[Cryptech Tech] First hash via EIM

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Wed Feb 4 21:31:44 UTC 2015

> I ported hash_tester.c to the current novena design, because it seemed
> the easiest thing to do at this point. Initial tests are satisfying -
> there were *no* hashing failures, and performance looks good (without
> any tuning):
> TC4: Read name and version from SHA-256 core.
> This just does 3 4-byte reads.
> 52276017 iterations in 187.356 seconds (279019.562 iterations/sec)
> If we define an EIM operation as one read or write, then this is
> 837059 operations/sec
> TC5: SHA-256 Single block message test as specified by NIST.
> This does 16 4-byte writes to the block, then one write to the control
> register. It does 2 reads of the status register (first time returns
> busy, next time returns done), then it does 8 reads to get the digest,
> so a total of 17 writes, 10 reads.
> 27957959 iterations in 601.631 seconds (46470.300 iterations/sec)
> or 1254698 EIM operations/sec
> TC6: SHA-256 Double block message test as specified by NIST.
> This writes one block, writes init, reads status, reads the
> intermediate digest, then repeats for the second block, so exactly
> double the number of operations, or 34 writes, 20 reads.
> 9871382 iterations in 424.815 seconds (23236.894 iterations/sec)
> or 1254792 EIM operations/sec
> TC7: SHA-256 Huge message test.
> This writes 1 block, writes the control register 1000 times, with 2
> status reads in between, then reads 1 digest, so 1016 writes, 2008 reads.
> 309741 iterations in 777.014 seconds (398.630 iterations/sec)
> or 1205457 EIM operations/sec.
> OTOH, the 403 error on http[s] access seems to be related to my
> pushes, somehow. Rob, please whack again, and let's try to get to the
> bottom of this.

w00t!  this is a good day.


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