[Cryptech Core] Status re Novena?

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Tue Sep 9 01:22:23 UTC 2014

> A (very) few first steps:
> http://www.kosagi.com/w/index.php?title=Using_Novena_PVT1

what this page does not tell you is that it will dhcp to get an address
and sshd is running.  forget the hdmi, serial, ...  use the ether next
to the hdmi.

but the image that i have, 140327.uImage, occasionally gets confused
about its ether MAC.  btw, that is not the image which came on our
boards, xobs sent it to me.  it is in the btsync lager under

i wonder if http://bunniefoo.com/bunnie/novena-qb-image.bin.gz is a
later image.

> If you go the DHCP route, be aware that Novena doesn't used fixed hardware
> addresses

xobs once told me that this will be 'fixed'

randy, taking a snack break

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