[Cryptech Core] alpha board offers

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Mon May 4 08:42:59 UTC 2015

> Bitsim's offer ends with us having five tested and at least basically 
> operational units, while BMOCon's ends with Gerber files.

and this is an extremely critical difference.  debugging the boards is a
significant part of the work, as bunnie has shown us.  having a very
exprerience designer knowing they are responsible for actual working
results would be quite reassuring.

> Since we also have other proposals for doing the PCB layout once we
> have full schematics, maybe the sensible thing to do is to ask the
> suppliers for a quote to take us to that point first, and we'll decide
> on how to proceed from there.

hmmmm.  while a clean hand-off point would be good, i worry about us
being at something very like the current point except with a schematic
in hand.

> I think it is preferable to have this discussion on list


> if we need more real time communications I suggest we use the
> conf-chat tomorrow.

three in my morning :(


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