[Cryptech Core] cryptech pitch slides - first draft

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Wed Jan 8 12:24:35 UTC 2014

a solid review.  thank you!

i made changes as suggested except for

> (3) Jakob brought up the issue of security target. I think we need to
> at least say something about the security that should be possible to
> achieve with our HSM platform. On the meeting we said that the
> platform is not targeted to meet CC EAL, FIPS 140-x, SBI etc. But I
> think we should at least state that HSMs built with our platform
> should be possible to evaulate and meet some of these requirements.
> As an example: Some of the on-line entropy source tests that at least
> I think we need should meet the German SBI requirements.

do we have a polite way of saying why we are not targeting fips et al?

new copy available http://archive.psg.com/140106.cryptech.pdf

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