[Cryptech Core] warning, a press release

Павел Шатов meisterpaul1 at yandex.ru
Wed Mar 4 19:57:44 UTC 2015

On 04.03.2015 13:51, Randy Bush wrote:
>> Are we doing GOST now? Is there a Use Case for it?
> being able to do gost is said to be politically important, and it is
> being done by the folk to whom it is important (and while we circling
> around the alpha board decisions) (i.e. no resource conflict).  we do
> not have to solve the problems of how gost is used in the applications.

Guys, I believe this situation needs a bit of clarification. I joined 
this project by Basil's invitation. According to his instructions, my 
primary (high priority) task is to work on FPGA-related problems that 
affect the whole project. The secondary (background) task is to develop 
GOST hash and cipher cores. There are people who want to have GOST 
variant of DNSSEC, as far as I understand.

The first problem that I worked on was faulty EIM interface. After this 
I started writing GOST cores. After some time Alpha Board Strategy 
discussion started. As Alpha Board is a global problem and involves an 
FPGA, I joined it to give advice on how to develop Alpha Board faster, 
make it more user-friendly and less expensive. All my suggestions are 
based on my previous years of hardware design experience. As far as I 
understand eventually everyone became fed up with that module, that I 
(yet again) strongly advice you to use. Frederik explained to me, that 
it has already been decided to find someone from Asia to develop 
everything from scratch, so I switched to my background task and 
continued working on GOST cores. If you have other FPGA-related issues, 
I can pause working on GOST.

With best regards,
Pavel Shatov

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