[Cryptech Core] meeting 28th and 29th

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Mon Jul 14 22:38:55 UTC 2014

> I haven't heard any work being done related to Novena and would be
> very interested in hearing about it. Yes, unless we want to
> standardize on Cryptech 1.0 == Novena, I think we need to consider the
> other boards too.

i think paul may be a closet swede. :)  yes, i am told that is where he
is spending time.

what i do not understand well enough is the strategy for maintaining
multiple platforms and the (people) cost issues around that.

>> the discussion on the tech list has been great.  heavy hitting
>> 'outisders' are a serious forward (and outward) step.  should we
>> invite them to stockholm two weeks hence?
> Sure. I will only be attend on the 28th though so any discussions
> about this would preferably be on that date. Will @dol attend?

have not heard from him

>> o do we want to submit to c1c3 ccc conf?  if so, what and who?
> Probably to early, no?

that was my gut feeling, but leif is pushing

> Contract.


> And administrativa related to travels for Cryptech. ;-)

that is only the limited isoc->dublin fund.  we will not have such
issues with the main channel.


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