[Cryptech Core] dnssec signer

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Tue Jul 14 21:34:17 UTC 2015

>> IMHO, OpenDNSSEC. At least, it's better documented for PKCS#11.
> Probably true, although I will confess that OpenDNSSEC configuration
> makes my head hurt

mine too, and i use it.  but jakob got my setup started.

> and I was only planning to use the BIND 9.10 command line tools (both
> for relative simplicity and because named needs more algorithms than
> we can fit in the Novena's FPGA).

what will a non-dns-guru workshop participant be able to most easily

>> I think we should provide the API calls needed to support BIND
>> 9.10. If easy, now is better than later. I can help testing Friday.
> Stalled waiting for Verilog support (hash core state save/restore).


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