[Cryptech Core] Next steps and work packages

Joachim Strömbergson joachim at secworks.se
Sun May 4 07:15:15 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA256


Randy Bush wrote:
>> Novena development board pipe clean 
>> ----------------------------------- Work with Bunnie & Co to get a
>> combined HW + SW chain worked out, tested and documented. Basically
>> take either a single core or coretest + a couple of hw cores and
>> build them for the Xilinx FPGA on the Novena board. Then write SW
>> (C and scripts) needed to download the FPGA configuration onto the
>> FPGA on the Novena board, talk through the design and run some
>> hashing operations. I assume there will be a lib, drivers (that I
>> think already has been developed), a test application and
>> documentation.
>> This work should also coordinate, be part of with Blue/Green API 
>> discussions and development
> i hope bunnie, sobs, and crew have pieces we can steal.  i will ask.

They do have and my intention with "work with bunnie & Co" was to expand
on what they have. The status today is that it is incomplete, needs to
be documented, examples and guidelines written. This work also needs to
have HW interface developed for the specific FPGA in the Novena board to
allow easy hookup of cores. Something like coretest, but with shared mem
etc to allow high performance data exchange.

> my guess is rob and selkirk can help you and use this as an exercise 
> in getting selkirk's feet wet (excuse the idiom but i would guess it 
> crosses cultures) and rob dealing with the first bit of tool chain.

Yes, good idea. This really is smack in the middle of the green/blue
boundary. This actually implies that we probably will have more than one
implementation of the blue/green boundary. One for tightly
interconnected FPGAs and one for less tightly (say USB, Ethernet). This
can naturally be combined using wrappers but something we need to consider.

> we have novena boards on net, i believe.  three here in sunet and
> mine, which is behind a wrt border router through which i can easily
> punch an ssh hole.


>> Blue/Green and Green/Yellow APIs -------------------------------- 
>> Start looking at what applications on yellow layer and above will
>> need in terms of data structures and protocols/commands and see
>> what low level (blue/green) commands and data exchanges are needed
>> in order to provide good, efficient support for the upper layers.
>> Looking at good examples for other HSMs might be a good thing too.
> this smells like jakob and rob, who i know play in that space.
> perhaps others as well.

Yes. Good!

- -- 
Med vänlig hälsning, Yours

Joachim Strömbergson - Alltid i harmonisk svängning.
 Joachim Strömbergson          Secworks AB          joachim at secworks.se
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