[Cryptech Core] contributor license agreement

Stephen Farrell stephen.farrell at cs.tcd.ie
Thu Aug 2 15:19:15 UTC 2018


As part of looking for a new "institutional" home for
cryptech, the biz team have been chatting with Michiel
Leenars from the commons conservancy [1] about using
them for that. Mostly it seems that'd be a lightweight
setup, which is good, but we'll get back shortly with
more on that when we've got full details.

One thing that seems to come up regardless of which
home we find, is the need for a contributor license
agreement for the project. So the question for now is
would folks be ok if we adopted something like the
one that's used by openssl? [2]

If that was ok, it might be a fun thing to get done
at the next f2f or before.


[1] https://commonsconservancy.org/
[2] https://www.openssl.org/policies/cla.html
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