[Cryptech Core] Draft letter of continuing support for DKS from the CrypTech project

Stephen Farrell stephen.farrell at cs.tcd.ie
Thu May 3 06:46:39 UTC 2018

That looks good to me,

On 03/05/18 04:31, Karen O'Donoghue wrote:
> Folks,
> Below is a draft letter of continuing support from Cryptech for DKS to be sent to the ISOC board of Trustees as part of their efforts to ensure their investment in DKS is going in a positive direction. Please provide comments as soon as possible. It is a bit short, but there doesn’t seem much you can say beyond… “yeah we still get along…"
> Thanks,
> Karen
> ********
> 7 May 2018
> Internet Society Board of Trustees
> Gonzalo Camarillo
> Kathryn Brown
> 1775 Wiehle Ave,
> Reston, VA 20190
> Dear ISOC Trustee:
> In November of 2017, we wrote to you on behalf of the CrypTech project to express support for the Diamond Key Security (DKS) initiative. We wanted to reinforce the fact that we were working closely with DKS and that we appreciate the importance of their efforts on behalf of CrypTech sustainability. We understand that this is a close collaboration between the CrypTech Project and DKS and mutual cooperation is essential to the success. 
> In the subsequent six months since the initial letter, you have generously provided resources that have enabled the establishment of Diamond Key Security as a not-for-profit entity. Upon the establishment of DKS, the CrypTech project and DKS began to work closely together to plan for the development and sustainability of CrypTech. Specifically, in February 2018 we held a productive CrypTech project face to face meeting establishing a technical roadmap for 2018 and discussing the next steps for CrypTech business and marketing activities. We reiterated the consensus model for decision making by the CrypTech core team. Finally, DKS welcomed Stephen Farrell as the CrypTech representative on the DKS board. All of these activities indicate a continuing positive and productive relationship between CrypTech and DKS as we work toward our common goals. 
> In conclusion, the CrypTech project continues to be satisfied with the relationship between the CrypTech project and DKS and optimistic about the future of CrypTech. We thank the ISOC Board of Trustees for their trust and generosity with regards to CrypTech and DKS, 
> Regards,
> Stephen Farrell
> Russ Housley
> Leif Johannson
> on behalf of the CrypTech Project Team (pending team approval) 
> Cc: Kevin
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