[Cryptech Core] The first FPGA-board

Leif Johansson leifj at sunet.se
Wed Jan 29 11:27:46 UTC 2014

On 2014-01-29 11:39, Joachim Strömbergson wrote:
> Aloha!
> FYI: Here is a link to the prototyping board I'm currently setting up as
> a verification and development platform:
> http://www.terasic.com.tw/cgi-bin/page/archive.pl?Language=English&CategoryNo=167&No=816
> The main reasons for using this board are:
>  - The FPGA has enough resources that we easily should be able to test
> all cores separately and even a complete HSM HW system.
>  - There is a USB interface available that are connected to the FPGA
> fabric which makes it possible to easily talk to a cores inside the FPGA
> from a host computer.
>  - The board is sitting on my desk not being used anyway. ;-)
> The FPGA on the board is actually pretty cool. It contains not only a
> big FPGA fabric but also a Dual core ARM-processor. The CPU can run
> complete Linux systems and both talk to and control the FPGA HW side of
> the chip. If one were to trust the FPGA it actually makes for a very
> neat HSM platform.
Sounds very nice. I'm current trying to get some addl funds from FP8 to
do an HSM prototype. This is mostly outside the scope of the core
because it involves doing an application based on the core, userland
tools etc.
> The plan is to do a couple of pipe clean runs to set up and verify the
> ability to take an RTL design through the Vendor toolchain, load a core
> onto the FPGA and talk to it from Python, C programs via the USB
> interface. When that works I will start testing the SHA-256 core.
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