[Cryptech Core] Update on audit on Truecrypt - interesting pointers for Cryptech?

Leif Johansson leifj at sunet.se
Sat Dec 21 21:33:54 UTC 2013

On 2013-12-21 21:11, Joachim Strömbergson wrote:
> Aloha!
> Randy Bush wrote:
> > fwiw, we have surfnet, isoc, google, and a few others agreed to
> > donate. no one has said no.
> Very good to hear!

We're going to be using opendnssec ab (the company formed to support
opendnssec) as a bank at least for europe. I've requested a seat on
their board of directors to keep an eye on things.

> > we're working on a slide deck, and some sort of management oriented
> > paper.
> What do you need from me? I can spend some extra hours during the
> holidays drawing figures and writing drafts if that would be of any use.

I may draw on the list to proofread etc... I've asked my designer to
uplevel our draft 1pager and maybe also come up with some common
graphical elements.

For right now I say keep fiddling with cores.

> Otherwise I keep fiddling with my writeup on the RNG proposal and the
> simpler HW crypto cores.

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