[Cryptech Core] Next steps and work packages

Joachim Strömbergson joachim at secworks.se
Fri May 2 11:50:24 UTC 2014

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I talked to Leif about starting up development activities and who does
what. On the last meeting we compiled a list of activities. I can't find
them on cryptech.is (somebody has an URL?) So here are a short list of
what I think we should start up as soon as possible:

Novena development board pipe clean
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Work with Bunnie & Co to get a combined HW + SW chain worked out, tested
and documentet. Basically take either a single core or coretest + a
couple of hw cores and build them for the Xilinx FPGA on the Novena
board. Then write SW (C and scripts) needed to download the FPGA
configuration onto the FPGA on the Novena board, talk through the design
and run some hashing operations. I assume there will be a lib, drivers
(that I think already has been developed), a test application and

This work should also coordinate, be part of with Blue/Green API
discussions and development

Who should do this?

Blue/Green and Green/Yellow APIs
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Start looking at what applications on yellow layer and above will need
in terms of data structures and protocols/commands and see what low
level (blue/green) commands and data exchanges are needed in order to
provide good, efficient support for the upper layers. Looking at good
examples for other HSMs might be a good thing too.

Who should do this? (I assume I will be involved)

Security Target
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Look at what is stated by other HSMs and develop a security target for
the Cryptech HSM that can be understo0d by others and in the context of
HSMs. We really do need this to be able to explain what we are going to
provide, what to protect and what not to protect. Project boundaries.

Suggested: JakobS and @dol.

PN-avalanche based entropy source
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Develop a good, working, long term stable PN-avalanche noise entropy
source that can be interfaced digitally to FPGAs or MCUs. The work
includes component selection, schematics, real world testing,
documentation. Using an Arduino Shield project board might be useful for
us and others.

Suggested: Fredrik Thulin

TRNG chain
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Complete first version of the TRNG interface including debug support.
The TRNG chain should be able to connect to the PN-entropy source at one
end using a suitable entropy provider core. And at the other end
generate huge amounts of random numbers that can be extracted from the
FPGA and tested.

Suggested: Joachim Strömbergson

AES cipher engine
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Complete the AES block cipher engine. RTL mostly done.

Suggested: Joachim Strömbergson

- -- 
Med vänlig hälsning, Yours

Joachim Strömbergson - Alltid i harmonisk svängning.
 Joachim Strömbergson          Secworks AB          joachim at secworks.se
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