[Cryptech-Commits] [sw/pkcs11] 01/01: Untested conversion to support Python 3

git at cryptech.is git at cryptech.is
Mon May 25 23:34:01 UTC 2020

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sra at hactrn.net pushed a commit to branch python3
in repository sw/pkcs11.

commit fa3feddf3a25e34db2ac57ff8e962f13db07bf40
Author: Rob Austein <sra at hactrn.net>
AuthorDate: Mon May 25 19:33:47 2020 -0400

    Untested conversion to support Python 3
 cryptech/py11/__init__.py         |   4 +-
 cryptech/py11/attributes.py       | 164 ++++++------
 cryptech/py11/mutex.py            |  92 +++----
 cryptech/py11/types.py            | 106 ++++----
 scripts/build-attributes          | 526 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 scripts/build-py11-attributes     |   8 +-
 scripts/py11-test.py              | 193 +++++++-------
 scripts/test-hsmcheck             | 202 +++++++--------
 scripts/thready-time-signature.py |  16 +-
 scripts/time-signature.py         |  10 +-
 unit_tests.py                     |  44 ++--
 11 files changed, 685 insertions(+), 680 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cryptech/py11/__init__.py b/cryptech/py11/__init__.py
index 1618a76..740ecb6 100644
--- a/cryptech/py11/__init__.py
+++ b/cryptech/py11/__init__.py
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class PKCS11 (object):
     self.d.C_GetSlotList(CK_TRUE, None, byref(count))
     slots = (CK_SLOT_ID * count.value)()
     self.d.C_GetSlotList(CK_TRUE, slots, byref(count))
-    return tuple(slots[i] for i in xrange(count.value))
+    return tuple(slots[i] for i in range(count.value))
   def C_GetTokenInfo(self, slot_id):
     token_info = CK_TOKEN_INFO()
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ class PKCS11 (object):
     count   = CK_ULONG(1)
     while count.value > 0:
       self.d.C_FindObjects(session, objects, len(objects), byref(count))
-      for i in xrange(count.value):
+      for i in range(count.value):
         yield objects[i]
   def FindObjects(self, session, template = None, **kwargs):
diff --git a/cryptech/py11/attributes.py b/cryptech/py11/attributes.py
index 56473ad..c6a87da 100644
--- a/cryptech/py11/attributes.py
+++ b/cryptech/py11/attributes.py
@@ -2,100 +2,102 @@
 # module from the Python standard library.
 from struct     import pack, unpack
+from binascii   import hexlify, unhexlify
 from ctypes     import *
 from .types     import *
 from .constants import *
 class Attribute(object):
-  @classmethod
-  def new(cls, attribute_name, type_name):
-    from . import constants
-    from . import types
-    assert attribute_name.startswith("CKA_")
-    attribute_number = getattr(constants, attribute_name)
-    type_class = getattr(types, type_name, str)
-    if type_class is CK_BBOOL:
-      cls = Attribute_CK_BBOOL
-    elif type_class is CK_ULONG:
-      cls = Attribute_CK_ULONG
-    elif type_name == "biginteger":
-      cls = Attribute_biginteger
-    return cls(attribute_name, attribute_number, type_name, type_class)
-  def __init__(self, attribute_name, attribute_number, type_name, type_class):
-    assert attribute_name.startswith("CKA_")
-    self.name = attribute_name
-    self.code = attribute_number
-    self.type_name = type_name
-    self.type_class = type_class
-  def encode(self, x): return x
-  def decode(self, x): return x
+    @classmethod
+    def new(cls, attribute_name, type_name):
+        from . import constants
+        from . import types
+        assert attribute_name.startswith("CKA_")
+        attribute_number = getattr(constants, attribute_name)
+        type_class = getattr(types, type_name, str)
+        if type_class is CK_BBOOL:
+            cls = Attribute_CK_BBOOL
+        elif type_class is CK_ULONG:
+            cls = Attribute_CK_ULONG
+        elif type_name == "biginteger":
+            cls = Attribute_biginteger
+        return cls(attribute_name, attribute_number, type_name, type_class)
+    def __init__(self, attribute_name, attribute_number, type_name, type_class):
+        assert attribute_name.startswith("CKA_")
+        self.name = attribute_name
+        self.code = attribute_number
+        self.type_name = type_name
+        self.type_class = type_class
+    def encode(self, x): return x
+    def decode(self, x): return x
 class Attribute_CK_BBOOL(Attribute):
-  def encode(self, x): return chr(int(x))
-  def decode(self, x): return bool(ord(x))
+    def encode(self, x): return chr(int(x))
+    def decode(self, x): return bool(ord(x))
 class Attribute_CK_ULONG(Attribute):
-  def encode(self, x): return pack("L", x)
-  def decode(self, x): return unpack("L", x)[0]
+    def encode(self, x): return pack("L", x)
+    def decode(self, x): return unpack("L", x)[0]
 class Attribute_biginteger(Attribute):
-  def encode(self, x): return "\x00" if x == 0 else ("%0*x" % (((x.bit_length() + 7) / 8) * 2, x)).decode("hex")
-  def decode(self, x): return long(x.encode("hex"), 16)
+    def encode(self, x): return "\x00" if x == 0 else unhexlify("{0:0{1}x".format(x, ((x.bit_length() + 7) / 8) * 2))
+    def decode(self, x): return int(hexlify(x), 16)
 class AttributeDB(object):
-  def __init__(self):
-    from .attribute_map import attribute_map
-    self.db = {}
-    for attribute_name, type_name in attribute_map.iteritems():
-      a = Attribute.new(attribute_name, type_name)
-      self.db[a.name] = a
-      self.db[a.code] = a
-  def encode(self, k, v):
-    return self.db[k].encode(v) if k in self.db else v
-  def decode(self, k, v):
-    return self.db[k].decode(v) if k in self.db else v
-  def getvalue_create_template(self, attributes):
-    attributes = tuple(self.db[a].code for a in attributes)
-    template = (CK_ATTRIBUTE * len(attributes))()
-    for i in xrange(len(attributes)):
-      template[i].type = attributes[i]
-      template[i].pValue = None
-      template[i].ulValueLen = 0
-    return template
-  def getvalue_allocate_template(self, template):
-    for t in template:
-      t.pValue = create_string_buffer(t.ulValueLen)
-  def from_ctypes(self, template):
-    return dict((t.type, self.decode(t.type, t.pValue[:t.ulValueLen]))
-                for t in template)
-  def to_ctypes(self, attributes):
-    attributes = tuple(attributes.iteritems()
-                       if isinstance(attributes, dict) else
-                       attributes)
-    template = (CK_ATTRIBUTE * len(attributes))()
-    for i, kv in enumerate(attributes):
-      k, v = kv
-      if k in self.db:
-        a = self.db[k]
-        k, v = a.code, a.encode(v)
-      template[i].type = k
-      template[i].pValue = create_string_buffer(v)
-      template[i].ulValueLen = len(v)
-    return template
-  def attribute_name(self, code):
-    return self.db[code].name
-  def attribute_code(self, name):
-    return self.db[name].code
+    def __init__(self):
+        from .attribute_map import attribute_map
+        self.db = {}
+        for attribute_name, type_name in attribute_map.items():
+            a = Attribute.new(attribute_name, type_name)
+            self.db[a.name] = a
+            self.db[a.code] = a
+    def encode(self, k, v):
+        return self.db[k].encode(v) if k in self.db else v
+    def decode(self, k, v):
+        return self.db[k].decode(v) if k in self.db else v
+    def getvalue_create_template(self, attributes):
+        attributes = tuple(self.db[a].code for a in attributes)
+        template = (CK_ATTRIBUTE * len(attributes))()
+        for i in range(len(attributes)):
+            template[i].type = attributes[i]
+            template[i].pValue = None
+            template[i].ulValueLen = 0
+        return template
+    def getvalue_allocate_template(self, template):
+        for t in template:
+            t.pValue = create_string_buffer(t.ulValueLen)
+    def from_ctypes(self, template):
+        return dict((t.type, self.decode(t.type, t.pValue[:t.ulValueLen]))
+                    for t in template)
+    def to_ctypes(self, attributes):
+        if isinstance(attributes, dict):
+            attributes = tuple(iter(attributes.items()))
+        else:
+            attributes = tuple(attributes)
+        template = (CK_ATTRIBUTE * len(attributes))()
+        for i, kv in enumerate(attributes):
+            k, v = kv
+            if k in self.db:
+                a = self.db[k]
+                k, v = a.code, a.encode(v)
+            template[i].type = k
+            template[i].pValue = create_string_buffer(v)
+            template[i].ulValueLen = len(v)
+        return template
+    def attribute_name(self, code):
+        return self.db[code].name
+    def attribute_code(self, name):
+        return self.db[name].code
diff --git a/cryptech/py11/mutex.py b/cryptech/py11/mutex.py
index da2123c..d3807f6 100644
--- a/cryptech/py11/mutex.py
+++ b/cryptech/py11/mutex.py
@@ -33,57 +33,57 @@ encoded_format = "=L"
 encoded_length = len(pack(encoded_format, 0))
 encoded_type   = CK_BYTE * encoded_length
-handle_max     = unpack(encoded_format, chr(0xff) * encoded_length)[0]
+handle_max     = unpack(encoded_format, b"\xff" * encoded_length)[0]
 class Mutex(object):
-  def __init__(self, handle):
-    from threading import Lock
-    self.encoded = encoded_type(*handle)
-    self.lock    = Lock()
+    def __init__(self, handle):
+        from threading import Lock
+        self.encoded = encoded_type(*handle)
+        self.lock    = Lock()
 def p11_callback(func):
-  from threading import ThreadError
-  def wrapper(self, arg):
-    try:
-      func(self, arg)
-    except ThreadError, e:
-      print "Failed: %s" % e
-      return CKR_MUTEX_NOT_LOCKED.ckr_code
-    except Exception, e:
-      print "Failed: %s" % e
-      return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED.ckr_code
-    else:
-      return CKR_OK
-  return wrapper
+    from threading import ThreadError
+    def wrapper(self, arg):
+        try:
+            func(self, arg)
+        except ThreadError as e:
+            print("Failed: %s" % e)
+            return CKR_MUTEX_NOT_LOCKED.ckr_code
+        except Exception as e:
+            print("Failed: %s" % e)
+            return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED.ckr_code
+        else:
+            return CKR_OK
+    return wrapper
 class MutexDB(object):
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.mutexes = {}
-    self.next_handle = 0
-  def find_free_handle(self):
-    if len(self.mutexes) > handle_max:
-      raise RuntimeError
-    while self.next_handle in self.mutexes:
-      self.next_handle = (self.next_handle + 1) & handle_max
-    return pack(encoded_format, self.next_handle)
-  @p11_callback
-  def create(self, handle_ptr):
-    handle = self.find_free_handle()
-    self.mutexes[handle] = Mutex(handle)
-    handle_ptr[0] = self.mutexes[handle].encoded
-  @p11_callback
-  def destroy(self, handle):
-    del self.mutexes[handle[:encoded_length]]
-  @p11_callback
-  def lock(self, handle):
-    self.mutexes[handle[:encoded_length]].lock.acquire()
-  @p11_callback
-  def unlock(self, handle):
-    self.mutexes[handle[:encoded_length]].lock.release()
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.mutexes = {}
+        self.next_handle = 0
+    def find_free_handle(self):
+        if len(self.mutexes) > handle_max:
+            raise RuntimeError
+        while self.next_handle in self.mutexes:
+            self.next_handle = (self.next_handle + 1) & handle_max
+        return pack(encoded_format, self.next_handle)
+    @p11_callback
+    def create(self, handle_ptr):
+        handle = self.find_free_handle()
+        self.mutexes[handle] = Mutex(handle)
+        handle_ptr[0] = self.mutexes[handle].encoded
+    @p11_callback
+    def destroy(self, handle):
+        del self.mutexes[handle[:encoded_length]]
+    @p11_callback
+    def lock(self, handle):
+        self.mutexes[handle[:encoded_length]].lock.acquire()
+    @p11_callback
+    def unlock(self, handle):
+        self.mutexes[handle[:encoded_length]].lock.release()
diff --git a/cryptech/py11/types.py b/cryptech/py11/types.py
index 1b233e7..91e2d8b 100644
--- a/cryptech/py11/types.py
+++ b/cryptech/py11/types.py
@@ -49,17 +49,17 @@ CK_ULONG_PTR                            = POINTER(CK_ULONG)
 CK_VOID_PTR_PTR                         = POINTER(CK_VOID_PTR)
 class CK_VERSION (Structure):
-  _fields_ = [("major",                 c_ubyte),
-              ("minor",                 c_ubyte)]
+    _fields_ = [("major",               c_ubyte),
+                ("minor",               c_ubyte)]
 CK_VERSION_PTR                          = POINTER(CK_VERSION)
 class CK_INFO (Structure):
-  _fields_ = [("cryptokiVersion",       CK_VERSION),
-              ("manufacturerID",        CK_UTF8CHAR * 32),
-              ("flags",                 CK_FLAGS),
-              ("libraryDescription",    CK_UTF8CHAR * 32),
-              ("libraryVersion",        CK_VERSION)]
+    _fields_ = [("cryptokiVersion",     CK_VERSION),
+                ("manufacturerID",      CK_UTF8CHAR * 32),
+                ("flags",               CK_FLAGS),
+                ("libraryDescription",  CK_UTF8CHAR * 32),
+                ("libraryVersion",      CK_VERSION)]
 CK_INFO_PTR                             = POINTER(CK_INFO)
@@ -70,33 +70,33 @@ CK_SLOT_ID                              = CK_ULONG
 CK_SLOT_ID_PTR                          = POINTER(CK_SLOT_ID)
 class CK_SLOT_INFO (Structure):
-  _fields_ = [("slotDescription",       CK_UTF8CHAR * 64),
-              ("manufacturerID",        CK_UTF8CHAR * 32),
-              ("flags",                 CK_FLAGS),
-              ("hardwareVersion",       CK_VERSION),
-              ("firmwareVersion",       CK_VERSION)]
+    _fields_ = [("slotDescription",     CK_UTF8CHAR * 64),
+                ("manufacturerID",      CK_UTF8CHAR * 32),
+                ("flags",               CK_FLAGS),
+                ("hardwareVersion",     CK_VERSION),
+                ("firmwareVersion",     CK_VERSION)]
 CK_SLOT_INFO_PTR                        = POINTER(CK_SLOT_INFO)
 class CK_TOKEN_INFO (Structure):
-  _fields_ = [("label",                 CK_UTF8CHAR * 32),
-              ("manufacturerID",        CK_UTF8CHAR * 32),
-              ("model",                 CK_UTF8CHAR * 16),
-              ("serialNumber",          CK_CHAR * 16),
-              ("flags",                 CK_FLAGS),
-              ("ulMaxSessionCount",	CK_ULONG),
-              ("ulSessionCount",	CK_ULONG),
-              ("ulMaxRwSessionCount",	CK_ULONG),
-              ("ulRwSessionCount",	CK_ULONG),
-              ("ulMaxPinLen",           CK_ULONG),
-              ("ulMinPinLen",           CK_ULONG),
-              ("ulTotalPublicMemory",	CK_ULONG),
-              ("ulFreePublicMemory",	CK_ULONG),
-              ("ulTotalPrivateMemory",	CK_ULONG),
-              ("ulFreePrivateMemory",	CK_ULONG),
-              ("hardwareVersion",	CK_VERSION),
-              ("firmwareVersion",	CK_VERSION),
-              ("utcTime",               CK_CHAR * 16)]
+    _fields_ = [("label",               CK_UTF8CHAR * 32),
+                ("manufacturerID",      CK_UTF8CHAR * 32),
+                ("model",               CK_UTF8CHAR * 16),
+                ("serialNumber",        CK_CHAR * 16),
+                ("flags",               CK_FLAGS),
+                ("ulMaxSessionCount",	CK_ULONG),
+                ("ulSessionCount",	CK_ULONG),
+                ("ulMaxRwSessionCount",	CK_ULONG),
+                ("ulRwSessionCount",	CK_ULONG),
+                ("ulMaxPinLen",         CK_ULONG),
+                ("ulMinPinLen",         CK_ULONG),
+                ("ulTotalPublicMemory",	CK_ULONG),
+                ("ulFreePublicMemory",	CK_ULONG),
+                ("ulTotalPrivateMemory",CK_ULONG),
+                ("ulFreePrivateMemory",	CK_ULONG),
+                ("hardwareVersion",	CK_VERSION),
+                ("firmwareVersion",	CK_VERSION),
+                ("utcTime",             CK_CHAR * 16)]
 CK_TOKEN_INFO_PTR                       = POINTER(CK_TOKEN_INFO)
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ CK_USER_TYPE                            = CK_ULONG
 CK_STATE                                = CK_ULONG
 class CK_SESSION_INFO (Structure):
-  _fields_ = [("slotID",                CK_SLOT_ID),
-              ("state",                 CK_STATE),
-              ("flags",                 CK_FLAGS),
-              ("ulDeviceError",         CK_ULONG)]
+    _fields_ = [("slotID",              CK_SLOT_ID),
+                ("state",               CK_STATE),
+                ("flags",               CK_FLAGS),
+                ("ulDeviceError",       CK_ULONG)]
@@ -133,32 +133,32 @@ CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE                     = CK_ULONG
 CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE                       = CK_ULONG
 class CK_ATTRIBUTE (Structure):
-  _fields_ = [("type",                  CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE),
-              ("pValue",                CK_VOID_PTR),
-              ("ulValueLen",            CK_ULONG)]
+    _fields_ = [("type",                CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE),
+                ("pValue",              CK_VOID_PTR),
+                ("ulValueLen",          CK_ULONG)]
 CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR                        = POINTER(CK_ATTRIBUTE)
 class CK_DATE (Structure):
-  _fields_ = [("year",                  CK_CHAR * 4),
-              ("month",                 CK_CHAR * 2),
-              ("day",                   CK_CHAR * 2)]
+    _fields_ = [("year",                CK_CHAR * 4),
+                ("month",               CK_CHAR * 2),
+                ("day",                 CK_CHAR * 2)]
 CK_MECHANISM_TYPE                       = CK_ULONG
 class CK_MECHANISM (Structure):
-  _fields_ = [("mechanism",             CK_MECHANISM_TYPE),
-              ("pParameter",            CK_VOID_PTR),
-              ("ulParameterLen",        CK_ULONG)]
+    _fields_ = [("mechanism",           CK_MECHANISM_TYPE),
+                ("pParameter",          CK_VOID_PTR),
+                ("ulParameterLen",      CK_ULONG)]
 CK_MECHANISM_PTR                        = POINTER(CK_MECHANISM)
 class CK_MECHANISM_INFO (Structure):
-  _fields_ = [("ulMinKeySize",          CK_ULONG),
-              ("ulMaxKeySize",          CK_ULONG),
-              ("flags",                 CK_FLAGS)]
+    _fields_ = [("ulMinKeySize",        CK_ULONG),
+                ("ulMaxKeySize",        CK_ULONG),
+                ("flags",               CK_FLAGS)]
@@ -172,12 +172,12 @@ CK_LOCKMUTEX                            = CFUNCTYPE(CK_RV, CK_VOID_PTR)
 CK_UNLOCKMUTEX                          = CFUNCTYPE(CK_RV, CK_VOID_PTR)
 class CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS (Structure):
-  _fields_ = [("CreateMutex",           CK_CREATEMUTEX),
-              ("DestroyMutex",          CK_DESTROYMUTEX),
-              ("LockMutex",             CK_LOCKMUTEX),
-              ("UnlockMutex",           CK_UNLOCKMUTEX),
-              ("flags",                 CK_FLAGS),
-              ("pReserved",             CK_VOID_PTR)]
+    _fields_ = [("CreateMutex",         CK_CREATEMUTEX),
+                ("DestroyMutex",        CK_DESTROYMUTEX),
+                ("LockMutex",           CK_LOCKMUTEX),
+                ("UnlockMutex",         CK_UNLOCKMUTEX),
+                ("flags",               CK_FLAGS),
+                ("pReserved",           CK_VOID_PTR)]
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS_PTR                = POINTER(CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS)
 # gratuitous Python module loop too.
 class CK_FUNCTION_LIST (Structure):
-  pass
+    pass
diff --git a/scripts/build-attributes b/scripts/build-attributes
index 7a36bdc..e7c500e 100755
--- a/scripts/build-attributes
+++ b/scripts/build-attributes
@@ -47,318 +47,318 @@ import argparse
 def define_flags(flag_names):
-  """
-  Flag definitions.  Called later, here at front of program just to
-  make them easier to find.
-  """
-  flag_names.create("DEFAULT_VALUE", "Value field contains default")
-  flag_names.footnote( 1, "REQUIRED_BY_CREATEOBJECT")
-  flag_names.footnote( 2, "FORBIDDEN_BY_CREATEOBJECT")
-  flag_names.footnote( 3, "REQUIRED_BY_GENERATE")
-  flag_names.footnote( 4, "FORBIDDEN_BY_GENERATE")
-  flag_names.footnote( 5, "REQUIRED_BY_UNWRAP")
-  flag_names.footnote( 6, "FORBIDDEN_BY_UNWRAP")
-  flag_names.footnote( 7, "SENSITIVE")
-  flag_names.footnote( 8, "PERHAPS_MODIFIABLE")
-  flag_names.footnote( 9, "DEFAULT_IS_TOKEN_SPECIFIC")
-  flag_names.footnote(10, "ONLY_SO_USER_CAN_SET")
-  flag_names.footnote(11, "LATCHES_WHEN_TRUE")
-  flag_names.footnote(12, "LATCHES_WHEN_FALSE")
+    """
+    Flag definitions.  Called later, here at front of program just to
+    make them easier to find.
+    """
+    flag_names.create("DEFAULT_VALUE", "Value field contains default")
+    flag_names.footnote( 1, "REQUIRED_BY_CREATEOBJECT")
+    flag_names.footnote( 2, "FORBIDDEN_BY_CREATEOBJECT")
+    flag_names.footnote( 3, "REQUIRED_BY_GENERATE")
+    flag_names.footnote( 4, "FORBIDDEN_BY_GENERATE")
+    flag_names.footnote( 5, "REQUIRED_BY_UNWRAP")
+    flag_names.footnote( 6, "FORBIDDEN_BY_UNWRAP")
+    flag_names.footnote( 7, "SENSITIVE")
+    flag_names.footnote( 8, "PERHAPS_MODIFIABLE")
+    flag_names.footnote( 9, "DEFAULT_IS_TOKEN_SPECIFIC")
+    flag_names.footnote(10, "ONLY_SO_USER_CAN_SET")
+    flag_names.footnote(11, "LATCHES_WHEN_TRUE")
+    flag_names.footnote(12, "LATCHES_WHEN_FALSE")
 class PKCS11ParseError(Exception):
-  "Failure parsing PCKS #11 object definitions from YAML data."
+    "Failure parsing PCKS #11 object definitions from YAML data."
 def write_lines(*lines, **d):
-  """
-  Utility to simplify writing formatted text to the output stream.
-  """
-  for line in lines:
-    args.output_file.write((line % d) + "\n")
-class Flags(object):
-  """
-  Descriptor flag database.
-  Many of these are derived from PKCS #11 Table 15  footnotes
-  """
-  prefix = "P11_DESCRIPTOR_"            # Prefix string for all descriptor flags
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.names = []
-    self.notes = {}
-    self.width = 0
-  def create(self, name, comment = None):
-    Create a descriptor flag.
+    Utility to simplify writing formatted text to the output stream.
-    assert len(self.names) < 32
-    name = self.prefix + name
-    self.names.append((name, comment))
-    if len(name) > self.width:
-      self.width = len(name)
-  def footnote(self, number, name):
-    """
-    Create a descriptor flag for a PKCS #11 table 15 footnote.
-    """
+    for line in lines:
+        args.output_file.write((line % d) + "\n")
-    assert number not in self.notes
-    self.create(name, "Section 10.2 table 15 footnote #%2d" % number)
-    self.notes[number] = self.prefix + name
-  def write(self):
+class Flags(object):
-    Generate the flags, assigning bit positions as we go.
+    Descriptor flag database.
+    Many of these are derived from PKCS #11 Table 15  footnotes
-    assert len(self.names) < 32
-    self.width = (((self.width + 4) >> 2) << 2) - 1
-    bit = 1
-    for name, comment in self.names:
-      format = "#define %(name)s 0x%(bit)08x"
-      if comment is not None:
-        format += "  /* %(comment)s */"
-      write_lines(format, bit = bit, comment = comment, name = "%-*s" % (self.width, name))
-      bit <<= 1
+    prefix = "P11_DESCRIPTOR_"            # Prefix string for all descriptor flags
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.names = []
+        self.notes = {}
+        self.width = 0
-class AttributeNumbers(dict):
-  """
-  Attribute names and numbers scraped (yuck) from pkcs11t.h.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, filename):
-    with open(filename, "r") as f:
-      for line in f:
-        word = line.split()
-        if len(word) <= 2 or word[0] != "#define" or not word[1].startswith("CKA_"):
-          continue
-        if word[2] in self:
-          continue
-        if word[2].startswith("(CKF_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE|"):
-          word[2] = word[2].translate(None, "()").split("|")[1]
-        self[word[1]] = int(word[2], 16)
+    def create(self, name, comment = None):
+        """
+        Create a descriptor flag.
+        """
+        assert len(self.names) < 32
+        name = self.prefix + name
+        self.names.append((name, comment))
+        if len(name) > self.width:
+            self.width = len(name)
-class Attribute(object):
-  """
-  Definition of one attribute.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, name, type = None, footnotes = None, default = None, value = None, unimplemented = False):
-    assert value is None or default is None
-    self.name = name
-    self.type = type
-    self.footnotes = footnotes
-    self.default = self.convert_integers(default)
-    self.value   = self.convert_integers(value)
-    self.unimplemented = unimplemented
-  @staticmethod
-  def convert_integers(val):
-    """
-    Convert a non-negative integer initialization value into a byte array.
-    """
+    def footnote(self, number, name):
+        """
+        Create a descriptor flag for a PKCS #11 table 15 footnote.
+        """
-    if not isinstance(val, (int, long)):
-      return val
-    if val < 0:
-      raise ValueError("Negative integers not legal here: %s" % val)
-    bytes = []
-    while val > 0:
-      bytes.insert(0, val & 0xFF)
-      val >>= 8
-    return bytes or [0]
-  def inherit(self, other):
-    """
-    Merge values from paraent attribute definition, if any.
-    """
+        assert number not in self.notes
+        self.create(name, "Section 10.2 table 15 footnote #%2d" % number)
+        self.notes[number] = self.prefix + name
-    for k in ("type", "footnotes", "default", "value"):
-      if getattr(self, k) is None:
-        setattr(self, k, getattr(other, k))
-    self.unimplemented = self.unimplemented or other.unimplemented
+    def write(self):
+        """
+        Generate the flags, assigning bit positions as we go.
+        """
-  def format_flags(self):
-    """
-    Generate the descriptor flags field.
-    """
+        assert len(self.names) < 32
+        self.width = (((self.width + 4) >> 2) << 2) - 1
+        bit = 1
+        for name, comment in self.names:
+            format = "#define %(name)s 0x%(bit)08x"
+            if comment is not None:
+                format += "  /* %(comment)s */"
+            write_lines(format, bit = bit, comment = comment, name = "%-*s" % (self.width, name))
+            bit <<= 1
-    flags = []
-    if self.footnotes:
-      flags.extend(flag_names.notes[f] for f in self.footnotes)
-    if self.value is None and self.default is not None:
-      flags.append("P11_DESCRIPTOR_DEFAULT_VALUE")
-    flags = " | ".join(flags)
-    return flags or "0"
-  def format_size(self):
+class AttributeNumbers(dict):
-    Generate the descriptor size field.
+    Attribute names and numbers scraped (yuck) from pkcs11t.h.
-    if isinstance(self.type, str) and self.type.startswith("CK_"):
-      return "sizeof(%s)" % self.type
-    elif self.type in ("rfc2279string", "biginteger", "bytearray"):
-      return "0"
-    else:
-      raise PKCS11ParseError("Unknown meta-type %r" % self.type)
-  def format_length(self):
-    """
-    Generate the descriptor length field.
-    """
+    def __init__(self, filename):
+        with open(filename, "r") as f:
+            for line in f:
+                word = line.split()
+                if len(word) <= 2 or word[0] != "#define" or not word[1].startswith("CKA_"):
+                    continue
+                if word[2] in self:
+                    continue
+                if word[2].startswith("(CKF_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE|"):
+                    word[2] = word[2].translate(None, "()").split("|")[1]
+                self[word[1]] = int(word[2], 16)
-    value = self.value or self.default
-    if isinstance(value, list):
-      return "sizeof(const_0x%s)" % "".join("%02x" % v for v in value)
-    elif value and isinstance(self.type, str) and self.type.startswith("CK_"):
-      return "sizeof(%s)" % self.type
-    else:
-      return "0"
-  def format_value(self):
-    """
-    Generate the descriptor value field.
+class Attribute(object):
+    Definition of one attribute.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name, type = None, footnotes = None, default = None, value = None, unimplemented = False):
+        assert value is None or default is None
+        self.name = name
+        self.type = type
+        self.footnotes = footnotes
+        self.default = self.convert_integers(default)
+        self.value   = self.convert_integers(value)
+        self.unimplemented = unimplemented
+    @staticmethod
+    def convert_integers(val):
+        """
+        Convert a non-negative integer initialization value into a byte array.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(val, int):
+            return val
+        if val < 0:
+            raise ValueError("Negative integers not legal here: %s" % val)
+        bytes = []
+        while val > 0:
+            bytes.insert(0, val & 0xFF)
+            val >>= 8
+        return bytes or [0]
+    def inherit(self, other):
+        """
+        Merge values from paraent attribute definition, if any.
+        """
+        for k in ("type", "footnotes", "default", "value"):
+            if getattr(self, k) is None:
+                setattr(self, k, getattr(other, k))
+        self.unimplemented = self.unimplemented or other.unimplemented
+    def format_flags(self):
+        """
+        Generate the descriptor flags field.
+        """
+        flags = []
+        if self.footnotes:
+            flags.extend(flag_names.notes[f] for f in self.footnotes)
+        if self.value is None and self.default is not None:
+            flags.append("P11_DESCRIPTOR_DEFAULT_VALUE")
+        flags = " | ".join(flags)
+        return flags or "0"
+    def format_size(self):
+        """
+        Generate the descriptor size field.
+        """
+        if isinstance(self.type, str) and self.type.startswith("CK_"):
+            return "sizeof(%s)" % self.type
+        elif self.type in ("rfc2279string", "biginteger", "bytearray"):
+            return "0"
+        else:
+            raise PKCS11ParseError("Unknown meta-type %r" % self.type)
+    def format_length(self):
+        """
+        Generate the descriptor length field.
+        """
+        value = self.value or self.default
+        if isinstance(value, list):
+            return "sizeof(const_0x%s)" % "".join("%02x" % v for v in value)
+        elif value and isinstance(self.type, str) and self.type.startswith("CK_"):
+            return "sizeof(%s)" % self.type
+        else:
+            return "0"
+    def format_value(self):
+        """
+        Generate the descriptor value field.
+        """
+        value = self.value or self.default
+        if not value:
+            return "NULL_PTR"
+        elif isinstance(value, list):
+            return "const_0x" + "".join("%02x" % v for v in value)
+        else:
+            return "&const_" + value
+    def format_constant(self, constants):
+        """
+        Generate constant initializer values.  These are merged so that we
+        only end up declaring one copy of each initializer value no matter
+        how many attributes use it.
+        """
+        value = self.value or self.default
+        if not self.unimplemented and value:
+            if isinstance(value, list):
+                constants.add("static const CK_BYTE const_%s[] = { %s };" % (
+                    "0x" + "".join("%02x" % v for v in value),
+                    ", ".join("0x%02x" % v for v in value)))
+            else:
+                constants.add("static const %s const_%s = %s;" % (self.type, value, value))
+    def generate(self):
+        """
+        Generate the descriptor line for this attribute.
+        """
+        if not self.unimplemented:
+            args.output_file.write("  { %s, %s, %s, %s, %s },\n" % (
+                self.name, self.format_size(), self.format_length(), self.format_value(), self.format_flags()))
-    value = self.value or self.default
-    if not value:
-      return "NULL_PTR"
-    elif isinstance(value, list):
-      return "const_0x" + "".join("%02x" % v for v in value)
-    else:
-      return "&const_" + value
-  def format_constant(self, constants):
+class Class(object):
-    Generate constant initializer values.  These are merged so that we
-    only end up declaring one copy of each initializer value no matter
-    how many attributes use it.
+    A PKCS #11 class.
-    value = self.value or self.default
-    if not self.unimplemented and value:
-      if isinstance(value, list):
-        constants.add("static const CK_BYTE const_%s[] = { %s };" % (
-          "0x" + "".join("%02x" % v for v in value),
-          ", ".join("0x%02x" % v for v in value)))
-      else:
-        constants.add("static const %s const_%s = %s;" % (self.type, value, value))
+    def __init__(self, db, name, superclass = None, concrete = False, **attrs):
+        assert all(a.startswith("CKA_") for a in attrs), "Non-attribute: %r" % [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith("CKA_")]
+        self.attributes = dict((k, Attribute(k, **v)) for k, v in attrs.items())
+        self.db = db
+        self.name = name
+        self.superclass = superclass
+        self.concrete = concrete
-  def generate(self):
-    """
-    Generate the descriptor line for this attribute.
-    """
+    def inherit(self, other):
+        """
+        Inherit attributes from parent type.
+        """
-    if not self.unimplemented:
-      args.output_file.write("  { %s, %s, %s, %s, %s },\n" % (
-        self.name, self.format_size(), self.format_length(), self.format_value(), self.format_flags()))
+        for k, v in other.attributes.items():
+            if k not in self.attributes:
+                self.attributes[k] = v
+            else:
+                self.attributes[k].inherit(v)
+    def collect_constants(self, constants):
+        """
+        Collect initialization constants for all attributes.
+        """
-class Class(object):
-  """
-  A PKCS #11 class.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, db, name, superclass = None, concrete = False, **attrs):
-    assert all(a.startswith("CKA_") for a in attrs), "Non-attribute: %r" % [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith("CKA_")]
-    self.attributes = dict((k, Attribute(k, **v)) for k, v in attrs.iteritems())
-    self.db = db
-    self.name = name
-    self.superclass = superclass
-    self.concrete = concrete
-  def inherit(self, other):
-    """
-    Inherit attributes from parent type.
-    """
+        if self.concrete:
+            for a in self.attributes.values():
+                a.format_constant(constants)
-    for k, v in other.attributes.iteritems():
-      if k not in self.attributes:
-        self.attributes[k] = v
-      else:
-        self.attributes[k].inherit(v)
+    def generate(self):
+        """
+        Generate a descriptor for this type.
+        """
-  def collect_constants(self, constants):
-    """
-    Collect initialization constants for all attributes.
-    """
+        if self.concrete:
-    if self.concrete:
-      for a in self.attributes.itervalues():
-        a.format_constant(constants)
+            write_lines("",
+                        "static const p11_attribute_descriptor_t p11_attribute_descriptor_%(name)s[] = {",
+                        name = self.name)
-  def generate(self):
-    """
-    Generate a descriptor for this type.
-    """
+            for a in sorted(self.attributes, key = lambda x: attribute_numbers[x]):
+                self.attributes[a].generate()
-    if self.concrete:
+            write_lines("};",
+                        "",
+                        "static const p11_descriptor_t p11_descriptor_%(name)s = {",
+                        "  p11_attribute_descriptor_%(name)s,",
+                        "  sizeof(p11_attribute_descriptor_%(name)s)/sizeof(p11_attribute_descriptor_t)",
+                        "};",
+                        name = self.name)
-      write_lines("",
-                  "static const p11_attribute_descriptor_t p11_attribute_descriptor_%(name)s[] = {",
-                  name = self.name)
+    def keyclassmap(self):
+        """
+        Generate a keyclass map entry if this is a concrete key type.
+        """
-      for a in sorted(self.attributes, key = lambda x: attribute_numbers[x]):
-        self.attributes[a].generate()
-      write_lines("};",
-                  "",
-                  "static const p11_descriptor_t p11_descriptor_%(name)s = {",
-                  "  p11_attribute_descriptor_%(name)s,",
-                  "  sizeof(p11_attribute_descriptor_%(name)s)/sizeof(p11_attribute_descriptor_t)",
-                  "};",
-                  name = self.name)
-  def keyclassmap(self):
-    """
-    Generate a keyclass map entry if this is a concrete key type.
-    """
-    if self.concrete and all(k in self.attributes and self.attributes[k].value for k in ("CKA_CLASS", "CKA_KEY_TYPE")):
-      write_lines(" { %s, %s, &p11_descriptor_%s }," % (
-        self.attributes["CKA_CLASS"].value, self.attributes["CKA_KEY_TYPE"].value, self.name))
+        if self.concrete and all(k in self.attributes and self.attributes[k].value for k in ("CKA_CLASS", "CKA_KEY_TYPE")):
+            write_lines(" { %s, %s, &p11_descriptor_%s }," % (
+                self.attributes["CKA_CLASS"].value, self.attributes["CKA_KEY_TYPE"].value, self.name))
 class DB(object):
-  """
-  Object type database parsed from YAML
-  """
-  def __init__(self, y):
-    self.ordered = [Class(self, **y) for y in y]
-    self.named = dict((c.name, c) for c in self.ordered)
-    for c in self.ordered:
-      if c.superclass is not None:
-        c.inherit(self.named[c.superclass])
-  def generate(self):
-    Generate output for everything in the database.
-    """
-    constants = set()
-    for c in self.ordered:
-      c.collect_constants(constants)
-    for constant in sorted(constants):
-      write_lines(constant)
-    for c in self.ordered:
-      c.generate()
-    write_lines("",
-                "static const p11_descriptor_keyclass_map_t p11_descriptor_keyclass_map[] = {")
-    for c in self.ordered:
-      c.keyclassmap()
-    write_lines("};")
+    Object type database parsed from YAML
+    """
+    def __init__(self, y):
+        self.ordered = [Class(self, **y) for y in y]
+        self.named = dict((c.name, c) for c in self.ordered)
+        for c in self.ordered:
+            if c.superclass is not None:
+                c.inherit(self.named[c.superclass])
+    def generate(self):
+        """
+        Generate output for everything in the database.
+        """
+        constants = set()
+        for c in self.ordered:
+            c.collect_constants(constants)
+        for constant in sorted(constants):
+            write_lines(constant)
+        for c in self.ordered:
+            c.generate()
+        write_lines("",
+                    "static const p11_descriptor_keyclass_map_t p11_descriptor_keyclass_map[] = {")
+        for c in self.ordered:
+            c.keyclassmap()
+        write_lines("};")
 # Main program
diff --git a/scripts/build-py11-attributes b/scripts/build-py11-attributes
index cacb63a..107d33b 100755
--- a/scripts/build-py11-attributes
+++ b/scripts/build-py11-attributes
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ parser.add_argument("output_file",    help = "Output .py file", nargs = "?", typ
 args = parser.parse_args()
 attribute_map = dict(
-  (k, v["type"])
-  for y in yaml.safe_load(args.yaml_file)
-  for k, v in y.iteritems()
-  if k.startswith("CKA_") and "type" in v)
+    (k, v["type"])
+    for y in yaml.safe_load(args.yaml_file)
+    for k, v in y.items()
+    if k.startswith("CKA_") and "type" in v)
 # This file was generated automatically from %(input)s by %(script)s.  Do not edit this file directly.
diff --git a/scripts/py11-test.py b/scripts/py11-test.py
index 7a0e1d8..cf633a3 100644
--- a/scripts/py11-test.py
+++ b/scripts/py11-test.py
@@ -3,149 +3,150 @@
 from cryptech.py11 import *
 from struct import pack, unpack
+from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
 def show_token(i, t, strip = True):
-  print "Token in slot #%d:" % i
-  fw = max(len(fn) for fn, ft in t.__class__._fields_)
-  for fn, ft in t.__class__._fields_:
-    fv = getattr(t, fn)
-    fn = "%-*s :" % (fw, fn)
-    if isinstance(fv, CK_VERSION):
-      print " ", fn, "%d.%d" % (fv.major, fv.minor)
-    elif isinstance(fv, (int, long)):
-      print " ", fn, fv
-    else:
-      print " ", fn, repr(str(fv).rstrip(" ") if strip else str(fv))
+    print("Token in slot #%d:" % i)
+    fw = max(len(fn) for fn, ft in t.__class__._fields_)
+    for fn, ft in t.__class__._fields_:
+        fv = getattr(t, fn)
+        fn = "%-*s :" % (fw, fn)
+        if isinstance(fv, CK_VERSION):
+            print(" ", fn, "%d.%d" % (fv.major, fv.minor))
+        elif isinstance(fv, int):
+            print(" ", fn, fv)
+        else:
+            print(" ", fn, repr(str(fv).rstrip(" ") if strip else str(fv)))
 def genkeypair_templates(name = "foo", **kwargs):
-  label_id = ((CKA_LABEL, name), (CKA_ID, name))
-  return (
-    # Public template
-    label_id + tuple(kwargs.iteritems()) +
-    ((CKA_VERIFY,             True),
-     (CKA_ENCRYPT,            False),
-     (CKA_WRAP,               False),
-     (CKA_TOKEN,              False)),
-    # Private template
-    label_id +
-    ((CKA_SIGN,               True),
-     (CKA_DECRYPT,            False),
-     (CKA_UNWRAP,             False),
-     (CKA_SENSITIVE,          True),
-     (CKA_TOKEN,              False),
-     (CKA_PRIVATE,            True),
-     (CKA_EXTRACTABLE,        False)))
+    label_id = ((CKA_LABEL, name), (CKA_ID, name))
+    return (
+        # Public template
+        label_id + tuple(kwargs.items()) +
+        ((CKA_VERIFY,             True),
+         (CKA_ENCRYPT,            False),
+         (CKA_WRAP,               False),
+         (CKA_TOKEN,              False)),
+        # Private template
+        label_id +
+        ((CKA_SIGN,               True),
+         (CKA_DECRYPT,            False),
+         (CKA_UNWRAP,             False),
+         (CKA_SENSITIVE,          True),
+         (CKA_TOKEN,              False),
+         (CKA_PRIVATE,            True),
+         (CKA_EXTRACTABLE,        False)))
 def show_keys(session, key_class, *attributes):
-  p11.C_FindObjectsInit(session, {CKA_CLASS: key_class})
-  for o in p11.C_FindObjects(session):
-    a = p11.C_GetAttributeValue(session, o, attributes + (CKA_CLASS, CKA_KEY_TYPE, CKA_LABEL, CKA_ID, CKA_TOKEN,
-                                                          CKA_PRIVATE, CKA_LOCAL, CKA_KEY_GEN_MECHANISM))
-    w = max(len(p11.adb.attribute_name(k)) for k in a)
-    print "Object:", o
-    for k, v in a.iteritems():
-      print " %*s (0x%08x): %r" % (w, p11.adb.attribute_name(k), k, v)
-  p11.C_FindObjectsFinal(session)
+    p11.C_FindObjectsInit(session, {CKA_CLASS: key_class})
+    for o in p11.C_FindObjects(session):
+        a = p11.C_GetAttributeValue(session, o, attributes + (CKA_CLASS, CKA_KEY_TYPE, CKA_LABEL, CKA_ID, CKA_TOKEN,
+                                                              CKA_PRIVATE, CKA_LOCAL, CKA_KEY_GEN_MECHANISM))
+        w = max(len(p11.adb.attribute_name(k)) for k in a)
+        print("Object:", o)
+        for k, v in a.items():
+            print(" %*s (0x%08x): %r" % (w, p11.adb.attribute_name(k), k, v))
+    p11.C_FindObjectsFinal(session)
 def build_ecpoint(x, y):
-  h = (max(x.bit_length(), y.bit_length()) + 15) / 16
-  d = chr(0x04) + ("%0*x%0*x" % (h, x, h, y)).decode("hex")
-  if len(d) < 128:
-    h = "%c%c" % (0x04, len(d))
-  else:
-    n = len(d).bit_length()
-    h = ("%c%c" % (0x04, (n + 7) / 8)) + ("%0*x" % ((n + 15) / 16, len(d))).decode("hex")
-  return h + d
+    h = (max(x.bit_length(), y.bit_length()) + 15) / 16
+    d = b"\04" + unhexlify("%0*x%0*x" % (h, x, h, y))
+    if len(d) < 128:
+        h = b"%c%c" % (0x04, len(d))
+    else:
+        n = len(d).bit_length()
+        h = (b"%c%c" % (0x04, (n + 7) / 8)) + unhexlify("%0*x" % ((n + 15) / 16, len(d)))
+    return h + d
-ec_curve_oid_p256 = "".join(chr(i) for i in (0x06, 0x08, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0xce, 0x3d, 0x03, 0x01, 0x07))
-ec_curve_oid_p384 = "".join(chr(i) for i in (0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x81, 0x04, 0x00, 0x22))
-ec_curve_oid_p521 = "".join(chr(i) for i in (0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x81, 0x04, 0x00, 0x23))
+ec_curve_oid_p256 = b"\x06\x08\x2a\x86\x48\xce\x3d\x03\x01\x07"
+ec_curve_oid_p384 = b"\x06\x05\x2b\x81\x04\x00\x22"
+ec_curve_oid_p521 = b"\x06\x05\x2b\x81\x04\x00\x23"
 p11 = PKCS11("./libcryptech-pkcs11.so")
 if False:
-  print "Not using MUTEXes at all"
-  p11.C_Initialize()
+    print("Not using MUTEXes at all")
+    p11.C_Initialize()
 elif False:
-  print "Using OS MUTEXes"
-  p11.C_Initialize(CKF_OS_LOCKING_OK)
+    print("Using OS MUTEXes")
+    p11.C_Initialize(CKF_OS_LOCKING_OK)
-  print "Using our own pseudo-MUTEXes"
-  from cryptech.py11.mutex import MutexDB
-  mdb = MutexDB()
-  p11.C_Initialize(0, mdb.create, mdb.destroy, mdb.lock, mdb.unlock)
+    print("Using our own pseudo-MUTEXes")
+    from cryptech.py11.mutex import MutexDB
+    mdb = MutexDB()
+    p11.C_Initialize(0, mdb.create, mdb.destroy, mdb.lock, mdb.unlock)
 slots = p11.C_GetSlotList()
-print "Listing slots and tokens"
+print("Listing slots and tokens")
 for i in slots:
-  show_token(i, p11.C_GetTokenInfo(i))
+    show_token(i, p11.C_GetTokenInfo(i))
 slot = slots[0]
-print "Generating some random data"
+print("Generating some random data")
 session = p11.C_OpenSession(slot)
 random  = p11.C_GenerateRandom(session, 33)
-print len(random), "".join("%02x" % ord(i) for i in random)
+print(len(random), hexlify(random))
-print "Logging in"
+print("Logging in")
 p11.C_Login(session, CKU_USER, "fnord")
 if False:
-  print
-  print "Generating RSA keypair"
-  rsa_templates = genkeypair_templates("RSA", CKA_MODULUS_BITS = 1024)
-  rsa_keypair   = p11.C_GenerateKeyPair(session, CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, rsa_templates[0], rsa_templates[1])
-  print rsa_keypair
-print "Generating EC P256 keypair"
+    print()
+    print("Generating RSA keypair")
+    rsa_templates = genkeypair_templates("RSA", CKA_MODULUS_BITS = 1024)
+    rsa_keypair   = p11.C_GenerateKeyPair(session, CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, rsa_templates[0], rsa_templates[1])
+    print(rsa_keypair)
+print("Generating EC P256 keypair")
 ec_templates = genkeypair_templates("EC-P256", CKA_EC_PARAMS = ec_curve_oid_p256)
 ec_p256_keypair   = p11.C_GenerateKeyPair(session, CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN, ec_templates[0], ec_templates[1])
-print ec_p256_keypair
-print "Generating EC P384 keypair"
+print("Generating EC P384 keypair")
 ec_templates = genkeypair_templates("EC-P384", CKA_EC_PARAMS = ec_curve_oid_p384)
 ec_p384_keypair   = p11.C_GenerateKeyPair(session, CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN, ec_templates[0], ec_templates[1])
-print ec_p384_keypair
-print "Generating EC P521 keypair"
+print("Generating EC P521 keypair")
 ec_templates = genkeypair_templates("EC-P521", CKA_EC_PARAMS = ec_curve_oid_p521)
 ec_p521_keypair   = p11.C_GenerateKeyPair(session, CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN, ec_templates[0], ec_templates[1])
-print ec_p521_keypair
-print "Listing keys"
+print("Listing keys")
 hamster = "Your mother was a hamster"
-print "Testing P-256 signature"
+print("Testing P-256 signature")
 p11.C_SignInit(session, CKM_ECDSA_SHA256, ec_p256_keypair[1])
 sig_p256 = p11.C_Sign(session, hamster)
-print "Signature:", sig_p256.encode("hex")
+print("Signature:", hexlify(sig_p256.encode))
-print "Testing P256 verification"
+print("Testing P256 verification")
 p11.C_VerifyInit(session, CKM_ECDSA_SHA256, ec_p256_keypair[0])
 p11.C_Verify(session, hamster, sig_p256)
-print "OK"                      # Verification failure throws an exception
+print("OK")                      # Verification failure throws an exception
-print "Testing C_CreateObject()"
+print("Testing C_CreateObject()")
 handle = p11.C_CreateObject(session, dict(
     CKA_CLASS           = CKO_PUBLIC_KEY,
     CKA_KEY_TYPE        = CKK_EC,
@@ -158,16 +159,16 @@ handle = p11.C_CreateObject(session, dict(
     CKA_EC_POINT        = build_ecpoint(0x8101ece47464a6ead70cf69a6e2bd3d88691a3262d22cba4f7635eaff26680a8,
     CKA_EC_PARAMS       = ec_curve_oid_p256))
-print handle
-print "Verifying canned signature with public key installed via C_CreateObject()"
+print("Verifying canned signature with public key installed via C_CreateObject()")
 p11.C_VerifyInit(session, CKM_ECDSA, handle)
-             "7c3e883ddc8bd688f96eac5e9324222c8f30f9d6bb59e9c5f020bd39ba2b8377".decode("hex"),
-             "7214bc9647160bbd39ff2f80533f5dc6ddd70ddf86bb815661e805d5d4e6f27c".decode("hex") +
-             "7d1ff961980f961bdaa3233b6209f4013317d3e3f9e1493592dbeaa1af2bc367".decode("hex"))
-print "OK"
+             unhexlify("7c3e883ddc8bd688f96eac5e9324222c8f30f9d6bb59e9c5f020bd39ba2b8377"),
+             unhexlify("7214bc9647160bbd39ff2f80533f5dc6ddd70ddf86bb815661e805d5d4e6f27c") +
+             unhexlify("7d1ff961980f961bdaa3233b6209f4013317d3e3f9e1493592dbeaa1af2bc367"))
diff --git a/scripts/test-hsmcheck b/scripts/test-hsmcheck
index b28d578..cb2efce 100755
--- a/scripts/test-hsmcheck
+++ b/scripts/test-hsmcheck
@@ -49,134 +49,134 @@ from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree, Element, SubElement
 def write_config():
-  """
-  Write hsmcheck configuration file.
-  """
+    """
+    Write hsmcheck configuration file.
+    """
-  e = Element("Configuration")
-  r = SubElement(e, "RepositoryList")
-  r = SubElement(r, "Repository", name = "default")
-  SubElement(r, "Module").text = args.driver
-  SubElement(r, "TokenLabel").text = args.token_label
-  SubElement(r, "PIN").text = args.pin
-  ElementTree(e).write(args.write_config)
-  args.write_config.flush()
+    e = Element("Configuration")
+    r = SubElement(e, "RepositoryList")
+    r = SubElement(r, "Repository", name = "default")
+    SubElement(r, "Module").text = args.driver
+    SubElement(r, "TokenLabel").text = args.token_label
+    SubElement(r, "PIN").text = args.pin
+    ElementTree(e).write(args.write_config)
+    args.write_config.flush()
 def hsmcheck(flag):
-  """
-  Run hsmcheck program with appropriate options and verbosity.
-  """
-  assert flag in "rgsd"
-  cmd = (args.hsmcheck_binary, "-c", args.write_config.name, "-" + flag)
-  if args.verbose:
-    sys.stdout.write("Running: %s\n" % " ".join(cmd))
-  if flag == "s":
-    text = check_output(cmd)
-    sys.stdout.write(text)
-    if not args.no_dnssec:
-      check_dnssec(text)
-  else:
-    check_call(cmd)
+    """
+    Run hsmcheck program with appropriate options and verbosity.
+    """
+    assert flag in "rgsd"
+    cmd = (args.hsmcheck_binary, "-c", args.write_config.name, "-" + flag)
+    if args.verbose:
+        sys.stdout.write("Running: %s\n" % " ".join(cmd))
+    if flag == "s":
+        text = check_output(cmd)
+        sys.stdout.write(text)
+        if not args.no_dnssec:
+            check_dnssec(text)
+    else:
+        check_call(cmd)
 def check_dnssec(text):
-  """
-  Use DNSPython to attempt DNSSEC validation on "hsmcheck -s" output.
+    """
+    Use DNSPython to attempt DNSSEC validation on "hsmcheck -s" output.
-  This requires the DNSPython toolkit, which in turn requires
-  PyCrypto; ECDSA support (not yet tested) requires a third package.
-  On Debian-family Linux, you can install these with:
+    This requires the DNSPython toolkit, which in turn requires
+    PyCrypto; ECDSA support (not yet tested) requires a third package.
+    On Debian-family Linux, you can install these with:
-      sudo apt-get install python-dnspython python-crypto python-ecdsa
+        sudo apt-get install python-dnspython python-crypto python-ecdsa
-  Equivalent packages exist for other platforms.
-  """
+    Equivalent packages exist for other platforms.
+    """
-  try:
-    from dns.exception import DNSException
-    import dns.dnssec
-    import dns.rrset
-    import Crypto.PublicKey.RSA
-    #import ecdsa.ecdsa
-  except ImportError:
-    sys.exit("Problem importing DNSPython or supporting crypto packages, are they installed?")
+    try:
+        from dns.exception import DNSException
+        import dns.dnssec
+        import dns.rrset
+        import Crypto.PublicKey.RSA
+        #import ecdsa.ecdsa
+    except ImportError:
+        sys.exit("Problem importing DNSPython or supporting crypto packages, are they installed?")
-  wired_ttl     = "3600"
-  wired_rdclass = "IN"
+    wired_ttl     = "3600"
+    wired_rdclass = "IN"
-  rrs = {}
+    rrs = {}
-  for line in text.splitlines():
+    for line in text.splitlines():
-    try:
-      name, ttl, rdclass, rdtype, rdata = line.split(None, 4)
-    except ValueError:
-      continue
+        try:
+            name, ttl, rdclass, rdtype, rdata = line.split(None, 4)
+        except ValueError:
+            continue
-    if ttl != wired_ttl or rdclass != wired_rdclass:
-      continue
+        if ttl != wired_ttl or rdclass != wired_rdclass:
+            continue
-    try:
-      rrs[name, rdtype].append(rdata)
-    except KeyError:
-      rrs[name, rdtype] = [rdata]
+        try:
+            rrs[name, rdtype].append(rdata)
+        except KeyError:
+            rrs[name, rdtype] = [rdata]
-  # Done parsing.  We expect to have seen an A RRset, an RRSIG of that
-  # A RRset, and the DNSKEY that we'll need to verify the RRSIG.
+    # Done parsing.  We expect to have seen an A RRset, an RRSIG of that
+    # A RRset, and the DNSKEY that we'll need to verify the RRSIG.
-  if len(rrs) != 3:
-    sys.exit("Expected two RRsets and an RRSIG, got %r" % rrs)
+    if len(rrs) != 3:
+        sys.exit("Expected two RRsets and an RRSIG, got %r" % rrs)
-  rrs = dict((rdtype, dns.rrset.from_text_list(name, int(wired_ttl), wired_rdclass, rdtype, rrs[name, rdtype]))
-                for name, rdtype in rrs)
+    rrs = dict((rdtype, dns.rrset.from_text_list(name, int(wired_ttl), wired_rdclass, rdtype, rrs[name, rdtype]))
+               for name, rdtype in rrs)
-  try:
-    dns.dnssec.validate(rrs["A"], rrs["RRSIG"], { rrs["DNSKEY"].name : rrs["DNSKEY"] })
-  except DNSException, e:
-    sys.exit("DNSSEC verification failed: %s" % e)
+    try:
+        dns.dnssec.validate(rrs["A"], rrs["RRSIG"], { rrs["DNSKEY"].name : rrs["DNSKEY"] })
+    except DNSException as e:
+        sys.exit("DNSSEC verification failed: %s" % e)
-  sys.stdout.write("\nDNSSEC verification successful!\n\n")
+    sys.stdout.write("\nDNSSEC verification successful!\n\n")
 # Main program.
-  default_config   = NamedTemporaryFile()
-  default_hsmcheck = os.getenv("HSMCHECK", "hsmcheck")
-  default_driver   = os.getenv("PKCS11_DRIVER",
-                               os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..", "libpkcs11.so")))
-  parser = ArgumentParser(description = __doc__, formatter_class = ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
-  one_of = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-  one_of.add_argument("-a", "--all", "--rgsd", const = "rgsd", dest = "test", action = "store_const", help = "run all tests")
-  one_of.add_argument("-r", "--random",   const = "r", dest = "test", action = "store_const", help = "just test random numbers")
-  one_of.add_argument("-g", "--generate", const = "g", dest = "test", action = "store_const", help = "just test key generation")
-  one_of.add_argument("-s", "--sign",     const = "s", dest = "test", action = "store_const", help = "just test DNSSEC-signature")
-  one_of.add_argument("-d", "--delete",   const = "d", dest = "test", action = "store_const", help = "just delete key")
-  parser.add_argument("-b", "--hsmcheck-binary",  default = default_hsmcheck, help = "location of hsmcheck program")
-  parser.add_argument("-p", "--pin",              default = "12345",          help = "HSM PIN to use for tests")
-  parser.add_argument("-t", "--token-label",      default = "Cryptech Token", help = "PKCS #11 label of Cryptech token")
-  parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-dnssec",        action = "store_true",      help = "do not attempt DNSSEC validation")
-  parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose",          action = "store_true",      help = "bark more")
-  parser.add_argument("-D", "--driver",           default = default_driver,   help = "location of PKCS #11 driver")
-  parser.add_argument("-w", "--write-config",     default = default_config,   help = "write generated configuration to this file",
-                      type = ArgumentFileType("w"))
-  parser.add_argument("--debug",                  action = "store_true",      help = "debug this script")
-  parser.set_defaults(test = "rgsd")
-  args = parser.parse_args()
-  try:
-    write_config()
-    for flag in args.test:
-      hsmcheck(flag)
-  except Exception as e:
-    if args.debug:
-      raise
-    sys.exit("Failed: %s" % e)
+    default_config   = NamedTemporaryFile()
+    default_hsmcheck = os.getenv("HSMCHECK", "hsmcheck")
+    default_driver   = os.getenv("PKCS11_DRIVER",
+                                 os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..", "libpkcs11.so")))
+    parser = ArgumentParser(description = __doc__, formatter_class = ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+    one_of = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+    one_of.add_argument("-a", "--all", "--rgsd", const = "rgsd", dest = "test", action = "store_const", help = "run all tests")
+    one_of.add_argument("-r", "--random",   const = "r", dest = "test", action = "store_const", help = "just test random numbers")
+    one_of.add_argument("-g", "--generate", const = "g", dest = "test", action = "store_const", help = "just test key generation")
+    one_of.add_argument("-s", "--sign",     const = "s", dest = "test", action = "store_const", help = "just test DNSSEC-signature")
+    one_of.add_argument("-d", "--delete",   const = "d", dest = "test", action = "store_const", help = "just delete key")
+    parser.add_argument("-b", "--hsmcheck-binary",  default = default_hsmcheck, help = "location of hsmcheck program")
+    parser.add_argument("-p", "--pin",              default = "12345",          help = "HSM PIN to use for tests")
+    parser.add_argument("-t", "--token-label",      default = "Cryptech Token", help = "PKCS #11 label of Cryptech token")
+    parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-dnssec",        action = "store_true",      help = "do not attempt DNSSEC validation")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose",          action = "store_true",      help = "bark more")
+    parser.add_argument("-D", "--driver",           default = default_driver,   help = "location of PKCS #11 driver")
+    parser.add_argument("-w", "--write-config",     default = default_config,   help = "write generated configuration to this file",
+                        type = ArgumentFileType("w"))
+    parser.add_argument("--debug",                  action = "store_true",      help = "debug this script")
+    parser.set_defaults(test = "rgsd")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    try:
+        write_config()
+        for flag in args.test:
+            hsmcheck(flag)
+    except Exception as e:
+        if args.debug:
+            raise
+        sys.exit("Failed: %s" % e)
-  default_config.close()
+    default_config.close()
diff --git a/scripts/thready-time-signature.py b/scripts/thready-time-signature.py
index fb84c1e..e3bd0bf 100755
--- a/scripts/thready-time-signature.py
+++ b/scripts/thready-time-signature.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import collections
 import threading
 import argparse
 import datetime
-import Queue
+import queue
 import sys
 from Crypto.Hash.SHA256 import SHA256Hash as SHA256
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class Results(object):
             self.sum += t1 - t0
             self.n += 1
             if not args.quiet:
-                print "{:4d} {}".format(self.n, delta)
+                print("{:4d} {}".format(self.n, delta))
     def mean(self):
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class Results(object):
         with self.lock:
             if self.t1 is None:
                 self.t1 = datetime.datetime.now()
-            print "{0.name} sigs/second {0.sigs_per_second} mean {0.mean} throughput {0.throughput} (n {0.n}, t0 {0.t0}, t1 {0.t1})".format(self)
+            print("{0.name} sigs/second {0.sigs_per_second} mean {0.mean} throughput {0.throughput} (n {0.n}, t0 {0.t0}, t1 {0.t1})".format(self))
 class Worker(threading.Thread):
@@ -158,19 +158,19 @@ def main():
     args = parser.parse_args()
     global q
-    q = Queue.Queue()
+    q = queue.Queue()
     global p11
     p11 = PKCS11(args.libpkcs11)
     if not args.quiet:
-        print "Initializing"
+        print("Initializing")
     session = p11.C_OpenSession(args.slot)
     p11.C_Login(session, CKU_USER, args.pin)
-    for i in xrange(args.threads):
+    for i in range(args.threads):
         w = Worker()
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ def main():
     for name in args.keys:
         if not args.quiet:
-            print "Starting test with key {}, {} iterations".format(name, args.iterations)
+            print("Starting test with key {}, {} iterations".format(name, args.iterations))
         k = key_table[name]
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ def main():
         global results
         results = Results(name)
-        for i in xrange(args.iterations):
+        for i in range(args.iterations):
diff --git a/scripts/time-signature.py b/scripts/time-signature.py
index 732eaa4..5c816ee 100755
--- a/scripts/time-signature.py
+++ b/scripts/time-signature.py
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def main():
     p11 = PKCS11(args.libpkcs11)
     if not args.quiet:
-        print "Initializing"
+        print("Initializing")
     session = p11.C_OpenSession(args.slot)
@@ -107,25 +107,25 @@ def main():
     for name in args.keys:
-        print "Starting test with key {}, {} iterations".format(name, args.iterations)
+        print("Starting test with key {}, {} iterations".format(name, args.iterations))
         k = key_table[name]
         k.create(args, p11, session, "Your mother was a hamster")
         mean = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 0)
-        for i in xrange(args.iterations):
+        for i in range(args.iterations):
             t0  = datetime.datetime.now()
             p11.C_SignInit(session, k.ckm, k.handle)
             sig = p11.C_Sign(session, k.tbs)
             t1  = datetime.datetime.now()
             if not args.quiet:
-                print "{:4d} {}".format(i, t1 - t0)
+                print("{:4d} {}".format(i, t1 - t0))
             mean += t1 - t0
         mean /= args.iterations
-        print "mean {}".format(mean)
+        print("mean {}".format(mean))
         p11.C_DestroyObject(session, k.handle)
diff --git a/unit_tests.py b/unit_tests.py
index e4c4a97..186daa9 100644
--- a/unit_tests.py
+++ b/unit_tests.py
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ PKCS #11 unit tests, using cryptech.py11 and the Python unit_test framework.
 import unittest
 import datetime
+import binascii
+import struct
 import sys
 from cryptech.py11 import *
@@ -187,7 +189,7 @@ class TestDevice(TestCase):
         with self.assertRaises(CKR_OPERATION_NOT_INITIALIZED):
             for handle in p11.C_FindObjects(session):
-                self.assertIsInstance(handle, (int, long))
+                self.assertIsInstance(handle, (int, int))
         with self.assertRaises(CKR_OPERATION_NOT_INITIALIZED):
@@ -198,7 +200,7 @@ class TestDevice(TestCase):
             p11.C_FindObjectsInit(session, CKA_CLASS = CKO_PRIVATE_KEY)
         for handle in p11.C_FindObjects(session):
-            self.assertIsInstance(handle, (int, long))
+            self.assertIsInstance(handle, (int, int))
@@ -208,9 +210,9 @@ class TestKeys(TestCase):
     Tests involving keys.
-    oid_p256 = "".join(chr(i) for i in (0x06, 0x08, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0xce, 0x3d, 0x03, 0x01, 0x07))
-    oid_p384 = "".join(chr(i) for i in (0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x81, 0x04, 0x00, 0x22))
-    oid_p521 = "".join(chr(i) for i in (0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x81, 0x04, 0x00, 0x23))
+    oid_p256 = b"\x06\x08\x2a\x86\x48\xce\x3d\x03\x01\x07"
+    oid_p384 = b"\x06\x05\x2b\x81\x04\x00\x22"
+    oid_p521 = b"\x06\x05\x2b\x81\x04\x00\x23"
     def setUpClass(cls):
@@ -337,22 +339,22 @@ class TestKeys(TestCase):
     def _build_ecpoint(x, y):
         bytes_per_coordinate = (max(x.bit_length(), y.bit_length()) + 15) / 16
-        value = chr(0x04) + ("%0*x%0*x" % (bytes_per_coordinate, x, bytes_per_coordinate, y)).decode("hex")
+        value = b"\x04" + binascii.unhexlify("{0:0{2}x}{1:0{2}x}".format(x, y, bytes_per_coordinate))
         if len(value) < 128:
-            length = chr(len(value))
+            length = struct.pack("U", len(value))
             n = len(value).bit_length()
-            length = chr((n + 7) / 8) + ("%0*x" % ((n + 15) / 16, len(value))).decode("hex")
-        tag = chr(0x04)
+            length = struct.pack("U", (n + 7) / 8) + binascii.unhexlify("{0:0{1}x}".format(len(value), (n + 15) / 16)))
+        tag = b"\x04"
         return tag + length + value
     def test_canned_ecdsa_p256_verify(self):
         "EC-P-256 verification test from Suite B Implementer's Guide to FIPS 186-3"
         Q = self._build_ecpoint(0x8101ece47464a6ead70cf69a6e2bd3d88691a3262d22cba4f7635eaff26680a8,
-        H = "7c3e883ddc8bd688f96eac5e9324222c8f30f9d6bb59e9c5f020bd39ba2b8377".decode("hex")
-        r = "7214bc9647160bbd39ff2f80533f5dc6ddd70ddf86bb815661e805d5d4e6f27c".decode("hex")
-        s = "7d1ff961980f961bdaa3233b6209f4013317d3e3f9e1493592dbeaa1af2bc367".decode("hex")
+        H = binascii.unhexlify("7c3e883ddc8bd688f96eac5e9324222c8f30f9d6bb59e9c5f020bd39ba2b8377")
+        r = binascii.unhexlify("7214bc9647160bbd39ff2f80533f5dc6ddd70ddf86bb815661e805d5d4e6f27c")
+        s = binascii.unhexlify("7d1ff961980f961bdaa3233b6209f4013317d3e3f9e1493592dbeaa1af2bc367")
         handle = p11.C_CreateObject(
           session           = self.session,
           CKA_CLASS         = CKO_PUBLIC_KEY,
@@ -370,9 +372,9 @@ class TestKeys(TestCase):
         "EC-P-384 verification test from Suite B Implementer's Guide to FIPS 186-3"
         Q = self._build_ecpoint(0x1fbac8eebd0cbf35640b39efe0808dd774debff20a2a329e91713baf7d7f3c3e81546d883730bee7e48678f857b02ca0,
-        H = "b9210c9d7e20897ab86597266a9d5077e8db1b06f7220ed6ee75bd8b45db37891f8ba5550304004159f4453dc5b3f5a1".decode("hex")
-        r = "a0c27ec893092dea1e1bd2ccfed3cf945c8134ed0c9f81311a0f4a05942db8dbed8dd59f267471d5462aa14fe72de856".decode("hex")
-        s = "20ab3f45b74f10b6e11f96a2c8eb694d206b9dda86d3c7e331c26b22c987b7537726577667adadf168ebbe803794a402".decode("hex")
+        H = binascii.unhexlify("b9210c9d7e20897ab86597266a9d5077e8db1b06f7220ed6ee75bd8b45db37891f8ba5550304004159f4453dc5b3f5a1")
+        r = binascii.unhexlify("a0c27ec893092dea1e1bd2ccfed3cf945c8134ed0c9f81311a0f4a05942db8dbed8dd59f267471d5462aa14fe72de856")
+        s = binascii.unhexlify("20ab3f45b74f10b6e11f96a2c8eb694d206b9dda86d3c7e331c26b22c987b7537726577667adadf168ebbe803794a402")
         handle = p11.C_CreateObject(
           session           = self.session,
           CKA_CLASS         = CKO_PUBLIC_KEY,
@@ -422,13 +424,13 @@ class TestKeys(TestCase):
     def assertRawRSASignatureMatches(self, handle, plain, sig):
         pubkey = self._extract_rsa_public_key(handle)
         result = pubkey.encrypt(sig, 0)[0]
-        prefix = "\x00\x01" if False else "\x01" # XXX
-        expect = prefix + "\xff" * (len(result) - len(plain) - len(prefix) - 1) + "\x00" + plain
+        prefix = b"\x00\x01" if False else b"\x01" # XXX
+        expect = prefix + b"\xff" * (len(result) - len(plain) - len(prefix) - 1) + b"\x00" + plain
         self.assertEqual(result, expect)
     def test_gen_sign_verify_tralala_rsa_1024(self):
         "Generate/sign/verify with RSA-1024 (no hashing, message to be signed not a hash at all)"
-        tralala = "tralala-en-hopsasa"
+        tralala = b"tralala-en-hopsasa"
         public_key, private_key = p11.C_GenerateKeyPair(
             self.session, CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, CKA_MODULUS_BITS = 1024,
             CKA_ID = "RSA-1024", CKA_SIGN = True, CKA_VERIFY = True, CKA_TOKEN = True)
@@ -444,7 +446,7 @@ class TestKeys(TestCase):
         "Generate/sign/verify with RSA-3416 (no hashing, message to be signed not a hash at all)"
         if not args.all_tests:
             self.skipTest("Key length not a multiple of 32, so expected to fail (very slowly)")
-        tralala = "tralala-en-hopsasa"
+        tralala = b"tralala-en-hopsasa"
         public_key, private_key = p11.C_GenerateKeyPair(
             self.session, CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, CKA_MODULUS_BITS = 3416,
             CKA_ID = "RSA-3416", CKA_SIGN = True, CKA_VERIFY = True, CKA_TOKEN = True)
@@ -562,7 +564,7 @@ class TestKeys(TestCase):
             0F 1F 86 AF 45 25 4D 8F E1 1F C9 EA B3 83 4A 41
             17 C1 42 B7 43 AD 51 5E F5 A2 F8 E3 25
-        tbs = "".join(chr(int(i, 16)) for i in tbs.split())
+        tbs = binascii.unhexlify("".join(tbs.split()))
         p11.C_SignInit(self.session, CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS, private_key)
         p11.C_SignUpdate(self.session, tbs)
         sig = p11.C_SignFinal(self.session)
@@ -581,7 +583,7 @@ class TestKeys(TestCase):
     def _find_objects(self, chunk_size = 10, template = None, **kwargs):
         p11.C_FindObjectsInit(self.session, template, **kwargs)
         for handle in p11.C_FindObjects(self.session, chunk_size):
-            self.assertIsInstance(handle, (int, long))
+            self.assertIsInstance(handle, (int, int))
     @unittest.skipUnless(pycrypto_loaded, "requires PyCrypto")

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