[Cryptech Tech] Hardware entropy

Bernd Paysan bernd at net2o.de
Tue May 27 14:21:00 UTC 2014

Am Dienstag, 27. Mai 2014, 15:11:58 schrieb Stephan Mueller:
> >Example: To remove the bias of the individual roscs, you can xor two
> >sources (that's why I had the p ^ n readout address in my original
> >entropy block). The result is a pretty flat distribution of all
> >possible byte values (roughly gauss-shaped, see attached second-order
> >histogram - that's a histogram of the histogram), but the entropy is
> >nearly half of the original entropy (the individual bits are now
> >better, but the overall number of bits are reduced by a factor two).
> Can you please elaborate on the last part. I do not understand what you
> mean with the entropy is half.
> It is mathematically proven that XOR does not reduce entropy of two
> *independent* data sets. So, when you say that XOR reduces entropy, the
> data sets per definition are dependent. Thus, you do not have as much
> entropy even in your initial data sets.

No, you take *two* bits (e.g. p[1] ^ n[1]), and produce *one* bit as result.  
This means you have half the number of bits.  If the two inputs have high 
entropy, the xor operation will produce one bit with at least the same amount 
of entropy (it can only get better, but there is a limit for entropy per bit: 
you can't have more than 1 shannon per bit), but it is one bit for where there 
were originally two bits.

Two bits with good entropy have together more entropy than one bit with 
somewhat better entropy.  This doesn't even depend on the amount of entropy: 
Even if the entropy originally was poor, the xor will provide less than twice 
the entropy per bit, and the number of bits is reduced by two.

AFAIK, what you get with a probability of surprise of p1/p2 for the two inputs 
(1 if completely random, 0 if completely predictable), is

p_xor = (p1+p2)/(1+p1*p2)

Bernd Paysan
"If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself"
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