[Cryptech Core] draft CLA text

Stephen Farrell stephen.farrell at cs.tcd.ie
Thu Jan 31 16:37:35 UTC 2019


We spoke about contributor license agreements at the
last f2f. The attached draft text is a simple edit of
those used by the openssl project so is hopefully

If we're all ok with the text I hope we can finalise
that and maybe even have a paper signing party in a
couple of weeks in AMS. (And/or via email for folks not
there or who need more time.)

But now is a fine time to suggest any text changes if
some are needed (please send OLD/NEW text if doing so),
but I hope this isn't problematic given we've agreed to
do CLAs. Once finalised we can stick these on the project
web site for anyone new who turns up to help and go
about singing 'em ourselves.

There are two versions attached, one for individuals
and one for organisations. The latter might only really
be needed for DiamondKey but whichever best suits each
of our setups is fine.


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