[Cryptech Core] Dates for upcoming meetings

Rob Austein sra at hactrn.net
Mon May 4 18:09:09 UTC 2015

At Mon, 04 May 2015 15:25:37 +0200, Joachim Strömbergson wrote:
> Rob Austein wrote:
> > [July is] still a bit up in the air.  Due to IETF brain melt I think we 
> > really do not want it after IETF, so we're looking at something on
> > the tail end of the week before IETF.  How many days do we need, and
> > can Saturday be one of those days?  So probably Friday 17 July,
> > question is whether also Thursday 16 July, Saturday 18 July, both,
> > neither....
> I can do Thursday-Saturday och Friday-Sunday. But would prefer to only
> do three days.

By Sunday various IETF_related things will be starting up, won't
really know how much that matters until we know our own agenda.

I have a mild preference for starting Friday rather than Thursday,
mostly based on prior year family priorities at that time of year, but
at this point nothing firm enough to count as a serious conflict.

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