[Cryptech Core] Debian packages for the Novena, what next?

Leif Johansson leifj at sunet.se
Wed Jul 8 07:28:02 UTC 2015

On 2015-07-08 03:19, Randy Bush wrote:
> Yay!!!
> Oh Jakob!

yikes! packages...  already?!? this is way beyond what I hoped we'd be
able to achieve before Prague

Fantastic work!!!

> randy, please excuse tiPos
>> On Jul 7, 2015, at 18:16, Rob Austein <sra at hactrn.net> wrote:
>> We have Debian packages.  They seem to work, and one can install them
>> using apt-get.  Preliminary instructions below, eventually (ie, before
>> the Prague workshop) these should go on the Wiki.
>> So in theory we now have PKCS #11 code for the Novena packaged so
>> people can install it.  Do we have a signer to run on top of this yet?
>> ===
>> How to configure a Novena PVT-1 running Debian Wheezy to pull packages
>> from the Cryptech Project APT repository.
>> ***** Installation *****
>> * Add the GPG public key (current one is temporary with a very short
>>  lifetime, will replace it with something better before Prague):
>>  $ wget -q -O - https://apt.cryptech.is/novena/apt-gpg-key.asc | sudo apt-key add -
>>  Or, for the tinfoil-inclined:
>>  $ wget https://apt.cryptech.is/novena/apt-gpg-key.asc
>>  [Do something here to reassure yourself that it's a good key]
>>  $ sudo apt-key add apt-gpg-key.asc
>>  For this week's temporary key, the best assurance you're likely to
>>  get will be downloading the key via HTTPS using a program (browser,
>>  wget, ...) that knows about the HACTRN Certificate Authority.
>>  In the longer run (ie, by the time we get to Prague) the
>>  (replacement) key should be properly signed so you can verify it via
>>  the web of trust.  We'll probably want to hold a quick signing party.
>>  See the apt-key(8) manual page for more information about the APT
>>  key database, including how to remove keys you don't want anymore.
>> * Configure APT to use this repository:
>>  $ sudo wget -q -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/novena.list http://apt.cryptech.is/novena/sources.list
>> * Update available packages and install the cryptech-novena packages: 
>>  $ sudo apt-get update
>>  $ sudo apt-get install cryptech-novena-rtl
>>  I haven't (yet) built a meta-package, but the -rtl package depends
>>  on the -sw package, so installing the -rtl package will get both.
>> ***** Upgrading *****
>> Once you've performed the steps above you should be able to upgrade to newer
>> version of the code using the normal APT upgrade process, eg:
>>  $ sudo apt-get update
>>  $ sudo apt-get upgrade
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