[Cryptech Core] [Cryptech-business] Draft letter of continuing support for DKS from the CrypTech project

Ram Mohan rmohan at afilias.info
Thu May 3 09:33:08 UTC 2018

Looks good

On Wed, May 2, 2018, 11:31 PM Karen O'Donoghue <odonoghue at isoc.org> wrote:

> Folks,
> Below is a draft letter of continuing support from Cryptech for DKS to be
> sent to the ISOC board of Trustees as part of their efforts to ensure their
> investment in DKS is going in a positive direction. Please provide comments
> as soon as possible. It is a bit short, but there doesn’t seem much you can
> say beyond… “yeah we still get along…"
> Thanks,
> Karen
> ********
> 7 May 2018
> Internet Society Board of Trustees
> Gonzalo Camarillo
> Kathryn Brown
> 1775 Wiehle Ave,
> Reston, VA 20190
> Dear ISOC Trustee:
> In November of 2017, we wrote to you on behalf of the CrypTech project to
> express support for the Diamond Key Security (DKS) initiative. We wanted to
> reinforce the fact that we were working closely with DKS and that we
> appreciate the importance of their efforts on behalf of CrypTech
> sustainability. We understand that this is a close collaboration between
> the CrypTech Project and DKS and mutual cooperation is essential to the
> success.
> In the subsequent six months since the initial letter, you have generously
> provided resources that have enabled the establishment of Diamond Key
> Security as a not-for-profit entity. Upon the establishment of DKS, the
> CrypTech project and DKS began to work closely together to plan for the
> development and sustainability of CrypTech. Specifically, in February 2018
> we held a productive CrypTech project face to face meeting establishing a
> technical roadmap for 2018 and discussing the next steps for CrypTech
> business and marketing activities. We reiterated the consensus model for
> decision making by the CrypTech core team. Finally, DKS welcomed Stephen
> Farrell as the CrypTech representative on the DKS board. All of these
> activities indicate a continuing positive and productive relationship
> between CrypTech and DKS as we work toward our common goals.
> In conclusion, the CrypTech project continues to be satisfied with the
> relationship between the CrypTech project and DKS and optimistic about the
> future of CrypTech. We thank the ISOC Board of Trustees for their trust and
> generosity with regards to CrypTech and DKS,
> Regards,
> Stephen Farrell
> Russ Housley
> Leif Johannson
> on behalf of the CrypTech Project Team (pending team approval)
> Cc: Kevin
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