[Cryptech Core] Fwd: Re: Fwd: Update on installation plan // RHnet site move

Leif Johansson leifj at sunet.se
Wed Jan 7 09:46:53 UTC 2015

seems like the outage planned for today was/is canceled. I'll be back
when I know more.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Fwd: Update on installation plan // RHnet site move
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 09:10:41 +0000
From: Marius Olafsson <marius at rhnet.is>
To: Jørgen Qvist <qvist at nordu.net>
CC: #NOC <noc at nordu.net>

Hi Jörgen,

> Could you please create a ticket for this.
> Marius will contact you before and after???..

Farice informs us that they are having unexpected problems with the
delivery of the connection to Tæknigarður, and are unable to give us an
alternate date.

So the move will not take place today -- sorry about that. I presume
that Farice will let you/us know once they have a new date/time ...

Marius Olafsson
RHnet ltd.		                               http://www.rhnet.is
Taeknigardi                                                  +354 525 4747
Dunhaga 5                                                  marius at rhnet.is
107 Reykjavik ICELAND

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