[Cryptech Core] peering into the dusk

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Fri Sep 26 09:30:37 UTC 2014

>> it might be good to plan another meeting in late january or early
>> february.  we can start arguing about dates.
> Is there an event we can piggyback on?

nothing springs immediately to mind
  o http://nsrc.org/calendar/index.php ops calendar
  o dunno a general academic conf calendar

>> as a 'side' meeting, joachim and i are inclined to ask someone such
>> as viktor fischer from jean monnet university saint-etienne to come
>> up and concentrate on design of a next gen trng.  he taught a great
>> rng tutorial at ches.  maybe the thing to do is to get mats/ericsson
>> to host a small rng day and we invite others?
> that is a great idea! Do you want to talk to Mats or should I?

or maybe guido bertoni of ST Microelectronics, who was much friendlier.
after our lightning talk, fischer turned downright parisian on us.

you would probably be better talking to mats.

btw, we have a small crypto party in tokyo next week, on the 2nd



* 日時: 2014-10-2 17:00~
* 場所: インターネットイニシアティブ本社 13F Opera1会議室
* プログラム
	CrypTech: More Assured, Open Source, Hardware Security Modules (英語)
	* 話者: Randy Bush (株式会社インターネットイニシアティブ)
	* 概要: Recent revelations have called into question the integrity of some of the
	  implementations of basic cryptographic functions and devices used to secure
	  communications on the Internet. There are serious questions about algorithms
	  and about implementations of those algorithms in software and particularly hardware.
	  The algorithmic issues are in the domain of the heavy math cryptography folk.
	  But we must also deal with the implementation issues. We therefore are embarking
	  on development of an open-source hardware cryptographic engine that meets the
	  needs of high assurance Internet infrastructure systems that use cryptography.
	  The open-source hardware cryptographic engine must be of general use to the broad
	  Internet community, covering needs such as secure email, web, DNS, PKIs, etc.
	  The intent is that the resulting open-source hardware cryptographic engine can be
	  built by anyone from public hardware specifications and open-source firmware.
	  Anyone can then operate it without fees of any kind.
	• ウェブサイト: CrypTech.is https://cryptech.is/

	How to Hide Your Lion (or Lions')?
	• 話者: g新部 裕
	• 概要: GnuPGの開発と、その秘密鍵の管理をするハードウェアについて論じます。
	  この課題に挑戦している、自由ソフトウェア Gnuk と自由なハードウェア設計

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