a redesign (pipelining of
the round function) and basically halve the performance thus nullifying
any performance gained by the increased clock speed.

4. Possible solutions:
I see three possible solutions:

4.1 Replace with SHA-256
Cryptech has a SHA-256 core in the repo. The core is well tested and
used in several designs besides Cryptech. The SHA-256 core
requires 688 Slices and 1929 regsisters. Basically halving the size of

The difference in block size and digest size requires some
adaptations. Using SHA-256 would require generating double the number of
digests to seed ChaCha. The block size would change, but
the rate of entropy consumption would stay the same. The internal state
would decrease from 512 to 256 bits.

4.2 Replace with Blake2s
The Blake2s hash function is much faster than SHA-256. In other
respects the changes in block size, internal state would be the same as
for SHA-256. I have a partial Blake2s core that could be completed if
this is the direction chosen. Blake2s also supports key based hashing
which would allow per-device unique mixing.

4.3 Replace with SipHash
SipHash [3] is a short message PRF. The block size is 64 bits and
SipHash generates digests of 128 bits. SipHash is really compact in
hardware and is also very fast. SipHash is primarily used as hash
function in FreeBSD, OpenDNS, Perl, Ruby, and Rust.

I have a HW implementation of SipHash [4]. That core requires 432 Slices
and 789 registers in Xilinx Artix-7. The core is capable of running at
173 MHz. In terms of size and clock speed, this core is really

With SipHash the mixer would have to change quite a bit more. The
solution I have in mind is to:

  I. Process in total of 256 bits of entropy as a separate message and
     generate a 128 bit digest for that message. This means that each
     message is four blocks. Each block contains one 32-bit word from
     each entropy source. No round-robin collector is needed.

 II. Every odd message is used to generate a 128 bit key. The key is
     used to generate the digest for the next message. Every even
     message (generated by the key from the previous message) is used as
     seed for the CSPRNG.

This means that the 128 bit key is the internal state of the mixer.

The FIFO between the mixer and the CSPRNG could also decrease in size
since the seed word size would decrease from 512 to 128 bits.

5. Discussion:
- From a technical point of view it would be quite easy to replace the
SHA-512 core with another hash core (SHA-256 or Blake2s) or even
SipHash). The difference in block size and digest size requires some
adaptations. Using SHA-256 for example would require generating double
the number of digests to seed ChaCha. The block size would change, but
the rate of entropy consumption would stay the same.

The SipHash based solution would be the more radical change. It would
provide the biggest reduction in FPGA resources used. It would also
change and simplify entropy collection.

The big question is how the different solutions affects the security of
the RNG chain. As I see it, this is mainly due to the size of the internal
state. SHA-256 has an internal state of 256 bits. Blake2s in comparison
has an internal state of 512 bits. With SipHash the state is given by
the key and would be 128 bits.

- From a high level perspective. We consume a large number of entropy bits
to end up with a ChaCha key of 256 bits (we also set IV and initial
value of the counter. But the security of the CSPRNG is in the key. With
SHA-512, SHA-256 or SHA-512 the internal state is either bigger or equal
to 256 bits. With SipHash the internal state is 128 bits.

Another question with SipHash is if the 128 bit digests can be
considered independent enough to be concatenated into a 256 bit key?

Should we replace SHA-512 with something else? If so, under Which
conditions? What core should we use instead?

I personally think that Blake2s would be interesting, but that would
require more work than SHA-256. SipHash is very tiny and very fast. But
feels like a bigger change security wise.

6. Other changes considered
I have a list of other changes that we might want to consider to do in
the near term.

1. Feedback from CSPRNG to mixer. Basically extract the first N words
from the CSPRNG and send back to the mixer as a third entropy
source. These N words would not be provided to the applications. This
adds another internal state that makes it harder for an attacker to

2. Change the seed FIFO into a mutator queue. Instead of simply hold a
number of seed words and signal to the CSPRNG that there are seed words
available, the queue would act as a mutator ring buffer. The mixer can
keep on inserting words and inserted words are XOR:ed into the seed
words stored in the buffer.

3. Add entropy monitors to the entropy providers. Currently the entropy
providers perform warm-up before providing words. But the quality (or
lack thereof) of the entropy generated is not checked. The proposed idea
since way back is to add some AIS31 [5] tests to detect that the
entropy sources at least are not totally broken and react if that

7. References
[1] Cryptech project. The Cryptech TRNG repoistory.

[2] Bernstein, D. J. "Fast-key-erasure random-number generators"
    2017-07-23. https://blog.cr.yp.to/20170723-random.html

[3] Aumasson, J-P. Bernstein, D. J. SipHash: a fast short-input PRF.

[4] Strombergson. J. SipHash Verilog Implementation.

[5] Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI). "A
    proposal for: Functionality classes and evaluation methodology for
    true (physical) random number generators"


- -- 
Med vänlig hälsning, Yours

Joachim Strömbergson - Assured AB

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