[Cryptech-Commits] [wiki] 22/75: rsync fresh sql and attachments and work from that, without Trac itself

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Fri Oct 8 18:51:48 UTC 2021

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sra at hactrn.net pushed a commit to branch production
in repository wiki.

commit dc6ef096698dcd18d1755a45d79d0b87368a6ce6
Author: Rob Austein <sra at hactrn.net>
AuthorDate: Sun Feb 14 00:51:25 2021 +0000

    rsync fresh sql and attachments and work from that, without Trac itself
 .gitignore              |   2 +
 Makefile => GNUmakefile |   7 +-
 filter.json             |  18 +++++
 tools/extract.py        |  63 +++++++++++++++++
 tools/generate-json.py  | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/schema.sql        | 177 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 420 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index bea5755..32b9d65 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/GNUmakefile
similarity index 51%
rename from Makefile
rename to GNUmakefile
index 789b822..019a783 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -4,11 +4,16 @@ TOOL := tools/trac2md.py
 all: ${OUT}
+	rsync -aP --delete bikeshed.cryptech.is:/home/trac/db/trac.db bikeshed.cryptech.is:/home/trac/files/attachments .
 	rm ${OUT}
 	etags -l none $^
-%.md: %.trac Makefile ${TOOL}
+%.md: %.trac GNUmakefile ${TOOL}
 	${TOOL} $<
+.PHONY: all clean fetch
diff --git a/filter.json b/filter.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebb1456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filter.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+    ["+", "WikiStart"],
+    ["-", "CamelCase"],
+    ["-", "GitRepositories*"],
+    ["-", "InterMapTxt"],
+    ["-", "InterTrac"],
+    ["-", "InterWiki"],
+    ["-", "PageTemplates"],
+    ["-", "PhotoFolder"],
+    ["-", "RecentChanges"],
+    ["-", "SandBox"],
+    ["-", "ScratchPage"],
+    ["-", "TicketQuery"],
+    ["-", "TitleIndex"],
+    ["-", "Trac*"],
+    ["-", "Wiki*"],
+    ["+", "*"]
diff --git a/tools/extract.py b/tools/extract.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60de84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/extract.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import fnmatch
+import hashlib
+import json
+import sqlite3
+import time
+import urllib.parse
+wiki_query = '''
+    name, 
+    version, 
+    time / 1000000 AS time, 
+    text 
+  FROM wiki
+    name, version
+attachment_query = '''
+    id,
+    filename,
+    size,
+    author,
+    description,
+    ipnr,
+    time / 1000000 AS createdtime
+    attachment
+    id = ?
+  AND
+    type = 'wiki'
+    filename, time
+def isotime(t):
+  return None if t == 0 else time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(t))
+def hashname(whatever):
+  return hashlib.sha1(unicode(whatever)).hexdigest()
+with open("filter.json") as f:
+    filter = json.load(f)
+def keep(name):
+    for k, v in filter:
+        assert k in "+-"
+        if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, v):
+            return k == "+"
+    return True
+db = sqlite3.connect("trac.db")
+db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
+for row in db.execute(wiki_query):
+    if keep(row["name"]):
+        print(urllib.parse.quote(row["name"], ""), row["version"])
diff --git a/tools/generate-json.py b/tools/generate-json.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b8b1f38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/generate-json.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Generate JSON to import Trac tickets into GitHub issues using the new import API
+# described at https://gist.github.com/jonmagic/5282384165e0f86ef105
+import os
+import time
+import json
+import yaml
+import sqlite3
+import hashlib
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+ticket_query = '''
+    id,
+    type,
+    owner,
+    reporter,
+    milestone,
+    status,
+    resolution,
+    summary,
+    description,
+    component,
+    priority,
+    time       / 1000000 AS createdtime,
+    changetime / 1000000 AS modifiedtime
+    ticket
+    id
+comment_query = '''
+    time / 1000000 AS createdtime,
+    author,
+    newvalue
+    ticket_change
+    ticket = ?
+    field = 'comment'
+    newvalue <> ''
+    time
+attachment_query = '''
+    id,
+    filename,
+    size,
+    author,
+    description,
+    ipnr,
+    time / 1000000 AS createdtime
+    attachment
+    id = ?
+    type = 'ticket'
+    time, filename
+def isotime(t):
+  return None if t == 0 else time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(t))
+def hashname(whatever):
+  return hashlib.sha1(unicode(whatever)).hexdigest()
+def ticket_text(ticket):
+  d = dict(ticket, createdtime = isotime(ticket["createdtime"]), modifiedtime = isotime(ticket["modifiedtime"]))
+  return u"{description}\n\n" \
+         u"_Trac ticket #{id} component {component} priority {priority}, owner {owner}," \
+         u" created by {reporter} on {createdtime}, last modified {modifiedtime}_\n".format(**d)
+def comment_text(comment):
+  d = dict(comment, createdtime = isotime(comment["createdtime"]))
+  return u"{newvalue}\n\n_Trac comment by {author} on {createdtime}_\n".format(**d)
+def attachment_text(attachment):
+  h1  = hashname(attachment["id"])
+  h2  = hashname(attachment["filename"])
+  fn2 = os.path.splitext(attachment["filename"])[1]
+  fn  = os.path.join(gist_url, h1[:3], h1, h2 + fn2)
+  url = "{}/raw/{}/ticket.{}.{}{}".format(gist_url.rstrip("/"), gist_commit, h1, h2, fn2)
+  d = dict(attachment, createdtime = isotime(comment["createdtime"]), url = url)
+  return u"[{filename}]({url}) {description}\n_Trac attachment by {author} on {createdtime}_\n".format(**d)
+def comment_merge(comments, attachments):
+  result = []
+  while comments and attachments:
+    result.append(comments.pop(0) if comments[0]["created_at"] <= attachments[0]["created_at"] else attachments.pop(0))
+  return result + comments + attachments
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", type = argparse.FileType(),
+                    default = "generate-json.yaml", 
+                    help = "YAML config mappings")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+cfg = yaml.safe_load(args.config)
+assignee_map   = cfg["assignees"]
+type_map       = cfg["type_labels"]
+resolution_map = cfg["resolution_labels"]
+gist_url = cfg.get("attachment_gist_url")
+if gist_url is not None:
+  gist_commit = subprocess.check_output(("git", "ls-remote", gist_url, "HEAD")).split()[0]
+db = sqlite3.connect(cfg["database"])
+db.row_factory    = sqlite3.Row
+ticket_cursor     = db.cursor()
+comment_cursor    = db.cursor()
+attachment_cursor = db.cursor()
+if not os.path.isdir(cfg["ticket_directory"]):
+  os.makedirs(cfg["ticket_directory"])
+for ticket in ticket_cursor.execute(ticket_query):
+  comments = comment_merge([dict(created_at = isotime(comment["createdtime"]), body = comment_text(comment))
+                            for comment in comment_cursor.execute(comment_query, (ticket["id"],))],
+                           [] if gist_url is None else
+                           [dict(created_at = isotime(attachment["createdtime"]), body = attachment_text(attachment))
+                            for attachment in attachment_cursor.execute(attachment_query, (ticket["id"],))])
+  issue = dict(
+    title = ticket["summary"],
+    body  = ticket_text(ticket),
+    created_at = isotime(ticket["createdtime"]),
+    updated_at = isotime(ticket["modifiedtime"]))
+  if ticket["status"] == "closed":
+    issue["closed"] = True
+    issue["closed_at"] = isotime(ticket["modifiedtime"])
+    comments.append(dict(created_at = isotime(ticket["modifiedtime"]),
+                         body = "_Closed with resolution {resolution}_\n".format(**ticket)))
+  if ticket["owner"] in assignee_map:
+    issue["assignee"] = assignee_map[ticket["owner"]]
+  labels = [type_map.get(ticket["type"]), resolution_map.get(ticket["resolution"])]
+  while None in labels:
+    del labels[labels.index(None)]
+  if labels:
+    issue["labels"] = labels
+  issue = dict(issue = issue)
+  if comments:
+    issue["comments"] = comments
+  with open(os.path.join(cfg["ticket_directory"], "ticket_{:03d}.json".format(ticket["id"])), "wb") as f:
+    json.dump(issue, f, indent = 4, sort_keys = True, separators=(",", ": "))
diff --git a/tools/schema.sql b/tools/schema.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1515dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/schema.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+CREATE TABLE system (
+    name text PRIMARY KEY,
+    value text
+CREATE TABLE permission (
+    username text,
+    action text,
+    UNIQUE (username,action)
+CREATE TABLE auth_cookie (
+    cookie text,
+    name text,
+    ipnr text,
+    time integer,
+    UNIQUE (cookie,ipnr,name)
+CREATE TABLE session (
+    sid text,
+    authenticated integer,
+    last_visit integer,
+    UNIQUE (sid,authenticated)
+CREATE INDEX session_last_visit_idx ON session (last_visit);
+CREATE INDEX session_authenticated_idx ON session (authenticated);
+CREATE TABLE session_attribute (
+    sid text,
+    authenticated integer,
+    name text,
+    value text,
+    UNIQUE (sid,authenticated,name)
+    id integer PRIMARY KEY,
+    generation integer,
+    key text
+CREATE TABLE attachment (
+    type text,
+    id text,
+    filename text,
+    size integer,
+    time integer,
+    description text,
+    author text,
+    ipnr text,
+    UNIQUE (type,id,filename)
+    name text,
+    version integer,
+    time integer,
+    author text,
+    ipnr text,
+    text text,
+    comment text,
+    readonly integer,
+    UNIQUE (name,version)
+CREATE INDEX wiki_time_idx ON wiki (time);
+CREATE TABLE repository (
+    id integer,
+    name text,
+    value text,
+    UNIQUE (id,name)
+CREATE TABLE revision (
+    repos integer,
+    rev text,
+    time integer,
+    author text,
+    message text,
+    UNIQUE (repos,rev)
+CREATE INDEX revision_repos_time_idx ON revision (repos,time);
+CREATE TABLE ticket (
+    id integer PRIMARY KEY,
+    type text,
+    time integer,
+    changetime integer,
+    component text,
+    severity text,
+    priority text,
+    owner text,
+    reporter text,
+    cc text,
+    version text,
+    milestone text,
+    status text,
+    resolution text,
+    summary text,
+    description text,
+    keywords text
+CREATE INDEX ticket_time_idx ON ticket (time);
+CREATE INDEX ticket_status_idx ON ticket (status);
+CREATE TABLE ticket_change (
+    ticket integer,
+    time integer,
+    author text,
+    field text,
+    oldvalue text,
+    newvalue text,
+    UNIQUE (ticket,time,field)
+CREATE INDEX ticket_change_ticket_idx ON ticket_change (ticket);
+CREATE INDEX ticket_change_time_idx ON ticket_change (time);
+CREATE TABLE ticket_custom (
+    ticket integer,
+    name text,
+    value text,
+    UNIQUE (ticket,name)
+    type text,
+    name text,
+    value text,
+    UNIQUE (type,name)
+CREATE TABLE component (
+    name text PRIMARY KEY,
+    owner text,
+    description text
+CREATE TABLE milestone (
+    name text PRIMARY KEY,
+    due integer,
+    completed integer,
+    description text
+CREATE TABLE version (
+    name text PRIMARY KEY,
+    time integer,
+    description text
+CREATE TABLE report (
+    id integer PRIMARY KEY,
+    author text,
+    title text,
+    query text,
+    description text
+CREATE TABLE notify_subscription (
+    id integer PRIMARY KEY,
+    time integer,
+    changetime integer,
+    class text,
+    sid text,
+    authenticated integer,
+    distributor text,
+    format text,
+    priority integer,
+    adverb text
+CREATE INDEX notify_subscription_sid_authenticated_idx ON notify_subscription (sid,authenticated);
+CREATE INDEX notify_subscription_class_idx ON notify_subscription (class);
+CREATE TABLE notify_watch (
+    id integer PRIMARY KEY,
+    sid text,
+    authenticated integer,
+    class text,
+    realm text,
+    target text
+CREATE INDEX notify_watch_sid_authenticated_class_idx ON notify_watch (sid,authenticated,class);
+CREATE INDEX notify_watch_class_realm_target_idx ON notify_watch (class,realm,target);
+CREATE TABLE node_change (
+    id integer PRIMARY KEY,
+    repos integer,
+    rev text,
+    path text,
+    node_type text,
+    change_type text,
+    base_path text,
+    base_rev text
+CREATE INDEX node_change_repos_rev_path_idx ON node_change (repos,rev,path);
+CREATE INDEX node_change_repos_path_rev_idx ON node_change (repos,path,rev);

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