[Cryptech Core] cryptech team bios...

Stephen Farrell stephen.farrell at cs.tcd.ie
Mon Apr 29 12:33:11 UTC 2019


Leif, Joachim and I are preparing yet another
funding application for some H2020 dosh for
Cryptech. That's due in tomorrow afternoon. [1]

This time, the application form calls for some
CVs for team members. It'd be great if a few of
you could send a short-form CV/bio to me, Leif
and Joachim before tomorrow 1300 UTC. I don't
think we need everyones but if we can include
5 or more, that'd be great.

There's a max of 3 pages per CV, but if you have
a half-page or so version handy, that'd be ideal.
And in case you're worried, no, you don't end up
obliged to do anything at all if your name is
included, it's really team background info so's
evaluators can say yes more easily:-)

Thanks in advance,

[1] https://www.ngi.eu/opencalls/ngi_trust-open-call/
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