[Cryptech Core] Alpha rev.03

Peter Stuge peter at stuge.se
Mon May 30 19:06:12 UTC 2016

Pavel Shatov wrote:
> > Thanks for sending the gerbers. While looking at JP5 AVR_GPIO it
> > seems to me like pin 10 connects to both GP3 (3v3) *and* GP4 (GND)
> > which would be a problem. Could someone else please take a look?
> Needless to say, we ran DRC tests before exporting Gerbers. Had there 
> been such a short, it would have been caught, of course.

That's good.

> The board has two power planes, GP2 and GP3 (and also two matching 
> ground planes, GP1 and GP4).
> GP2 is solid +3.3V power plane, while GP3 is split power plane. 
> The part of GP3, that touches pin 10 of JP5 is connected to GND.

Ah - that explains it. Thanks a lot!


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