[Cryptech Core] meeting 28th and 29th

Paul Selkirk paul at psgd.org
Fri Jul 18 02:18:07 UTC 2014

Yes and yes. (Will bring the Novena to Toronto, where I will have all 
week to play with it; but face time is most important in Stockholm.)


On 07/17/2014 07:21 PM, Randy Bush wrote:
> this approach to the novena and to board-portability makes a lot of
> sense.  you can try to educate me more in toronto.  i was thinking of
> bringing my novena to play, and maybe i still will (have not started
> packing though i leave in four hours).  but joachim's time is very
> limited for the stockholm day, so perhaps faces are more important than
> toys.
> randy

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