[Cryptech Core] wiki.cryptech.is sick again

Rob Austein sra at hactrn.net
Mon Dec 19 17:02:57 UTC 2016

At Mon, 19 Dec 2016 10:11:42 +0100, Linus Nordberg wrote:
> It seems like something is sad wrt the wiki. It takes about forever to
> receive data from it.
> A couple of data points for estimating "foverer": It took me 41s, 11s
> and 2m59s in three consecutive recent requests to receive the start page
> (over IPv6 -- using IPv4 doesn't seem to improve things). FWIW, the TLS
> setup is quick.

Thanks for the report.  Try it now?

DoS attack on Trac, perhaps unintended (attacker is clearly a robot,
but I can't tell whether the human behind it is hostile or just
incompetent).  Offending client blocked for now, looking into a longer
term fix.

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