[Cryptech Core] 'my' novena

Leif Johansson leifj at sunet.se
Thu Jul 23 08:50:18 UTC 2015

On 2015-07-23 09:48, Randy Bush wrote:
>>> if i try to ssh root@, it asks for a password.  i.e. my key is no
>>> longer on root's keyring.
>> sounds like it needs a visit from a kbd & screen. I have another box
>> that needs the same thing. If you see Warren ask if he can bring his
>> kbd-thingy to th noc and I can come by to fix both novenas sometime
>> today.
> novena is by the other two.  warren is in noc.  kbd out on loan to roy;
> warren will ask for it back.
> randy
ok, will be by after my lunch meeting

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