[Cryptech Tech] [FORGED] Heise covers the Alpha board release

Bernd Paysan bernd at net2o.de
Sun Jul 24 21:50:09 UTC 2016

Am Sonntag, 24. Juli 2016, 22:08:44 CEST schrieb Leif Johansson:
> (A scary thought: does Donald violate some law of thermodynamics?)

Actually not.  It's normal for a heated up system to produce entropy; it is 
actually quite difficult to prevent it from doing so. E.g. in digital logic, you 
have to make sure that all clocks are synchronized, and all delay paths are 
shorter than the clock cycles, and all gates have a very distinctive output 
(supply/gnd) when the inputs settle. Just violate the rules, and it will turn 
into entropy very quickly.

So the fact that ordinary politicians are perfectly predictable, like our 
politicians who responded to the shootings two days ago by putting the blame 
on "killer games" and that they need to "x-ray the darknet" (where the jerk 
got his gun from; probably by using the darknet weapon download protocol DWDP) 
means that they are all supercooled quantum computers entangled with each 
other (the good thing is that they seem to be limited to the magic 14 qubits 
limit, as well, so they can't factor numbers bigger than 127 using Shor's 
algorithm; which makes it too difficult for them to actually x-ray the darknet).

So Donald's irritatingly unpredictable speeches (with 1024 bits of entropy per 
speech) just show how unconnected he is to the entangled establishment. Of 
course, it's also complete bullshit, but you couldn't tell *which* bullshit.

However, securely extracting individual entropy out of a public speech of 
Donald Trump has not been easy. After all, each device needs to extract 
different entropy.  The solution was to create a bullshit bingo game using the 
other entropy sources and a deterministic PRNG starting with an individual 
serial number, and to toggle a bit for each word the Donald speaks, and sample 
whenever a "Bingo" is reached.  This gives 1024 bits per speech (with 3.5 
words on average to reach a Bingo, marking 5 bullshit topics either 
horizontal, vertical or diagonal), and due to the fact that the bingo games 
are different for each device, they are individual per device.  The vocabulary 
for the Bingo game includes "Muslims", "Americans", "Great", "Terrorists", 
"most", "very very", "absolutely", "Let me tell you", "Wall", "Mexicans", and 
more, here's a set of samples:


Bernd Paysan
"If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself"
net2o ID: kQusJzA;7*?t=uy at X}1GWr!+0qqp_Cn176t4(dQ*

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