[Cryptech Core] wiki.cryptech.is sick again

Rob Austein sra at hactrn.net
Mon Dec 26 23:28:03 UTC 2016

At Thu, 15 Dec 2016 19:37:33 -0500, Rob Austein wrote:
> Most critical bits of Trac restoration are done, seems to be working.
> For the moment I've done nothing about restoring old tickets or
> milestones, since, to a first approximation, we hardly use those.

Reloaded existing tickets from SQL backup, after filtering out stuff
requiring plug-ins we no longer run.  Seems to have worked.

Caveat: Since we no longer run the "masterticket" plug-in, the notion
of ticket dependencies has gone away.  This was a nice idea but for
some reason the Trac team doesn't want to support it in the Trac core
(discussion thread on this goes back something like a dozen years
now), and as the plug-in kept throwing weird errors the last time we
had it loaded, I think we're better off without it.  Sorry.

Haven't done anything about milestones yet.  Probably trivial, won't
bother the list about them if and when I get to them unless there
seems some pressing need to do so.

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